[Abstract]:In 2004, the first document of the CPC Central Committee pointed out: "migrant workers who enter the city for employment have become an important part of industrial workers." On the one hand, migrant workers are an important part of the working class, of course have the right to join and organize trade unions. On the other hand, it is the most direct and effective way to increase the degree of organization of migrant workers to absorb migrant workers to join trade unions and to manage themselves in an organized way. It is also the best choice to better realize the protection of the interests of migrant workers. Based on the investigation of the current situation of migrant workers joining trade unions in Dezhou City, this paper analyzes the existing problems, draws lessons from the experience of advanced regions, and tries to find an effective way to promote the migrant workers in Dezhou City to join trade unions. The first chapter mainly describes the background of the thesis. In recent years, all kinds of problems encountered by migrant workers in their life and work have been highlighted, and migrant workers are urgently required to join trade unions in order to protect their own interests and strengthen organized management. Foreign experts and scholars compared to the more systematic and in-depth study of the problem, in reality with the issue of migrant workers highlighted, in recent years, our country has made significant progress in both theoretical research and practical exploration of the problem. Through the field investigation, this paper finds out the actual situation of the migrant workers joining the trade union in Dezhou, analyzes the main problems of joining the trade union in Texas, explores the establishment of an effective trade union organization model and unblocked the path of protecting the rights and interests of migrant workers. The second chapter mainly introduces the related concepts and theoretical basis of migrant workers joining trade unions. Migrant workers mainly refer to migrant workers in cities. Hard work, low quality of life, monotonous cultural life, lack of security and sense of belonging are their commonalities. Safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers is the basic duty of trade unions. Trade unions can effectively reduce the cost of protecting migrant workers' rights by providing them with organizational protection and assistance. Chapter three mainly describes the investigation and analysis of migrant workers joining trade unions in Dezhou. In order to understand the situation of migrant workers joining trade unions in Dezhou, Dezhou Federation of Trade unions had conducted questionnaires and held forums. According to the survey results, from the employers, trade unions and migrant workers for targeted analysis of the tripartite main body. The fourth chapter mainly describes the development experience of migrant workers joining trade unions in advanced areas of China. Many areas are also constantly exploring the new model of migrant workers joining trade unions, such as Zhejiang Province, the source of membership to seize residence permits to develop migrant workers to join the work; On the basis of analyzing the actual situation of their own area, Lianyungang's different places join the association, and combine the migrant workers' inflow into more areas to carry out the work of joining the association of migrant workers. Directly elected trade unions in Guangzhou allow migrant workers to elect their own safe leaders and have their own spokesmen. The fifth chapter mainly describes the countermeasures to promote the participation of migrant workers in Dezhou, including: first, improve the relevant supporting measures. To reform the household registration system. Trade union and unit of choose and employ persons should increase propaganda dynamics, strengthen each side ideological understanding. Improve relevant laws and regulations and strengthen legal supervision. Second, strengthen the functional operation of trade unions. Strengthen the construction of trade unions, promote the effective allocation of trade unions, and actively explore a mass and extensive trade union organization system. Third, establish an effective trade union organization model. Draw lessons from the Shouguang City Federation of Trade unions regional model, Texas reasonable division of the region. Set up trade union federation. Pilot projects will be carried out in industries with more migrant workers. Fourth, promote the change of the concept of the employer and the improvement of the system. The change of concept is fundamental, and the perfection of system is the guarantee. Fifth, improve the quality of migrant workers themselves. Strengthen training, pay attention to the effectiveness and long-term nature of training, cultivate migrant workers to form a modern way of life, improve their scientific and cultural level.
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