2.2 Previous Studies of Major Modes of Bilingual Instruction
2.2.1 Major Modes of Bilingual Instruction
Nowadays more and more scholars agree that an appropriate bilingual instructionmode is the key to success of bilingual instruction (Yu Liming & Han Jianxia, 2003;Chen Xiaoyi, 2005; Han Jianxia & Yu Liming, 2007; Huang Chongling, 2008; CaiJigang, 2010). Studies of bilingual instruction in foreign countries have a longerhistory than that in China. Classification of modes on bilingual instruction abroadmay shed light upon the study in China. Modes of Bilingual Instruction Abroad
Colin Baker (2001) has divided bilingual instruction into 10 types: submersionbilingual instruction, submersion instruction with withdraw class, segregationist,transitional bilingual instruction, mainstream with foreign language instruction,separatist minority language instruction, immersion bilingual instruction, maintenanceinstruction, two-way bilingual instruction and mainstream bilingual instruction.Among them, the first 6 species belonging to weak forms of bilingual instruction andthe later 4 belong to strong forms of bilingual instruction (Wang Binhua, 2003, p. 66).
Among various types of bilingual instruction modes, the immersion bilingualinstruction mode enjoys great popularity in the international context. Besides, thereare the transitional bilingual instruction, the maintenance bilingual instruction and thetwo-way bilingual instruction which are also well known in the field (Baker, 2006). Inthe following parts, the immersion bilingual instruction mode, the transitionalbilingual instruction mode and the maintenance bilingual instruction mode arereviewed one by one.
Chapter Three Methodology .............27
3.1 Research Questions...............27
3.2 Research Design.................27
3.2.1 Participants.................28
3.2.2 Instruments.................29
3.2.3 Procedures...................32
3.3 Data Collection ................33
Chapter Four Results and Discussion ...........35
4.1 Results.................35
4.1.1 Results of the Questionnaire Survey.................35
4.1.2 Results of theInterviews............42
4.1.3 Results of the Classroom Observation........43
4.2 Discussion ...............44
4.2.1 Discussion of Research Question One.............44
4.2.2 Discussion of Research Question Two.............46
4.2.3 Discussion of Research Question Three ................46
4.3 Summary ....................47
Chapter Five Conclusions ......................49
5.1 Major Findings.....................49
5.2 Pedagogical Implications ...................50
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions .................51
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
4.1 Results
4.1.1 Results of the Questionnaire Survey
The questionnaire can be divided into three main parts, and each part consists ofseveral aspects. The final grade of the 22 closed ended questions is 100 points. Thegeneral situation is presented in table [4.1].
Among the 120 students, 118 students’ final scores are more than 60 marks,including 13 students who achieve over 80 points, 84 students over 70 points and 20students over 60 points, which accounts for 98.33% of the total. And there are 84students’ scores ranging from 70 points to 80 points, which accounts for 70% of the total. This indicates that most students held positive attitudes toward the transitional bilingual instruction mode.
To draw the conclusion more directly and to get more detailed information,students’ choices of each question are need to be analyzed.
Chapter Five Conclusions
5.1 Major Findings
Through analyzing previous studies on bilingual instruction modes in westernuniversities within the framework of Bronfenbrenner’s ecosystem model (1979), thepresent research aims to answer the question whether the transitional bilingualinstruction mode suits the educational environment in the west region of China.
The author probed into the bilingual classroom to find out the appropriateness ofthe transitional bilingual instruction mode for bilingual teaching in the western regionof China. A case study was carried out at SISU in the course of International Relationswhich to some extent represents the general situation of bilingual instruction in thewestern area of China. Altogether 123 students and 3 bilingual teachers wereparticipated in the experiment. Through further analysis of the statistical data, it isobvious that attitudes of the students and teachers towards the transitional bilingualinstruction mode were positive. Most of them thought the transitional bilingualinstruction mode is appropriate for their studying and teaching. However, someproblems that cannot be ignored are also revealed.
Firstly, students are not fully involved in the class. Reported by students in thequestionnaire, most students regard listening and reading skills as the most improvedone during their study, while their speaking and practicing opportunity is limited andthe collaborative work is also not well developed. The imperfection is not only drawnfrom questionnaires filled out by students but also interviews with teachers. Reflectedfrom the conversation between the author and the teachers, teachers admitted that theycannot spare too much time on class activities due to the tight arrangement of thesyllabus. As a result, sometimes students cannot be fully involved in the class. Thisarrangement placed restrictions on students’ initiative. The lack of participation poseddifficulties for mobilizing students’ enthusiasm as well as developing their capabilityof discovering, analyzing and resolving problems.
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