2.2 Basic Concepts of Lexical Chunks
Lexical chunks began to attract linguists’ and language researchers’ attention at 60’sor 70’s in the 20thcentury. Many language researchers found that both children and adultsencountered the learning of “chunks” in their language learning process[13]. These“chunks” are unanalyzed and prefabricated. They are remembered, stored and retrieved asa whole[14]. In 1980’s, with the development of computer technology, many large-scalecorpuses have been set up to analyze lexical chunks. Lots of data analysis showed that lexical chunks existed everywhere in language use. Through London-Lund Corpus,Altenberg found that about 70 percent of the daily conversations of adults wereprefabricated. Lexical chunks gained more attention and many linguists began to doresearches about how to correlate lexical chunks with language learning and teaching.Now an overall review of the basic concepts of lexical chunks will be introduced infollowing sections, including its definition, classification and identification.
Chapter Three Experiment Design.........25
3.1 Purpose of the Experiment.........25
3.2 Research Questions••25
3.3 Research Subjects .........26
3.4 Instruments .........26
3.5 Data Collection.........27
3.6 Teaching Experiment .........27
Chapter Four Experimental Teaching Procedures.........29
4.1 Teaching Plan Guided by Constructivism .........29
4.2 Experimental Teaching Procedures.........29
Chapter Five Results and Analysis .........35
5.1 Statistics of Oral English Scores in Pre-test and Post-test.........35
5.2 Statistics of Lexical Chunks Used in Pre-test and Post-test ......... 37
5.3 Indexes of Participants’ Oral English Performance......... 39
5.4 Discussion for the Research Questions.........41
Chapter Five Results and Analysis
5.1 Statistics of Oral English Scores in Pre-test and Post-test
The full mark for both tests is 100. The author typed all the marks into computer andused SPSS 19.0 to do statistical analysis.The following Table 5-1 is descriptive statistics of oral English scores ofexperimental class and control class in the pre-test and post-test. From the above Table 5-1 we know that the oral English scores of both tests are closeto normal distribution because the value of Skewness and Kurtosis is between +1 and -1. This basically shows that the two tests are valid and reasonable. From the above Table 5-1,we can also see the mean scores of both classes in the pre-test are very close to each other,only 1.1667 in difference. While in the post-test, the gap has increased. The mean score ofthe experimental class is 8.48 higher than that of the control class.After the above statistics, the author has also done independent sample test on theoral English scores of both tests for the two classes to see if there’s significant differencebetween them, as following Table 5-2 shows.
In this part, the author will summarize the whole research, find out limitations of thestudy and make suggestions for future researches.This empirical study is about whether lexical chunk based teaching can improvebusiness English students’ oral English competence in higher vocational college and how.The instruments employed in this research are interview, questionnaire, pre-test andpost-test. The interview and the questionnaire are to find out problems lying in students’oral English learning and lexis learning status. Then, a lexical chunk based teaching planguided by Constructivism has been made according to the result of the questionnaire andhas been carried out in experimental class. The pre-test is to find out participants’command of lexical chunks as well as their oral English competence. And the post-test isto check the effectiveness of lexical chunk-based teaching in improving participants’ oralEnglish competence.
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