发布时间:2014-09-17 08:50
4.1Introduction of the chapter
This part is all about the findings and the analysis. The chapter contains three sections includingthe introduction section. Section 4.2 presents the demographics of the respondents and last issection 4.3 which is subdivided into four sections in order to test all the four hypothesizesseparately. The regression analysis models are employed to test the hypotheses.This chapter has presented the findings in terms of tables, and it contains a total of 12 tables, andsome findings are in figures, thereby contains a total of 6 figures.
This study uses the online survey technique to collect the primary data. Creation of thetemporary link was through The respondents were required to click on thelink that was The link would direct them to fill onthe questionnaire online. Distribution of a questionnaire link was through the use of personalcontacts on facebook, skype and email addresses, friends shared the link with their families andother friends too. The online link created was distributed to about 700 people, the response ratewas 385 filled in, and this represented a 55% response rate.Analysis of the collected data was through the use of SPSS 18 software. Engagement of thedescriptive statistics and multiple regression models to examine the relationship and the strengthbetween the dependent variable and independent variables.
4.2 The demographic profile of the respondents
The study uses 385 respondents to represent the population. The demographic profile of therespondents composes of these variables; age, gender, education, occupation, marital status andnationality. The following table contains the demographic variables of the respondents.
The above table shows that none of the respondents are in the age of below 20 nor above the ageof 69. This may imply that, the respondents below the age of 20 years old are not travelers,or ifso then they are not actively involved in the search for the hotel online. Thus,the sameimplication may be referred to the respondents of the age above 69. The age group of 30-39contains the largest percentage than any other age groups which accounts for 36.36%, and thismay imply that, they are mostly active travelers and they are mostly active age group in using theinternet to search for the hotel. But in general, most of the respondents are contained in the threeage groups which are 20-29, 30 -39 and 40-49 in total they account for 87.79% of all therespondents. The following pie chart shows a clear illustration. As far as the gender of the respondents is concerned, the table 4.1 above illustrates that, thepercentage of females slightly exceed the percentage of males. Females account for 57.66%while males account for 42.34%. This may have two general implications; firstly, it may implythat females were more willingly to respond to the survey, secondly, females are involving morein travel planning in terms of searching/booking for the hotels online in contrast to the males.The next pie chart makes a clear display of the findings.
5.1 Introduction of the chapter
This last chapter composes of four sub-sections including; discussion about the findings,conclusion, managerial implications and recommendations and last it provides the directions forthe future research.
To ensure the observation of internal consistency, reliability test has been carried. Reliability isexplained by (Field, 2005), just means that the scale should be consistently reflecting theconstruct it is measuring. (Field, 2005) added that, one way to think of this is that, other thingsbeing equal, a person should get the same score on the questionnaire if they complete it at twodifferent points in time (this is called test-retest reliability). To measure the internal consistenceCronbach's alpha has been used. Cronbach's alpha in the words of (Bruin, 2006) is explained asa measure of internal consistency, that is, how closely related set of items are as a group. A”high” value of alpha is often used (along with substantive arguments and possibly otherstatistical measures) as evidence that the items measure an underlying (or latent) construct.Cronbach alpha value is obtained by the following formula.
5.2 Discussion of the findings
This study investigates the influence of demographic variables on reading the online hote reviews. It studies the six demographic variables which are age, gender, occupation,education,marital status and nationality. It investigates the reading frequency as well as the readingintensity from both two sources, user generated sources as well as experts' generated sources.The following are the discussions related to it.
As far as the reading frequency of the traveler's reviews is concerned, the findings describe that,52.00% of the respondents always read the online consumer reviews while searching for hotels.On the other hand, 30.80% do not read the online consumer reviews and 17.20 % sometimesread the online consumer reviews. Thus, a total of 69.20% consider reading travelers' reviewsbecause is a useful source of information during searching or booking. Results are similar withthat obtained in the research of (Lewis and Chambers, 2000),who propounded that,travelerswho rely on hotel reviews usually seek to increase the value for money. Findings also similar toresults presented in the consecutive studies of (Gretzel,& Yoo, 2007; 2008) that more than57.8% tend to read other travelers online reviews every time. Findings on the relationshipanalysis depict that demographic variables determine the reading frequency of the travelers'reviews by 57.70%. Therefore, 42.30% is due to other variables that can be; travellingexperience; whether one is a frequent traveler or not,purpose of the trip; whether a leisure tripversus business trip, planned versus unplanned trip as explained by (Gretzel & Yoo; 2007). Othercontributors may be income factor, the nature of the hotel; looking upon the star ratings, as wellas the internet experience of the travelers. As cited by (Zhu & Zhang; 2010),several field studies confirm that internet experience is positively correlated with the frequency of using the internetto gather information (Kehoe et al., 1999; Palmquist and Kim, 2000; Weiser, 2000) and searchperformance (Lazonder et al. 2000). Nevertheless, (Novonty, 2004), similarly finds that a lack ofinternet experience affects user persistence and often leads to quick abandonment of internet asan information source.
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