本文关键词: 居住证制度 统一户籍 劳动力市场城乡整合 人力资本 全样本指数基准 转换回归模型 出处:《浙江大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In 2014 the State Council promulgated "on further reform of the household registration system views", proposed the abolition of agricultural and non-agricultural household distinction, establish a unified household registration system in.2015 663rd, the State Council announced the "Provisional Regulations on the residence permit >, districts in the country where the city establish residence permit system to a residence permit as a carrier, conditional in the floating population into the city to give public services and rights. Since then, the old household registration system as a long-term urban-rural split sign came to an end, with equal rights for urban and rural residents, the equalization of public services for the new household registration system began to implement the guiding ideology, this is a major event in China reform, especially the factor of labor the configuration will have a profound impact on the urban and rural production factors. Theoretical research and empirical test of impact of the reform of the household registration system based on integration of urban and rural labor market Experience, trying to answer the following questions: the reform of the household registration system in what will be the influence mechanism of urban and rural labor market integration; how to affect the employment choice of rural labor mobility; the rural labor's wage, to the effect of social security. The thesis consists of seven chapters. The first chapter is introduction. The second chapter of the domestic and foreign related the research literature systematically, introduces the related research achievements of the household registration system and the labor market of urban and rural integration. The third chapter is the theoretical analysis of the reform of the household registration system of urban and rural labor market integration of the influence factors and mechanism, focuses on the analysis of institutional change, human capital, social capital affect the integration of the labor market. The fourth chapter, the fifth chapter several labor market index, jobs, wages, social insurance participation rate, the actual effect of the new household registration system is not the same dimension The empirical test. The sixth chapter is policy recommendations. Finally is the conclusion of this study, further research directions and the shortage. The main conclusions are as follows: first, in full recognition of the new household registration system to break the division between urban and rural areas, promote the equalization of public services, the elimination of urban and rural labor mobility barriers, reduce the labor market household discrimination etc. the positive effect at the same time, should also see its limited function. The division of urban and rural labor market segmentation and the identity of the residents are two different categories. There is no difference in the level of urban and rural residents of foreign mature market economy, but there are still two yuan labor market ". It Chinese actual, new the reform of the household registration system of urban and rural labor market integration is subject to four factors: one is the limitation of the reform of the household registration system itself. Different city set a different threshold In order to obtain a residence permit and residence permit bound the rights, many of the original rural hukou status of labor is difficult to cross the threshold have the same access to transfer target city residence and the corresponding rights and interests, the reform of the household registration system after the formal equality, substantial inequality still exists. The two level of the labor market is limited a large number of agriculture accounts. The identity of the rural labor force already flows into the two stage of labor market, two from the labor market to the level of the labor market is still not flow barriers are eliminated by the reform of the household registration system. The three is the difference of human capital. The income gap between urban and rural isolation caused by the past and are still in the different urban and rural public resources the allocation of policy led to the original "agricultural accounts" human capital is far lower than the "non account" the identity of the urban migrant workers, leading them in the labor market In the employment disadvantage. Four is the difference of social capital. The population of city occupied public resources, public services to the rural labor mobility advantage leads to the isolation of the rural labor movement makes the exclusion, social networks tend to low income, low quality of their social network in the labor market employment, income will be generated adverse effects. These factors hinder the reform of the household registration system, will not automatically disappear. Secondly, the household registration and human capital by switching regression model on the labor market of urban and rural employment opportunities for differences in test, the empirical results show that: the reform of the household registration system is not in the dimension of the immediate employment opportunities to promote urban and rural integration, "the form of equality" the household registration and education still limits the original rural labor mobility into a labor market is still a monopoly of urban workers Department of employment, the original rural labor mobility in high proportion in the two level internal departments; in the labor market, whether it is a department or two departments, urban workers overwhelmingly occupy good industry and occupation categories, the original rural labor mobility is still curled up in a poor industry occupation categories. Again, the Blinder-Oaxaca of urban and rural labor market wage differences in the two social security and medical insurance -- decomposition model of urban and rural pension insurance participation rate of household registration and the difference of human capital in the role of test, the empirical results show that: "the reform of the household registration system form equal" to promote the integration of urban and rural area in the wage dimension, but not in the promotion of urban and rural social security dimensions the integration of human capital differences become almost the only factor of urban labor and raw wage differentials of rural labor mobility, and "formal equality" household registration And the difference of human capital have become an important factor in urban labor and rural labor mobility in two social security differences. Based on the above conclusions, this paper proposed to further improve the reform of the household registration system, promote the urban and rural labor market integration, improve the rural labor employment status of the policy recommendations.
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