本文关键词:椎动脉型颈椎病患者中医证素分布及其与血清内皮素、超氧化物歧化酶的相关性研究 出处:《北京中医药大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 椎动脉型颈椎病 中医证素 血浆内皮素 超氧化物歧化酶 相关性
[Abstract]:Objective: 1 to explore the TCM syndrome of cervical spondylosis of vertebral artery type element features, including the syndrome elements of disease location and disease syndrome characteristics, and different gender, different age patients with disease syndrome factor, disease syndrome difference.2 of vertebral artery type of cervical spondylosis patients serum endothelial factor (ET). The plasma superoxide dismutase (SOD) concentration and characteristics in different gender, different age differences in the distribution of the.3 of patients with vertebral artery type cervical spondylosis syndrome and serum endothelin, correlation between plasma superoxide dismutase. Methods: to collect diagnostic data of 114 cases of patients with vertebral artery type cervical spondylosis according to the method of TCM syndrome differentiation, according to Professor Zhu Wenfeng "syndrome study on syndrome elements of disease location, disease syndrome diagnostic criteria of diagnostic data classification, statistics, clear characteristics of patients with vertebral artery type of cervical spondylosis syndrome, analysis of patients with cervical spondylosis of vertebral artery type of traditional Chinese Medicine The distribution characteristics of the syndrome elements. At the same time, serum ET, SOD levels were detected, clear ET patients with vertebral artery type of cervical spondylosis, the distribution characteristics of SOD concentration. Logistic regression was used for analysis of TCM syndrome factors and plasma ET, the relationship between the level of SOD. Results: 1. The characteristics of disease and syndrome of cervical vertebral artery: (1) the characteristics of syndrome elements of disease location and disease syndrome: 114 cases of patients with vertebral artery type cervical spondylosis common disease syndrome in spleen and liver kidney heart and stomach, common solid syndrome followed by cold damp heat blood stasis and qi stagnation, common asthenia symptom were Qi Yin deficiency Yang Yang (2). Between different sex and age distribution characteristics: male stomach syndrome, qi stagnation, deficiency of Yang, yang hyperactivity syndrome integral is lower than female, damp syndrome integral is higher than female (P0.05). The elderly liver symptom factors significantly lower than that of the middle-aged, blood deficiency score greater than that of the middle-aged, middle-aged heart syndrome integral youth (greater than P0.05.2), cervical vertebral artery type ET patients with vertebral disease, the concentration characteristics of SOD: (1) patients with vertebral artery type cervical spondylosis ET levels were significantly higher than the normal population, the level of SOD was significantly lower than that of normal people. (2) vertebral artery type of cervical spondylosis of different sex between ET and SOD distribution (3). There was no difference in patients with vertebral artery type of Cervical Spondylosis among different age ET distribution is different, the distribution of SOD had no significant difference in middle-aged and elderly patients with ET was significantly higher than that in the young group, no significant difference between middle-aged and elderly group.3, ET level ET, the correlation between SOD features and syndrome: regression analysis showed that ET is the kidney, blood stasis, heat syndrome risk factors (0R = 1.61,2.72,1.376), SOD is a hot syndrome risk factors (OR = 0.513,0.4321). Conclusion: 1. The characteristics of TCM syndrome of vertebral artery type of cervical spondylosis: (1) kidney, spleen disease, mainly for cervical spondylosis of vertebral artery type of liver. (2) patients with vertebral artery type cervical spondylosis solid syndrome mainly Cold, wet, blood stasis, deficiency syndromes are mainly Qi deficiency, yin deficiency, blood deficiency.2, cervical spondylosis of vertebral artery type ET concentration is higher than the normal population, the concentration of SOD was significantly lower than that of normal people. In middle-aged and elderly patients ET concentration is higher than the young group of.3, ET increased when patients are more prone to renal pathological changes, blood stasis, heat when the SOD is lowered, more prone to stomach, pathological changes of wet.
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