发布时间:2021-03-21 03:45
近年来,纳米医学及其相关研究正在飞速发展。全球基于纳米医学的产业规模亦快速扩张,目前已形成估值1600亿美元的庞大市场。纳米技术在纳米医学中有广泛的应用,包括药物输送,纳米造影剂,纳米生物材料,纳米药物和医学纳米机器人等。功能性纳米材料的特性对纳米医学应用的影响是纳米医学研究的重要方向。前人研究表明,纳米材料的尺度、形状和表面功能化等理化特性均不同程度影响细胞对其的摄取效率。硅纳米材料由于自身良好的生物相容性,优异的半导体性能和深厚的产业基础在药物递送,纳米传感器,纳米机器人等纳米医学研发方向上极具应用前景。其中硅纳米棒作为一种高纵横比的一维材料,被细胞摄取的机制尚未明晰。本研究通过新型刻蚀技术方案制作直径和长度可控的硅纳米棒,并对其表面涂覆肿瘤细胞膜蛋白功能化;同时,结合成像流式、荧光共聚焦显微镜和电镜等技术系统定量分析硅纳米棒细胞摄取效率。本研究集中探讨了表面功能化对硅纳米棒细胞摄取的影响。我们通过多种不同方式证明细胞膜蛋白提取物确实涂覆于硅纳米棒表面。透射电镜直接观测到经涂覆处理的硅纳米棒上出现19.09 ± 0.47 nm的薄层。蛋白银染检测涂覆硅纳米棒与膜蛋白提取物有一致的条...
【文章来源】:南京大学江苏省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:117 页
Chapter I Literature Reviews
1.1 Nanomedicine and Nano-Bio interface
1.2 Physicochemical properties of nanoparticles
1.2.1 Size effect on nano-bio interface
1.2.2 Shape effect on nano-bio interface
1.2.3 Surface modification to improve cellular internalization
1.3 Mechanisms of Cellular Internalization
1.3.1 Phagocytosis
1.3.2 Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
1.3.3 Caveolae-mediated endocytosis
1.3.4 Clathrin- and caveolae-independent endocytosis
1.4 Interactions at nano-bio interface
1.4.1 the Solid-Liquid microenvironment in the context of in vitro cell culture
1.5 Silicon nanorod
1.5.1 Fabrication techniques of Silicon nanorod
1.5.2 Recent progress in SiNR-cell interface research
1.6 Thesis statement & Justification
Chapter Ⅱ Systemic analysis the cell internalization efficiency of cell membrane proteinscoated SiNR
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Materials and Methods
2.3 Results
2.3.1 Fabrication of Size-Controllable Silicon Nanorod
2.3.2 Surface modification of SiNR with Membrane Protein
2.3.3 Membrane Proteins indeed coated on the surface of SiNR
2.3.4 SiNR Internalization Efficiency Is also Determined by Target Cells
2.4 Discussion
Chapter Ⅲ Exploring cell intrinsic factors affected on cell membrane proteins coated siliconnanorod
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Materials and Methods
3.3 Results
3.3.1 Cell Membrane Proteomics Analysis and Gene Ontology on Cancer CellInternalization
3.3.2 ATXN2 Is a Negative Regulator of Nanorod Internalization
3.4 Discussion
【文章来源】:南京大学江苏省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:117 页
Chapter I Literature Reviews
1.1 Nanomedicine and Nano-Bio interface
1.2 Physicochemical properties of nanoparticles
1.2.1 Size effect on nano-bio interface
1.2.2 Shape effect on nano-bio interface
1.2.3 Surface modification to improve cellular internalization
1.3 Mechanisms of Cellular Internalization
1.3.1 Phagocytosis
1.3.2 Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
1.3.3 Caveolae-mediated endocytosis
1.3.4 Clathrin- and caveolae-independent endocytosis
1.4 Interactions at nano-bio interface
1.4.1 the Solid-Liquid microenvironment in the context of in vitro cell culture
1.5 Silicon nanorod
1.5.1 Fabrication techniques of Silicon nanorod
1.5.2 Recent progress in SiNR-cell interface research
1.6 Thesis statement & Justification
Chapter Ⅱ Systemic analysis the cell internalization efficiency of cell membrane proteinscoated SiNR
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Materials and Methods
2.3 Results
2.3.1 Fabrication of Size-Controllable Silicon Nanorod
2.3.2 Surface modification of SiNR with Membrane Protein
2.3.3 Membrane Proteins indeed coated on the surface of SiNR
2.3.4 SiNR Internalization Efficiency Is also Determined by Target Cells
2.4 Discussion
Chapter Ⅲ Exploring cell intrinsic factors affected on cell membrane proteins coated siliconnanorod
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Materials and Methods
3.3 Results
3.3.1 Cell Membrane Proteomics Analysis and Gene Ontology on Cancer CellInternalization
3.3.2 ATXN2 Is a Negative Regulator of Nanorod Internalization
3.4 Discussion