
发布时间:2018-01-10 17:32

  本文关键词:微视频教学资源在初中英语听力教学中的实验研究 出处:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 微视频教学资源 初中英语 英语听力教学 教学模式

[Abstract]:With the popularity of the development of science and technology and the mass media, people's way of thinking, learning style and cognitive Fang Shizheng quietly changed. At the same time, came into being, rich and diverse, miniaturization, visualization, situational, open, interactive, teaching resources are more productive for students' autonomous learning and sustainable development. Micro video teaching resources as an important carrier for the dissemination of knowledge, has had a profound impact on education. Moreover, micro video teaching has become the frontier and hot topic in the field of education. Although micro video teaching has become a hotspot and frontier theory of educational technology research, but some teachers still on the micro video exists in the use of teaching resources a lot of misunderstanding. Micro video teaching resources integration map, text, sound, like other elements as a whole, can fully mobilize the various senses of learners, learners of different learning satisfaction Learning needs. If teachers can use micro video teaching resources properly, will greatly enhance the learning efficiency, enhance the teaching effect. Therefore, this research is based on the micro video application in English listening teaching can improve students' listening ability in English listening teaching, how to effectively use the micro video teaching resources of these problems. A combination of English Teaching in a middle school, discover the existing problems in English Listening Teaching in junior high schools, expounds the application effect of micro video teaching resources in English Listening Teaching in junior high school, and effective mode analysis of application of micro video teaching resources, trying to use the micro listening difficulties of video teaching resources out of English teaching, to provide resources and better methods of English listening for the future teaching. This research conforms to the current teaching resources in miniature, personalized, interactive, the development trend of production, according to the psychological characteristics of junior high school students Sign, starting from the learning of English law, combined with the cognitive theory of multimedia learning theory and audio-visual education, published by Beijing Normal University press in seven grade English textbook as an example, to explore the application effect of micro video teaching resources in English Listening Teaching in junior high school. Talk about the method and the questionnaire survey through the visit, the author found that the shortcomings of English Listening Teaching in junior high school the empirical research on the application mode of micro video teaching resources in English Listening Teaching in junior middle school, to ensure that the scientific research results and rigor. The results show that the micro video can show real teaching context, help students understand the listening content, improve their listening level. Active classroom atmosphere can not only be used in micro video teaching resources, enhance students' interest in learning, cultivate their language skills, but also can enrich the teachers' English teaching methods, promoting On the teaching mode of teachers in reform and innovation. At the same time, this study can also provide effective reference for micro video teaching resources for the day after the perfect and effective use. This thesis consists of five parts. The first part mainly introduces the research on the implementation of the background, purpose and significance of the study and the overall framework of the paper the second part focuses on the overview of related. The main theoretical basis, summarizes the domestic and foreign to the application of micro micro video and video teaching resources of the status quo, and literature review. The third part combined with the specific teaching cases, mainly discusses the specific research questions, research subjects, research methods and research process. The fourth part focus on data collection through investigation and analysis, and listening test subjects, expounds the application effect of micro video teaching resources and explore the effective teaching mode analysis. The five part includes the summary and reflection of this study, and expounds the achievements of the research, the innovation point, the shortcomings and the direction to be further studied.



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