
发布时间:2016-11-03 11:06


1   Introduction 

1.1   Research Background 
The phenomenon of politeness is an important issue under discussion in a wide range of academic and practical fields, such as psychology, sociology, pedagogy and so forth. At the same time, the phenomenon of politeness also attracts a lot of interest of linguists, and they point out that language and politeness are closely related. In  the  philosophical  sense,  it  is  language  that  makes  human  beings  different  from animals,  and  it  is  no  doubt  that  language  plays  the  main  and  fundamental  role  anytime  and anywhere in contacts of people with each other. Generally people think that language is for the  transmission  of  information.  Language,  however,  also  does  another  job:  it  involves  the management of interpersonal and social relations. Brown and Yule (1983) identify two central functions  of  language:  the  transactional  function  and  the  interactional  function,  that  is, transferring information and maintaining social relationships. They suggest that language use is either primarily transactional in focus, or primarily interactional in focus, and that the aims of  these  two  main  sorts  of  discourse  are  not  similar.  The  goal  of  transactional  speech  is  to convey information coherently, and accurately, while the goal of interactional language is to communicate  good  will  and  friendliness,  and  to  make  the  participants  feel  comfortable  and unthreatened.  Especially  for  the  reasons  that  nowadays  globalization  has  become  a  general tendency almost in every field because of the rapid development of economy, of science and of technology, and contacts among people from the same country or from different countries become  more  and  more  frequent,  much  more  attention  should  be  paid  to  the  interactional function of language. One  of  the  main  fields  of  linguistics  that  is  related  to  the  latter  function  of  language mentioned  above  is  the  study  of  politeness.  With  regard  to  politeness,  it  has  been  the  main focus of pragmatics since 1970s, from which influential politeness theories are published one after another and a large number of researches and articles on politeness appear at home and abroad.  Such  vital  theories  as  these  are  Leech’s  Politeness  Principle  (short  for  PP,  1983), Brown  and  Levinson’s  Face  Theory  (1978,  1987),  Gu  Yueguo’s  Politeness  Maxims  (1990) and  so  on.  However,  there  are  more  or  less  weaknesses  in  these  influential  theoretical frameworks  inevitably.  For  本论文由英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写,英语论文代写,代写论文,代写英语论文,代写留学生论文,代写英文论文,留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

;example,  Face  Theory  is  considered  as  the  classical  theory studying  politeness  phenomenon  (Wang  2005);  nevertheless,  it  has  its  own  deficiencies  and different critical comments on it can be seen. Taking some obvious arguments and problems in  Face  Theory  into  consideration,  Helen  Spencer-Oatey  proposes  a  modified  framework Rapport Management Theory (short for RM Theory, 2000), involving two main components: the management of face and the management of sociality rights. In addition, this innovative theory includes both harmonious and unharmonious aspect of interaction between people by language, and becomes a new development of politeness theory in recent times. 

1.2   Purpose and Significance of the Study
The present study investigates the phenomenon of politeness in TV talk shows with the support of RM Theory. Since talk shows have great influences, politeness is very important and its relevant theories are developed step by step, there are three purposes for choosing a talk show’s politeness phenomenon as the object of this study. First of all, the most influential theoretical framework related to politeness of language is Brown and Levinson’s Face Theory. Different from this classical model, RM Theory indicates four  facets  to  manage  politeness.  The  thesis  tries  to  prove  the  explanatory  power  of  RM Theory,  by  making  it  clear  that  the  politeness  between  interlocutors  can  be  managed  from sociality rights besides face, and both face and sociality rights can be understood from either personal aspect or social aspect. Next, the present study is hoped to make a complement to researches into the politeness phenomenon  in  TV  talk  shows,  and  find  out  some  manifest  and  effective  strategies  of realizing  politeness  in  the  context  of  TV  talk  shows.  In  talk  shows,  the  performance  of politeness  is  not  only  verbal  but  also  nonverbal.  In  the  meantime,  another  aim  is  to  collect some authentic expressions of English use. Finally,  the  thesis  tries  to  point  out  why  the  harmonious  effect  is  produced.  That  is,  to point out the factors that can influence the judgment of politeness. In this part, the author also lists some practical and theoretical significance of the study. Firstly,  nowadays  the  “global  village”  has  formed,  and  it  makes  the  contacts  among people  from  different  places,  groups,  cultures  and  so  on  more  and  more  frequent  and diversified day by day. Thus, keeping harmony is of great importance to everyone. Politeness phenomenon  is  the  crucial  component  of  realizing  harmonious  interpersonal  relationship. Making  a  study &nbs本论文由英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写,英语论文代写,代写论文,代写英语论文,代写留学生论文,代写英文论文,留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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p;on  politeness  in  communication  is  helpful  to  learn  some  effective communicative  strategies,  promote  affections  between  each  other,  set  up  the  harmonious society and uphold world peace. 

2   Literature Review 

The study object of this thesis is politeness phenomenon in TV talk shows. Thus in this chapter, different concepts of politeness are introduced first. Then an overview of important studies on politeness is followed. Much more attention will be given to Brown and Levinson’s Face  Theory,  from  which  RM  Theory  is  developed.  At  last,  the  development  and  previous researches into TV talk shows in the field of linguistics will be presented. 

2.1   Notions on Politeness 

It is acknowledged that politeness is “having or showing good manners and respect for the feelings of others” (Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary 2009: 1531). It is essentially cultural, social and dynamic in the sense that what is considered polite in one situation  may  be  eccentric  or  quite  rude  in  another  one.  The  phenomenon  of  politeness  in language  is  a  hot  topic  in  the  field  of  pragmatics  at  home  and  abroad.  It  is,  however, controversial,  in  that  different  scholars  have  individual  different  opinions  upon  the understanding of politeness. Bruce Fraser (1990) identifies four approaches to an account of politeness, namely, the social-norm  view,  the  conversational-maxim  view,  the  face-saving  view  and  the conversational-contract view. The social-norm view and the conversational-contract view on politeness  both  acknowledge  and  emphasize  that  social  norms,  institutions  or  conventions play a vital role in judging politeness. Politeness appears when an expression is in congruence with  a  set  of  specific  rules  in  a  society  (Fraser  1990).  Apart  from  Grice’s  Cooperative Principle  (short  for  CP,  1975)  and  Leech’s  PP  (1983),  the  conversational-maxim  view  also involves the accounts of politeness from Lakoff (1973, 1979). Grice’s CP is the basis of this view, and inspired by him, Lakoff and Leech make an effort to account for politeness. In order to realize cooperation or politeness, the three ones all work out maxims for interlocutors, so that politeness can be treated as a device to avoid or reduce friction and make interlocutors feel  good  with  each  other.  Lakoff  (1973)  suggests  two  rules  of  Pragmatic  Competence:  Be Clear (essentially Grice’s maxims) and Be Polite. The latter contains three sub-rules: (1)Don’t Impose  (used  when  Formal/Impersonal  Politeness is  required);  (2)Give  Options  (used  when Informal  Politeness  is  requir本论文由英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写,英语论文代写,代写论文,代写英语论文,代写留学生论文,代写英文论文,,留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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ed);  (3)Make  A  Feel  Good  (used  when  Intimate  Politeness  is required). CP’s and PP’s maxims will be explained in detail in the following part. Brown and Levinson’s Face Theory (1978, 1987) is a typical face-saving view. In their politeness model, ‘face’ is a key point which is made up of positive face and negative face. To be polite is to satisfy the desire of one’s face, the public self image. 



2.2   An Overview of Studies on Politeness
In  1967,  the  American  philosopher  of  language  H.P.  Grice  delivered  his  well-known William  James  Lectures  at  Harvard  University.  In  his  second  lecture  entitled  Logic  and Conversation, Grice puts forward the Cooperative Principle (short for CP). In his eyes, when people are interacting by language, normally, they more or less take efforts to adjust to this kind of cooperation, in that interlocutors to some extent have one or more common purpose(s), or  have  a  mutually  acceptant  conversational direction. In the course  of  communication,  one basic principle which people consciously or unconsciously obey is ‘Cooperative Principle’. It runs  as  follows:  “Make  your  conversational  contribution  such  as  is  required,  at  the  stage  at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged”  (Huang  2009:  25).  Accordingly,  Grice  again  divides  it  into  nine  maxims  of conversation  classified  into  four  categories,  namely,  quality,  quantity,  relation,  and  manner. That is to say, what one says, in a successful communication, should be truthful with relevant appropriate  information  in  a  perspicuous  way.  However,  what  Grice  cares  about  is  the function  of  these  maxims  as  researchers  interpret  the  way  one  addresser  often  intends  to express  much  more  than  what  he/she  practically  utters  (Blakemore  1992:26).   Conversational Implicature is right resulted from violating maxims of CP. 

3   Rapport Management as Theoretical Framework ........... 20
3.1   Introduction to Rapport Management ......... 20
3.1.1   Quality Face and Identity Face .......... 20
3.1.2   Equity Rights and Association Rights ....... 21
3.2   Rapport-Management Strategy Domains .... 22
3.3   Factors Influencing Strategy Use ........ 23
3.3.1   Rapport Orientation ........... 23
3.3.2   Contextual Variables.......... 24
3.3.3   Pragmatic Conventions ..... 26
4   Analysis of Politeness in The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.......... 27
4.1   An Introduction to The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon .... 27
4.2   Four Types of Politeness ..... 28
4.3   The Realization of Politeness ...... 29
4.4   Reasons 本论文由英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写,英语论文代写,代写论文,代写英语论文,代写留学生论文,代写英文论文,留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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for Realizing Politeness ........ 49
5   Conclusion .... 51
5.1   Major Findings of the Study ........ 51
5.2   Implications of the Study .... 53
5.3   Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research ..... 53

4   Analysis of Politeness in The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon from the Perspective of RM Theory 

4.1   An Introduction to The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 
The  study  object  of  this  thesis is the phenomenon of politeness  in  TV  talk  shows.  The utterances  in  TV  talk  shows  are  authentic  data.  In  this  thesis,  the  data  is  from  The  Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. The Tonight Show is a late-night talk show in the United States and  has  aired  on  NBC  since  1954.  It  is  the  longest  currently  running,  regularly  scheduled entertainment program in America, and the third-longest-running show on NBC after Meet the Press  and  Today  (  Tonight  Show).  The  Tonight  Show  has experienced  nine  hosts  among  whom  the  incumbent  host  is  Jimmy  Fallon.  He  assumes  the hosting role on February 17, 2014 and then the show is named as The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. The program now is broadcast at night from Monday to Friday and primarily consists  of  host’s  monologue,  the  interview  of  guests  and  the  performance  of  the  invited singers  in  most  cases  or  the  stand-up  show  sometimes,  which  are  in  sequence  during  about forty minutes. In the part of interview, two or three guests are invited by the host Jimmy. In addition, some small games or funny sketches can be seen at the fixed date, such as Lip Flip, Tonight Show Hashtags etc. So this talk show is an entertainment program apart from a talk show. As the successor of host Jay Leno, Jimmy Fallon is multi-talented. Jimmy was a funny monodrama  actor.  Fallon’s  version  of  The  Tonight  Show  is  nearly  identical  to  the  format  of Late Night he employed before, as he imports many of his signature comedy bits and much of his Late Night staff, including house band The Roots and announcer Steve Higgins. Fallon’s performance  makes  himself  popular  and  guarantees  the  quality  and  audience  rating  of  the program. 


Pursuing  rapport  is  the  important  reflection  of  human  beings’  reason.  Politeness  is  the best way to achieve rapport. Politeness is closely bound up with people’s life and can be seen everywhere. In TV talk shows, the phenomenon of politeness is essential. This thesis mainly analyzes the phenomenon of politeness in The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon from the perspective  of  RM  Theory.  In  this  chapter,  the  autho本论文由英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写,英语论文代写,代写论文,代写英语论文,代写留学生论文,代写英文论文,留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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r  concludes  the  major  findings  of politeness in the study and finds out some limitations, and tries to give some suggestions for the following and further study. In this thesis, the author employs the RM Theory and carries out a qualitative study on politeness  in  the  circumstance  of  television  program,  by  taking  The  Tonight  Show  Starring Jimmy  Fallon  as  an  example.  After  review  and  analysis,  some  points  of  findings  read  as follows. First and foremost, under the guidance of RM Theory, there are four types of politeness in The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. This differentiation about politeness amends the politeness classification of Face Theory, which makes politeness more specific.   Rapport Management Theory provides a fresh perspective to explain the phenomenon of  politeness  and  it  mainly  amends  the  Face  Theory.  In  Face  Theory,  face  is  divided  into positive face and negative face. In daily linguistic communication, there are always situations where  interlocutors’  face  (positive  or  negative)  is  threatened,  which  are  referred  to  as face-threatening  acts  by  Brown  and  Levinson.  Thus,  in  order  to  protect  face  and  obtain communicative  goals,  politeness  becomes  the  politeness  of  face:  the  politeness  of  positive face  and  of  negative  face.  But  Brown  and  Levinson’s  politeness  theory  ignores  the interpersonal  aspect  on  face  and  stresses  too  much  on  the  notion  of  autonomy  in  western culture. Spencer-Oatey proposes RM Theory on the basis of the Face Theory and points out that rapport management involves not only face but also sociality rights, both of which is not only  personal  but  also  social,  thus  politeness  is  not  merely  the  politeness  of  face  from  the personal  angle  at  all;  it  is  concerned  with  the politeness  of  face  and  of  sociality  rights  both from  the  personal  and  the  interpersonal  angle.  Thereby,  in  the  The  Tonight  Show,  there  are four  types  of  politeness:  the  politeness  of  quality  face,  the  politeness  of  identity  face,  the politeness of equity rights, and the politeness of association rights. 
The reference (omitted)

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