
发布时间:2018-05-06 19:00

  本文选题:感恩干预 + 社会比较 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The aging of our country gradually deepens, a series of problems during the old age will lead to the decline of happiness, the mental health and well-being of the elderly people become an important issue that can not be underestimated. According to previous studies, gratitude and appropriate social comparisons are beneficial to improving happiness. Gratitude, as an emotional trait, is an individual's immediate or persistent perception and experience of expressing and rewarding others, social or natural benefits. Social comparison is that people define their social characteristics in real life by comparing with others around them. There are few studies on the well-being of the elderly in China compared with other groups. In order to compare the effects of gratitude intervention and different social comparison directions on the subjective well-being of the elderly, the study studied the subjective well-being of the elderly from the perspective of positive psychology and the methods of gratitude intervention and social comparative recording. To improve the well-being of the elderly to provide ideas. The effects of gratitude and social comparison on the subjective well-being of the elderly were investigated by using the randomized controlled experiment method, the Thanksgiving intervention and the social comparison method. The study consisted of two experiments. Experiment 1 was designed as a mixture of 2 (intervention model: gratitude record, daily record) 脳 2 (direction of social comparison: upward, downward) 脳 2 (measuring time: pre-test, post-test). The purpose of this study was to examine whether the intervention of gratitude and the direction of social comparison had influence on the subjective well-being of the elderly. In experiment 2, a mixture of 2 (trait gratitude level: high, low) 脳 2 (direction of social comparison: upward, downward) 脳 3 (measuring time: pre test, one week later, three months later) was used to further explore the situation of Thanksgiving intervention. Differences in subjective Well-being of the elderly with different levels of trait gratitude and Social comparison. The results are as follows: 1. Thanksgiving intervention and social comparison had an interactive effect on the subjective well-being of the elderly. In the daily record group, the subjective well-being level of the elderly subjects who made the downward social comparison was higher than that of the elderly subjects compared with the upward social comparison group (p 0.001), while in the upward social comparison group, the level of subjective well-being was higher than that in the upward social comparison group. The subjective well-being of the elderly subjects who recorded gratitude was higher than that of the elderly subjects who recorded daily events (p 0.001. 2). On subjective happiness scores measured a week later, The interaction between trait gratitude and social comparison direction was not significant. The main effect of trait gratitude level was significantly higher than that of low trait gratitude group. The main effect of trait gratitude level was 5.34% (p 0.05), and the well-being level of high trait gratitude group was significantly higher than that of low trait gratitude group. In the context of Thanksgiving intervention, the downward social comparison can significantly improve the subjective well-being of the elderly, in the post-test subjective well-being score, The main effect of social comparison was significantly higher than that of upward society. The effect of Thanksgiving intervention on the subjective well-being of the elderly subjects with low trait gratitude was greater than that on the elderly with high level of trait gratitude. Three months later, the elderly who received Thanksgiving intervention had significantly higher levels of well-being than the pre-measured levels (p 0. 001). The results show that Thanksgiving intervention can effectively improve the subjective well-being of the elderly, and is more effective for the elderly with low trait gratitude, and the positive effect of gratitude on well-being can be extended to three months later. Proper downward social comparison can improve the subjective well-being of the elderly and support the choice-priming model theory of social comparison. The research conclusion can be popularized and applied in the community or related old-age care institutions and become a method and means to improve the well-being of the elderly so as to effectively help the elderly to alleviate the influence of negative emotions and to achieve a good integration of the elderly's self.


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