本文选题:海德格尔 + 诗论 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文试图从海德格尔诗论的一个源头——诗人所要道说的"神圣"(Das Heilige)出发,在澄清这个词的使用界限、为其寻找理解进路的过程中,获得关于这个词的确定性理解,以这种确定性理解为依据,论文将为海德格尔诗论的反形而上学特征提供一种根据式的把握,并在此基础上对于这种特征的展开和因此面向的批评展开描述。论文将要呈现的是:海德格尔的诗论之所以区别于传统诗学,就是因为它依附的"神圣"真理观完全区别于传统诗学所依附的形而上学真理观。而带着这种对表现为反形而上学的诗论的根本特征的把握,论文将从海德格尔对于作品、作者、读者三个范畴的理解出发,展开对诗论之中反形而上学的具体表现的描述。最后,论文将在现有的理解的基础上对海德格尔诗论展开述评。一方面,这种诗论所依附的真理观因其"无"性巧妙地逃避着理论家的批判;另一方面,海德格尔的诗论在方法论上展现了完全的无用性。就在这样的现实困境中,我们试图描述一种命运地属于海德格尔诗论的结局。
[Abstract]:This paper attempts to obtain a deterministic understanding of Heidegger's poetic theory from the point of view of "Divine" Das Heilige- a source of Heidegger's poetics, in the process of clarifying the use of the word and searching for its way of understanding. On the basis of this deterministic understanding, the paper will provide a basis for the understanding of Heidegger's anti-metaphysical characteristics, and on this basis will describe the development of this feature and the criticism it faces. What the thesis will present is that Heidegger's poetics is different from traditional poetics because its "sacred" truth is completely different from the metaphysical truth attached to traditional poetics. With this kind of grasp of the basic characteristics of the poetic theory, the paper will begin with Heidegger's understanding of the three categories of works, authors and readers, and begin to describe the concrete performance of anti-metaphysics in the poetic theory. Finally, the thesis will comment on Heidegger's poetics on the basis of existing understanding. On the one hand, this theory of truth, because of its "nil" nature, cleverly evades the theorist's criticism; on the other hand, Heidegger's poetics shows complete futility in methodology. In this dilemma, we try to describe the fate of Heidegger's poetics.
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