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发布时间:2018-04-12 23:29

  本文选题:铬革屑 + 功能有机肥 ; 参考:《烟台大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本论文以废弃铬革屑为基本原料制备成富铬有机肥,并研究了该新型有机肥对荞麦、水稻两种农作物的产量、品质以及土壤环境的影响,具体开展了以下几方面的研究:(1)以铬革屑为原料通过复配制备了富铬有机肥。研究发现有机肥的有机质含量为52.43%,总养分为10.88%,水分含量为18.7%,铬含量为0.88%,符合国家对有机肥的各项技术指标要求,铬元素含量较高,可以作为一类新型的功能有机肥料使用。(2)将富铬有机肥应用于荞麦、水稻两种农作物进行肥效实验。研究发现与空白试验相比,富铬有机肥对土壤质量和作物品质均有明显的促进作用。在荞麦种植体系中,富铬有机肥可明显提高土壤的速效养分和有机质含量,铬含量也可控制在《土壤环境质量标准》范围内。施肥量为1kg/m2时,可使荞麦籽粒中的N平均吸收量增加6.89 kg/hm2,荞麦籽粒中的P2O5平均吸收量增加4.30 kg/hm2,荞麦籽粒中的K2O平均吸收量增加1.79 kg/hm2。富铬有机肥亦可提高荞麦总养分的吸收量,总氮平均吸收量增加18.52 kg/hm2,总磷平均吸收量增加19.75 kg/hm2,总钾平均吸收量增加13.90 kg/hm2。相同施肥量下,富铬有机肥与豆粕肥对荞麦产量和收获指数、生理效率的影响无明显差异。在水稻种植体系中,经富铬有机肥处理的水稻产量较空白组提高了65.84%,较豆粕肥组和益生菌肥组分别增产了46.93%和34%,说明该富铬有机肥对于水稻具有明显的增产效果。并且该新型功能有机肥可在《食品中污染物限量》规定的范围内增加荞麦和水稻籽粒中三价铬的含量。该富铬有机肥可以明显提高农作物的产量和功能性物质的含量,对土壤的速效养分和有机质含量也有一定的提高作用,并且还可以增加植物籽粒中的铬含量,提高其降血糖、预防癌症的功能。
[Abstract]:In this paper, the chromium-rich organic fertilizer was prepared from the waste chrome shavings, and the effects of the new organic fertilizer on the yield, quality and soil environment of buckwheat and rice were studied.The chromium-rich organic fertilizer was prepared from chrome shavings.The results show that organic matter content of organic fertilizer is 52.43, total nutrient is 10.88, moisture content is 18.7 and chromium content is 0.88. The content of chromium is higher than that of national technical index.It can be used as a new functional organic fertilizer.Compared with blank test, chromium rich organic fertilizer can promote soil quality and crop quality obviously.In buckwheat planting system, rich chromium organic fertilizer can obviously increase the available nutrients and organic matter content of soil, and the chromium content can also be controlled within the scope of soil environmental quality standard.The average N uptake in buckwheat grain was increased by 6.89 kg 路hm ~ (-2), P2O5 in buckwheat grain was increased by 4.30 kg / hm ~ (2) and K _ 2O uptake in buckwheat grain was increased by 1.79 kg 路hm ~ (2) 路hm ~ (2) when the fertilization rate was 1kg/m2.Chromium-rich organic fertilizer also increased the total nutrient uptake of buckwheat. The average total nitrogen uptake increased 18.52 kg 路hm ~ (2), the average total phosphorus uptake increased 19.75 kg / hm ~ (2), and the total potassium uptake increased 13.90 kg 路hm ~ (2) 路hm ~ (2).There was no significant difference in yield, harvest index and physiological efficiency between chromium-rich organic fertilizer and soybean meal fertilizer.In the system of rice planting, the yield of rice treated with chromium-rich organic fertilizer increased by 65.84%, 46.93% and 34% than that of soybean meal fertilizer group and probiotic fertilizer group, respectively, which indicated that the chromium-rich organic fertilizer had obvious effect on increasing the yield of rice.The new functional organic fertilizer can increase the trivalent chromium content in buckwheat and rice grains within the limit of contamination in food.The chromium rich organic fertilizer can obviously increase the crop yield and the content of functional substances, and can also increase the content of available nutrients and organic matter in soil to some extent, and can also increase the chromium content in plant grain and increase its hypoglycemia.The function of preventing cancer.


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