发布时间:2018-04-24 17:10
本文选题:饲用高粱 + 高粱蚜类 ; 参考:《甘肃农业大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:高粱是世界上广泛种植的第五大谷类作物,也是中国重要最早栽培的禾谷类作物之一。高粱蚜虫会严重影响高粱产量且具有很大破坏性。随着高粱的推广和种植面积的不断扩大,蚜虫危害造成高粱产量损失的问题日益严重。本研究在综述国内外高粱及高粱蚜虫研究现状的基础上,系统调查了甘肃兰州种植饲用高粱的蚜虫种群动态,结合2种方法对14个饲用高粱品种的抗蚜性进行了鉴定,并研究了3个不同温度下麦二叉蚜实验种群生命表。主要结果如下:1.14种饲用高粱品种的抗蚜性鉴定为明确不同饲用高粱品种的抗蚜特性,在大田以自然混合种群(禾谷缢管蚜Rhpalosiphum padi(L)、麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae(Febricius)和麦二叉蚜Schhizaphid graminum(Rondani))为试虫,采用蚜量比值法和蚜害指数法,鉴定并评价了14个饲用高粱品种的田间抗蚜性。结果表明:以蚜害指数法为测定标准,绝佳(17.78)、3180(15.56)、牧乐8000(16.67)和大卡(18.89)表现为中抗;3180除与其他4个品种之间差异不显著外,显著低于其他品种;辽甜3号(21.11)和2180(25.56)表现为低抗;日本饲用高粱(32.22)、大力士(33.33)、辽甜5号(35.56)、1990(35.56)和4180(38.89)表现为低感;1230(46.67)和1180(45.56)表现为中感;帕卡(57.78)表现为高感,显著高于其他品种(P0.05)。2.饲用高粱田间混合蚜虫数量消长与空间动态为明确在甘肃兰州栽培的饲用高粱上混合蚜虫种群的发生规律和分布特征,为当地蚜虫防治提供理论依据。在2016年5月至10月,采用定点、定株系统调查的方式,记录了田间不同种类蚜虫的数量动态。并用扩散系数法、负二项分布K值法、C值法和平均拥挤度法综合对混合蚜虫种群的空间动态进行了分析。结果表明,饲用高粱种植试验地混合蚜虫种群在高粱各生育期均有发生,且各品种的数量动态有很大差别。2016年调查数据显示,禾谷缢管蚜在高粱成熟期前为优势种,峰值为百株4616头。麦二叉蚜在高粱开花期后为优势种,峰值为百株2435头。混合蚜虫种群在高粱田间始终呈聚集分布,聚集度呈扩散-聚集-在扩散-再聚集的趋势。3.不同温度下麦二叉蚜的实验种群生命表为明确温度对麦二叉蚜生长发育的影响,利用生命表技术在实验室人工气候箱设置光周期16L:8D条件下,研究了15℃、20℃和25℃条件下麦二叉蚜的各项生命参数。结果表明:麦二叉蚜净增值率(R0)、内禀增长率(rm)和周限增长率(λ)均随着温度的上升而增加。25℃时,内禀增长率最高为0.231,3个温度下内禀增长率(rm)数值间差异显著。25℃时,周限增长率(λ)最高为1.260,15℃和20℃数值间差异不显著。25℃时,净增值率(R0)最高为20.783,3个温度数值间差异不显著。平均世代周期(T)和种群加倍天数(t)随温度上升而缩短。25℃时,平均时代周期(T)和种群加倍天数(t)最短,分别为13.115和2.157。3个温度下平均时代周期(T)数值差异显著;15℃和20℃加倍天数(t)数值差异不显著(P0.05)。
[Abstract]:Sorghum is the fifth largest cereal crop widely planted in the world and is one of the most important and earliest cultivated cereal crops in China. Sorghum aphids can seriously affect sorghum yield and are very destructive. With the spread of sorghum and the continuous expansion of planting area, the problem of the loss of sorghum yield caused by aphids is becoming more and more serious. On the basis of summarizing the research status of sorghum and sorghum aphids at home and abroad, the aphids population dynamics of forage sorghum in Lanzhou, Gansu Province were investigated systematically, and the aphid resistance of 14 forage sorghum varieties was identified by combining two methods. The life table of the experimental population of wheat aphid was studied at three different temperatures. The main results were as follows: the aphid resistance of 14 forage sorghum varieties was identified as follows: aphid resistance of different forage sorghum varieties was identified. Natural mixed populations (Rhpalosiphum padidii, Sitobion avenaeae Febriciusand Schhizaphid graminum Rondanius) were used as test insects in the field. The field aphids resistance of 14 forage sorghum varieties were identified and evaluated by aphids ratio method and aphid damage index method. The results showed that the index of aphid damage was significantly lower than that of the other cultivars except for the other four cultivars, and the results showed that the index of aphid damage was significantly lower than that of the other cultivars, and that of Liaotian 3 (21.11) and 218025.56) was lower than that of the other four varieties (P < 0.01), and that of Moula (8000,16.67) and Daka (18.89) was significantly lower than that of the other four varieties (P < 0.05). Japanese forage sorghum (32.22), Herb Rhizoma 33.33, Liaotian No. 5 (35.56 / 1990) and 4180 (38.89)) showed moderate sensitivity (1230 ~ 46.67) and 1180 ~ (45.56)), Parka-57.78), which were significantly higher than that of other varieties (P _ (0.05N) 路2). The variation and spatial dynamics of mixed aphids in the field of forage sorghum were determined to determine the occurrence and distribution characteristics of mixed aphids on the forage sorghum cultivated in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, and to provide a theoretical basis for the control of local aphids. From May to October 2016, the population dynamics of different species of aphids in the field were recorded by fixed plant system survey. The spatial dynamics of mixed aphids were analyzed by diffusion coefficient method, negative binomial distribution K value method and average crowding method. The results showed that the mixed aphids occurred in all growth stages of sorghum in forage sorghum field, and the number dynamics of each variety varied greatly. The data of 2016 investigation showed that the aphid was the dominant species in sorghum before the mature stage of sorghum. The peak value was 4616 plants. It was the dominant species after the flowering stage of sorghum, with a peak value of 2435. The population of mixed aphids in sorghum field always showed aggregation distribution, and the aggregation degree showed the tendency of diffusion-agglomeration, diffusion-re-aggregation. The life table of the experimental population of wheat diaphis at different temperatures was used to determine the effect of temperature on the growth and development of the aphid. The life table technique was used to set the photoperiod 16L:8D in the laboratory artificial climate box. The life parameters of wheat diaphis at 15 鈩,