本文选题:千屈菜 + 正交试验 ; 参考:《内蒙古农业大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:千屈菜(Lythrum salicariaLinn.)是一类良好的草花,它的植丛规整俊秀、素雅,景观里可以池塘里作为花境。千屈菜的生命力非常强,耐寒、耐贫瘠,有着很好的推广运用远景,苗木需求量不断增加。为加速培养,配合景观改造配置的要求,展开各式各样形式千屈菜培养实验,以最高的效率供给大批需求。采取迥异的种植方式将嫩枝扦插成团的千屈菜开展栽培实验,寻求最好的种植渠道,探寻效率佳、景观效果好、经济效益显著的繁育方法。本试验为不同部位的千屈菜根据试验设计在不同灌水周期、不同的生长条件和不同的施肥条件下观测千屈菜的生长状态。采取观测千屈菜生长的生物量指标的方式,通过正交试验得出适宜千屈菜生长为最佳景观效果的最优栽培前提,为千屈菜在内蒙区域的景观效益种植推广供给。这次试验的的研究方法设计为9个区域开展,并且重复一次,具体安排的因素分别为:植株部位为全株、半株、留两叶,灌水周期的三个水平为3天、7天、14天,种植条件为覆膜、搭弓棚、裸地,追肥种类为不追肥、尿素、复合肥。重点研究在不同栽培条件中千屈菜的成活率以及植株苗高增量、分枝数增量、叶片数增量等,以此选出适宜及不适宜其生长的环境条件和景观效益最优组合。定期观测千屈菜的生长指标,如成活率、苗高、分枝数、叶片数、叶面积、开花数量、开花高度、地上部分和地下部分的重量。试验得出如下结论:(1)在覆膜情况下,以3天为灌水周期,追复合肥的留两叶千屈菜苗高长势最好;在弓棚情况下,以3天为灌水周期,追尿素的半株千屈菜苗高长势最好;在裸地上,以14天为灌输周期,追尿素的留两叶千屈菜苗高长势最好。综合分析,在覆膜情况下,以3天为灌水周期,追复合肥的留两叶千屈菜为全部千屈菜植株中苗高长势最好的。(2)全株千屈菜在以14天为灌水周期,地面搭弓棚,追复合肥的情况下,开花高度增量最高;半株千屈菜在以3天为灌水周期,地面覆膜,追复合肥的情况下,开花高度增量最高;留两叶千屈菜在以7天为灌水周期,地面不处理,追复合肥的情况下,开花高度增量最高。(3)本次正交实验的最佳组合是A1B1C3D3也就是在千屈菜是全株,灌水周期为3天,种植条件为塑膜覆膜时,追复合肥时,千屈菜存活率、苗高、生长情况、开花效果等达到最优。
[Abstract]:Lythrum salicaria Linn.) Is a good kind of grass flowers, its plantations are beautiful, elegant, the landscape can be used as a flower pond. The vitality of Qianqu is very strong, cold-resistant, barren, has a good prospect of promotion and application, seedling demand continues to increase. In order to speed up cultivation and meet the requirements of landscape transformation and configuration, various cultivation experiments were carried out in order to supply large quantities of demand with the highest efficiency. In order to find the best planting channel, the cultivation experiment was carried out by using different planting methods. The breeding methods with good efficiency, good landscape effect and remarkable economic benefit were explored. According to the experimental design, the growth state of Dioscorea chinensis was observed under different irrigation periods, different growth conditions and different fertilization conditions. By using the method of observing the biomass index of the growth of Dioscorea davidii, the optimum cultivation premise of the optimum landscape effect was obtained by orthogonal experiment, which was the supply of landscape benefit planting in Inner Mongolia. The research method of this experiment was designed for 9 regions and repeated once. The specific factors were as follows: whole plant, half plant, two leaves, three levels of irrigation cycle were 3 days, 7 days and 14 days, respectively. The conditions of planting were film mulching, bow shed, bare land, non-topdressing, urea and compound fertilizer. The survival rate, seedling height increment, branch number increment, leaf number increment and so on were studied in different cultivation conditions, so as to select the best combination of environmental conditions and landscape benefit that were suitable and unsuitable for their growth. The growth indexes such as survival rate, seedling height, branch number, leaf number, leaf area, number of flowers, flowering height, weight of aboveground and underground parts were observed regularly. The results showed as follows: under the condition of film mulching, under the condition of film mulching, the period of irrigation was 3 days, the height of seedlings with two leaves of compound fertilizer was the best, and in the case of bow shed, the seedling height of half a plant of Urea was the best when the period of irrigation was 3 days. On bare ground, 14 days inculcating cycle, the highest seedling height of Urea was the best. Comprehensive analysis showed that under the condition of film mulching, under the condition of 3 days as the irrigation cycle, the best seedling height of the whole plant was the leaves of two leaves of the compound fertilizer, and the highest seedling height. (2) the whole plant was irrigated with 14 days as the irrigation cycle, and the ground bow shed was set up. In the case of compound fertilizer topdressing, the flowering height increment was the highest; the flowering height increment was the highest in the case of three days of irrigation, the highest increase of flowering height in the case of surface mulching and compound fertilizer, and the highest increase of flowering height in 7 days. The best combination of this orthogonal experiment is that A1B1C3D3 is the whole plant, the irrigation period is 3 days, and the planting condition is plastic film mulching, when the compound fertilizer is applied, the best combination of this orthogonal experiment is when the plant is the whole plant, the irrigation period is 3 days, and the planting condition is plastic film mulching. The survival rate, seedling height, growth condition and flowering effect were optimal.
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