本文选题:多肉植物 + 雪莲 ; 参考:《山东农业大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:景天科多肉植物生长缓慢,栽培基质材料采用进口草炭因此成本较高。为了降低多肉植物栽培成本促进植株的生长,本研究8种有机废弃物理化性质及对雪莲生长影响选择雪莲生长较好的基质材料;雪莲根际促生菌(PGPR)对雪莲生长作用确定促进作用较好的菌株;研究筛选的有机废弃物吸附雪莲根际促生菌的适宜性;将有机废弃物以不同比例复配成基质,并吸附根际促生菌(PGPR)并进行多肉植物的栽培试验,确定雪莲植株生长最好的复配基质配比及PGPR。主要研究结果如下:羊粪便、杏鲍菇渣、牛粪便pH在栽培基质的适宜范围;驴粪便、金针菇渣、蚯蚓粪便pH略超出栽培基质的适宜范围。蚯蚓粪便、草炭EC值在植物栽培基质安全范围(2.6 ms·cm~(-1))内,驴粪便、金针菇渣、平菇渣、水洗牛粪便EC值高于植物栽培基质EC安全值。几种有机废弃物容重在0.1 g.cm-3-0.8 g.cm-3范围之内,适宜作为雪莲的栽培基质材料;总孔隙度范围在48.25%-60.65%。不同有机废弃物碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾、有机质含量差异显著。随着驴粪便、金针菇渣、蚯蚓粪便、草炭浸提液比例的降低,苜蓿发芽指数呈现逐渐升高的趋势。将几种有机废弃物与珍珠岩体积比为3:2混合作为雪莲栽培基质,雪莲植株脯氨酸含量为8.36 ug.g~(-1)-19.88 ug.g~(-1),杏鲍菇渣基质栽培雪莲植株脯氨酸含量最高,金针菇渣基质雪莲植株脯氨酸含量最低。雪莲植株可溶性糖含量为0.39 mg.g~(-1)-0.65 mg.g~(-1),水洗牛粪便基质雪莲植株可溶性糖含量最高,蚯蚓粪便基质雪莲植株可溶性糖含量最低。驴粪便基质、平菇渣基质、水洗牛粪便基质、牛粪便基质、蚯蚓粪便基质栽培的雪莲植株叶绿素总质量分数高于草炭基质雪莲叶绿素总质量分数。蚯蚓粪便基质雪莲植株叶片数、冠幅、地上鲜重、地下鲜重显著高于草炭基质。雪莲根际土壤的27株细菌分离物对雪莲植株有促进作用的有4株,这4株根际促生菌经过鉴定分别为阿氏芽孢杆菌(Bacillus aryabhattai)、弯曲芽孢杆菌(Bacillus flexus)、藤黄微球菌(Micrococcus luteus)以及铜绿色假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)。接种促生菌雪莲植株叶绿素质量分数提高了14.77%-52.27%,接种B.aryabhattai雪莲植株叶绿素质量分数最高。接种促生菌使雪莲植株玉米素、吲哚乙酸质量分数显著高于CK,接种B.flexus雪莲植株玉米素、吲哚乙酸质量分数最高,分别是CK的9.99、11.32倍。接种B.aryabhattai、B.flexus、M.luteus促生菌显著提高了雪莲根系的体积、鲜质量,根系体积分别提高了14.09%、21.82%、27.73%,鲜质量分别提高了45.83%、50.00%、41.67%。接种促生菌均促进了雪莲生长,接种B.aryabhattai雪莲植株鲜质量和冠幅最高,与CK相比分别提高了38.18%、10.97%;其次为接种M.luteus,鲜质量和冠幅分别提高了24.28%、7.83%。B.aryabhattai的促生作用最为显著,在景天科多肉植物中最具应用潜力。适宜于吸附B.Flexus、B.Aryabhattai的基质材料研究结果表明,B.Aryabhattai在金针菇渣中的释放率为104.85%,B.flexus在蚯蚓粪便中的释放率为133.61%,2株PGPR在其他基质中释放率较低。80 d的试验时间内,B.Aryabhattai在金针菇渣中活菌数高于蚯蚓粪便,在蚯蚓粪便中活菌数高于草炭;B.flexus在金针菇渣、蚯蚓粪便、草炭中活菌数较低。金针菇渣、蚯蚓粪便吸附B.Aryabhattai,其10%、25%、50%体积分数的浸提液发芽指数高于80%。将筛选出的蚯蚓粪便与金针菇渣以不同比例复配用作雪莲栽培基质,对雪莲促进作用强于蚯蚓粪便基质及草炭基质。复配基质雪莲植株叶绿素a、叶绿素b以及叶绿素总量含量均有所提高,雪莲植株根系总长度、总表面积、总体积、根系生物量、雪莲植株冠幅、叶片数、植株生物量高于蚯蚓粪便基质、金针菇渣基质、草炭基质雪莲植株,复配基质中蚯蚓粪便:金针菇:珍珠岩=9:3:8(体积比)最利于雪莲的生长,雪莲植株冠幅、叶片数、植株生物量分别提高45.16%、21.75%、38.31%;雪莲叶绿素a、叶绿素b、类胡萝卜素、叶绿素总量分别比草炭基质提高24.76%、24.95%、31.96%、25.67%。栽培基质吸附B.Aryabhattai菌液可以促进雪莲的生长,与草炭基质相比蚯蚓粪便:金针菇:珍珠岩=9:3:8(体积比)基质吸附B.Aryabhattai菌液可以使雪莲冠幅、叶片数、生物量分别提高64.58%、33.69%、46.32%;雪莲植株叶绿素a、叶绿素b、类胡萝卜素、叶绿素总量分别提高39.15%、39.09%、47.31%、40.07%。
[Abstract]:In order to reduce the cultivation cost of multi meaty plants and promote the growth of plants, the physical properties of 8 kinds of organic waste and the choice of the better substrate material for the growth of Saussurea involucrata were studied in this study. The growth effect of PGPR on the growth of Saussurea involucrata (Saussurea involucrata) was studied. To determine the better promoting strain; study the suitability of organic waste to adsorb the rhizosphere of Saussurea involucrata; to mix organic wastes in different proportions into matrix, and to adsorb rhizosphere promoter (PGPR) and to carry out the cultivation experiments of multi meaty plants, to determine the best compound matrix ratio of Saussurea involucrata and the main research results of PGPR. As follows: the suitable range of sheep feces, Pleurotus abalone dregs and cow dung pH in the cultivation matrix; donkey feces, golden needle mushroom residue and earthworm feces pH are slightly beyond the suitable range of cultivation matrix. Earthworm feces, peat EC value in the safety range of plant culture matrix (2.6 MS. Cm~ (-1)), donkey feces stool, golden needle mushroom residue, Pleurotus ostreatus residue, and water washed cow feces EC value is higher than plant cultivation Foundation Quality EC safety value. The bulk density of several organic wastes within the range of 0.1 g.cm-3-0.8 g.cm-3, suitable for the cultivation matrix material of snow lotus; the total porosity range in 48.25%-60.65%. different organic wastes alkali solution nitrogen, available phosphorus, quick available potassium, organic matter content difference is remarkable. With donkey feces, golden needle mushroom residue, earthworm feces, peat extract ratio The germination index of Alfalfa showed a tendency to increase gradually. The mixture of several organic wastes and perlite volume ratio was mixed with 3:2 as the cultivation matrix, the proline content of Saussurea involucrata was 8.36 ug.g~ (-1) -19.88 ug.g~ (-1), the proline content of Saussurea involucrata was the highest, and the proline content of Saussurea involucrata plant The soluble sugar content of Saussurea involucrata was 0.39 mg.g~ (-1) -0.65 mg.g~ (-1), the soluble sugar content was the highest in water washing cow dung matrix, and the soluble sugar content in the earthworm feces matrix was the lowest. The donkey stool matrix, the mushroom residue matrix, the water washed cow stool matrix, the cow feces matrix, the earthworm feces matrix, the leaf green of the snow lotus plant The total mass fraction of the vegetative mass was higher than the total chlorophyll content of the Saussurea involucrata. The number of leaves, the crown, the fresh weight, the ground fresh weight of the earthworm feces were significantly higher than that of the peat matrix. 4 strains of the 27 isolates of Saussurea rhizosphere soil promoted the Saussurea involucrata. The 4 rhizosphere bacteria were identified as aldshrdis, respectively. Bacillus subtilis (Bacillus aryabhattai), Bacillus subtilis (Bacillus flexus), Micrococcus lutimae (Micrococcus luteus) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa). The chlorophyll mass fraction of inoculated Saussurea involucrata was increased by 14.77%-52.27%, and the chlorophyll content was highest in B.aryabhattai inoculated B.aryabhattai. The quality fraction of zein and indolo acetic acid was significantly higher than that of CK, B.flexus of Saussurea involucrata was inoculated with zein, and the mass fraction of indolanic acetic acid was the highest, which was 9.99,11.32 times of CK respectively. Inoculated B.aryabhattai, B.flexus, M.luteus probiotics significantly improved the body volume, fresh quality and root volume of 14.09%, 21.82%, 27. respectively. 73%, the fresh quality was increased by 45.83%, 50% respectively, and the growth of the 41.67%. inoculated bacteria promoted the growth of Saussurea involucrata. The fresh quality and crown range of the B.aryabhattai Saussurea Saussurea were highest, and 38.18%, 10.97% compared with the CK; the second was the inoculation of M.luteus, the fresh quality and the crown width were increased by 24.28%, and the 7.83%.B.aryabhattai growth promoting effect was the most significant. The most meaty plants of the plant have the most potential application potential. The result of the study on the matrix material suitable for the adsorption of B.Flexus and B.Aryabhattai shows that the release rate of B.Aryabhattai in the mushroom residue is 104.85%, the release rate of B.flexus in earthworm feces is 133.61%, and 2 strains of PGPR are in the test time of lower.80 D in other substrates. B.Aryabhattai is in the test time. The number of living bacteria in the mushroom residue is higher than that of earthworm feces, and the number of living bacteria in earthworm feces is higher than that of the peat; B.flexus is low in the number of living bacteria in the mushroom residue, earthworm feces and in the peat. B.Aryabhattai, the 10%, 25%, 50% fraction of the extract of the earthworm excrement is higher than that of the earthworm excrement. The same proportion is used as the cultivation matrix of Saussurea involucrata. The promotion effect on snow lotus is stronger than the earthworm fecal matrix and the carbon matrix. The chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and the total chlorophyll content of the compound stroma plant are improved. The total root length, total surface area, total volume, root biomass, plant canopy, leaf number and plant biology of the Saussurea involucrata plant The amount is higher than the earthworm fecal matrix, the substrate of the mushroom residue, the Saussurea involucrata and the earthworm feces in the compound matrix: the =9:3:8 (the volume ratio) is the most beneficial to the growth of the snow lotus, the canopy, the number of leaves of the snow lotus, and the biomass of the plant increase by 45.16%, 21.75%, 38.31%, and the chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoid, and chlorophyll. The growth of Saussurea involucrata was increased by 24.76%, 24.95%, 31.96%, respectively. The 25.67%. culture matrix adsorbed B.Aryabhattai liquid to promote the growth of Saussurea involucrata. Compared with the peat matrix, earthworm feces: gold needle mushroom: Perlite =9:3:8 (volume ratio) matrix adsorbed B.Aryabhattai liquid can make the crown width, the number of leaves, and the biomass of snow lotus 64.58%, 33.69%, 46.32%; The chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoid and total chlorophyll increased by 39.15%, 39.09%, 47.31%, 40.07%. respectively.
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