本文选题:盆栽观赏参 + 栽培基质 ; 参考:《吉林农业大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:人参(Panax ginseng C.A.Mey)、西洋参(Panax quinquefolium Line)是弛名中外的名贵药用植物,有“百草之王”的美称,其翠绿的叶片、匀称的体态、鲜红的果实又具有很高的观赏价值,成为近年林业生态旅游的新宠,尤其盆栽人参作为观赏植物深得南方及都市客人的欢迎。为满足旅游市场和都市人们对鲜活人参的喜爱和好奇,将其以盆栽的形式走进家庭、走进南方地区及长白山旅游市场有着巨大的开发潜力。但目前人参盆栽观赏缺乏系列技术支撑,因此研究开发盆栽参系列技术势在必行。本试验以人参和西洋参为材料,研究了盆栽基质、基肥种类及不同叶面肥对盆栽参的生长指标、生理特性、光合特性及主要化学成分的影响,以期获得盆栽观赏参的最佳栽培技术体系,为后期完善盆栽观赏人参提供理论和技术指导。主要研究结果如下:(1)以园土、草炭、山皮腐叶土、菌渣、珍珠岩和河沙为材料,按照不同体积比配置6个不同处理,进行盆栽试验。结果表明:J1(山皮腐叶土)的综合评价值最高,最适宜盆栽人参,其次为J4处理、再次为J6(园土:山皮腐叶土:沙=2:1:1)处理。笔者推荐J4(山皮腐叶土:草炭:菌渣=2:1:1)的基质配方作为盆栽人参应用,该配方对人参的生长、株高、茎粗、叶面积、多糖、总皂苷含量、水分利用率均明显优于其它处理,利用草炭与菌渣混配,减少了山皮腐叶土的用量。(2)以J4为盆栽基质,设置4个基肥处理:CK不施肥、处理1苏子肥100g/m~2、处理2豆饼肥300g/m~2、处理3高浓度硫酸钾复合肥40g/m~2。结果表明:施用基肥的试验组均比CK植株长势好,净光合速率和水分利用率高,参根中化学成分含量高。处理3植株展叶期叶片长势迅速,观赏效果好,但此时发现参根中多糖和总皂苷的含量不及处理1,处理1虽然展叶期生长缓慢,但一直呈缓缓上升的趋势,在绿果期时长势超过了处理3,观赏效果达到最佳,至试验结束时一直优于其他3个处理,其生育期6次参根中多糖和总皂苷的含量均处于最高水平。生育期第1次和第5次测定结果,4个处理的叶绿素a+b含量差值是:处理1处理3处理2CK,其中处理1是CK的4.6倍,处理1的净光合速率值也最高。笔者推荐:盆栽西洋参基肥首选苏子肥,其次选用高浓度硫酸钾复合肥。(3)对全营养酵素进行4因素4水平的正交设计试验,以叶面追肥的形式喷施。结果表明:最适合人参生长的全营养酵素组合为700倍的光合酵素+1100倍的结构酵素+6000倍的开根酵素。在此基础上,设置CK(清水)对照、Z1(700倍光合酵素+1100倍结构酵素+6000倍开根酵素+700倍花粉酵素)、Z2(绿肽尔生根壮苗剂:700倍水剂+1750倍粉剂)、Z3(0.3%尿素+0.3%磷酸二氢钾)4个处理。结果表明:5次施肥结束后,各处理间的茎粗无;各处理冠幅第5次时分别是第1次的1.65倍、2.08倍、1.87倍、2.20倍,同时也分别比CK提高了26.07%、13.33%、33.33%;Z3处理的观赏特性最佳。各处理对盆栽人参的净光合速率、水分利用率与CK相比差异显著(P0.05),且ZI排序第一。五次测量叶片的叶绿素含量,Z1四次叶绿素含量最高,与其他各处理相比差异显著(P0.05)。人参根中多糖每一次均比其他含量高。综合认为,全营养酵素对提高盆栽人参品质方面作用效果显著。其次为尿素和磷酸二氢钾组合。
[Abstract]:Ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A.Mey) and American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium Line) are famous and famous medicinal plants at home and abroad. They have the name of "the king of hundred grass". The green leaves, uniform body state and bright red fruit have high ornamental value. It has become the new favorite of forestry in recent years. Especially, the potted ginseng as an ornamental plant is deeply south. In order to meet the popularity of the city and the city guests, in order to satisfy the interest and curiosity of the tourist market and urban people, it has great potential to enter the family in the form of potted plants and enter the tourist market in the South and Changbai Mountain. But there is no series of technical support for the Panax ginseng potted ornamental. Therefore, the research and development of the potted ginseng technology potential In this experiment, ginseng and Panax quinquefolium were used as materials to study the growth index, physiological characteristics, photosynthetic characteristics and main chemical components of potted plant substrates, basal fertilizer types and foliage fertilizer, in order to obtain the best cultivation technology system for potted ornamental ginseng, and to provide theoretical and technical reference for the later improvement of potted ornamental ginseng. The main research results are as follows: (1) the pot experiment was carried out on the garden soil, peat, peels, perlite, perlite and river sand, according to the different volume ratio, and carried out pot experiments. The results showed that the comprehensive evaluation value of J1 (mountain skin rot soil) was the highest, the most suitable for potted ginseng, followed by J4 treatment, and again J6 (garden soil: sate soil: sand = = sand =. 2:1:1) treatment. The author recommends the matrix formula of J4 (peat: peat: Bacon: bacterial residue =2:1:1) as a potted ginseng application. The formula is obviously superior to other treatments for ginseng growth, plant height, stem diameter, leaf area, polysaccharide, total saponins content and water utilization ratio, and the use of peat and bacterial residue to reduce the amount of mountain rot leaf soil. (2) J4 as a basin. The substrate was planted with 4 basal manure treatments: CK did not apply fertilizer, treated 1 Soviet fertilizer 100g/m~2, treated 2 bean cake fertilizer 300g/m~2, and treated 3 high concentration potassium sulfate compound fertilizer. The results showed that the test group applied to the base fertilizer was better than the CK plant, the net photosynthetic rate and the water utilization rate were high, and the chemical composition in the ginseng root was high. The leaves length of the 3 plant leaf period was treated. However, the content of polysaccharides and total saponins in the root of the ginseng root was less than 1, and the treatment 1 had a slow growth in the leaf spreading period, but it had a tendency to increase slowly. In the green fruit period, the growth trend was more than 3, and the ornamental effect reached the best. At the end of the experiment, it had been better than the other 3 treatments, and its growth period was 6 times in the root. The contents of sugar and total saponins were at the highest level. The difference of chlorophyll a+b content in 4 treatments was first and fifth times, and the difference of chlorophyll content in 4 treatments was: treatment 1 treatment 3 treatment 2CK, of which treatment 1 was 4.6 times of CK, and the net photosynthetic rate of treatment 1 was also the highest. Hefei. (3) the orthogonal design test of 4 factors and 4 levels of all nutrient enzymes was carried out in the form of foliar fertilization. The results showed that the most suitable for the growth of ginseng was 700 times the +1100 times of the enzyme +6000 times the enzyme of the enzyme of the photosynthetic enzyme. On this basis, the CK (clear water) control was set up, and the Z1 (700 times the +1100 times of the photosynthetic enzyme) was set. Structural enzyme +6000 times open root yeast +700 times pollen yeast), Z2 (rooting plant rooting agent: 700 times the water agent +1750 times powder), Z3 (0.3% urea +0.3% phosphate dihydrogen phosphate) 4 treatments. The results showed that after the end of the 5 fertilization, the stems of each treatment were coarse, and each treatment was 1.65 times, 2.08 times, 1.87 times, 2.20 times, respectively, when the treatments were fifth times. Compared with CK, 26.07%, 13.33%, 33.33%, and 33.33%; Z3 treatment had the best ornamental characteristics. The net photosynthetic rate of potted ginseng was significantly different from that of CK (P0.05), and ZI sequencing was the first. The chlorophyll content of the leaves was measured five times, and the highest content of Z1 four chlorophyll content was significant (P0.05), compared with the other treatments (P0.05). The effects of all nutrient enzymes on improving the quality of Panax ginseng were significantly better than that of urea and potassium dihydrogen phosphate.
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