本文选题:城市森林 + 森林结构 ; 参考:《中国林业科学研究院》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:目前,城市化的加快直接导致生态建设用地不足,而城市森林建设主要致力于解决城市绿化质量差、生态环境效能低以及维护管理成本高的问题,因此从林木树冠覆盖和空间三维绿量角度开展城市森林结构优化、生态空间扩展以及森林质量提升的研究和探讨具有重要的研究价值。本论文以北京城区居住区和机关单位为研究对象,以北京市城区2013年7-9月份经过几何校正和正射校正的分辨率为0.5m的World View 2遥感影像和2013年目视解译的北京城区树冠覆盖栅格与矢量图为数据源,结合实地调查,分别在整体水平上、不同环路、不同行政区和不同分类间分析讨论了研究区域的城市森林结构和城市林木树冠覆盖情况,包括树种组成、群落多样性、城市森林密度、径级结构、冠幅结构、树高结构和现实树冠覆盖率、潜在树冠覆盖率,并对今后城市森林建设提出了优化建议。研究结果显示:(1)城市森林结构特征居住区与机关单位城市森林的乔木比例极高,针叶树种应用频率较低,乡土树种占到了76%。机关单位物种丰富度指数、Shannon-wiener指数、Simpson指数、Pielou指数均高于居住区。居住区中树种应用情况在各环路和行政区中均与城区整体相一致。居住区群落多样性指数、丰富度指数的均值在不同环路间均呈现4-5环内5-6环内2环内3-4环内2环-3环内,而Pielou指数与其他指数变化趋势不同之处为3-4环内2环内。不同行政分区间,海淀区、通州区、房山区的四项指标均为前列。机关单位树木平均胸径、平均树高、平均冠幅(19.97cm、7.63m、5.34m)均高于居住区树木(17.58cm、7.76m、5.31m),三项指标等级分布情况均为金字塔分布特征。居住区的三项结构指标在环路间均呈现出由城中心到城外围逐渐减小的趋势;各行政区间,东城区、西城区这些老城区平均水平较高。居住区和机关单位无论在整体上还是各分区上均已达到了城市森林的水平,能够发挥类似森林的功能,但愈向外环路,城市森林的提升潜力越大。在排名前20的优势树种中,国槐、白蜡和悬铃木在北京居住区树冠覆盖和绿量上贡献率均较大,刺柏、圆柏很低。(2)居住区树冠覆盖分析北京城区居住区林木树冠覆盖率为29.67%,最高为54.06%,最低为11.31%;植被潜在树冠覆盖率为0.22%。北京城区73.12%的居住区为低、中等树冠覆盖。其中不同居住区分类中:附属居住区(33.96%)商品房(30.06%)安置房(20.77%);2006-2010年(33.49%)1991-2000年(30.64%)2010年后(30.62%)1981-1990年(29.78%)1980年前(29.21%)2000-2005年(26.86%);容积率越低的居住区树冠覆盖水平越高。居住区的树冠覆盖情况:城市外围大于中心城区,西部优于东部,北部略高于南部。潜在树冠覆盖率在2环内为0,只有城郊区存在潜在树冠覆盖面积,但是极小。(3)机关单位树冠覆盖分析机关单位树冠覆盖率为26.88%,最高为50.38%,最低为0,潜在树冠覆盖率只有0.643%。64%的单位为极低、低等树冠覆盖。不同行政级别中:镇政府(38.13%)国家直属单位(29.19%)区政府(26.61%)地区办事处(21.61%)市直属单位(20.83%)街道办事处(7.99%),只有国家直属单位和市直属单位有潜在树冠覆盖率,分别为1.05%、0.02%。不同功能类别中:从事公益服务单位(28.14%)承担行政职能单位(23.59%),只有从事公益服务单位有潜在树冠覆盖率为0.89%。机关单位的树冠覆盖情况:由城市中心到城市外围随环路的扩张不断增大,中心城区(西城区东城区丰台区)的最低,只有2-3环内和海淀区有植被潜在树冠覆盖率,分别为1.85%和1.16%。(4)北京城区城市森林优化建议根据上述城市森林调查结果,在遵循森林群落结构与功能原则、生物多样性与稳定性原则、城市人文生态原则、可持续经营原则、美学原则的基础上,针对目前北京市生态建设用地不足、城市森林建设质量不高等问题,从五个方面提出了具体的建议。第一,注重城市森林群落树种的选择以及乔灌木、常绿与落叶、乡土与外来、特殊功能树种的使用比例;第二,合理控制森林群落的密度,调控森林群落结构;第三,提高“人”在城市森林建设中的地位,在达到树冠覆盖率的前提下,充分考虑人的舒适感;第四,改善林水结合建设,使森林和水体高效结合;第五,加强城市森林的后期维护与管理。
[Abstract]:At present, the acceleration of urbanization directly leads to the shortage of ecological construction land, and the urban forest construction is mainly devoted to solving the problems of poor urban greening quality, low ecological environment efficiency and high maintenance and management cost. Therefore, the forest structure optimization, ecological space expansion and forest development are carried out from the canopy coverage of forest tree crown and the three-dimensional green quantity of space. The research and discussion of quality promotion has important research value. This paper takes the residential area and the organization unit of Beijing urban area as the research object, taking the World View 2 remote sensing image of the geometric correction and orthophoto correction in 7-9 month of 2013 in the urban area of the city of Beijing and the canopy covering grid and vector of the Beijing urban area of Beijing in 2013 visual interpretation According to the data sources, the urban forest structure and canopy coverage of the urban forest are discussed on the whole level, different loops, different administrative regions and different classifications, including tree species composition, community diversity, urban forest density, diameter structure, crown structure, tree height structure and real crown cover. The results show that: (1) the proportion of urban forest structural characteristics in urban forest is very high, the application frequency of coniferous tree species is low, and native species accounts for the species richness index of 76%. unit, Shannon-wiener index, Sim The pson index and the Pielou index are all higher than the residential area. The application of tree species in the residential area is consistent with the whole city. The mean of community diversity index and richness index in the residential area are within the 2 ring and the 3-4 ring within the 2 ring -3 ring within the 2 ring of the 5-6 ring, and the Pielou index and the other index change trend in the residential area. The difference is within the 2 ring within the 3-4 ring. Among the different administrative divisions, the four indexes of Haidian District, Tongzhou District and Fangshan District are all ahead. The average tree diameter of the trees, the average tree height, the average crown (19.97cm, 7.63m, 5.34m) of the organ units are higher than those in the residential area (17.58cm, 7.76m, 5.31m), and the distribution of the rank of the three indexes are all distributed in Pyramid. The three structural indexes in the district are gradually decreasing from the city center to the periphery of the city, and the average level of the old urban areas of each administrative region, Dongcheng District and Xicheng District is higher. The greater the potential for urban forest promotion, the greater the potential for urban forest promotion. Among the top 20 dominant species, the crown coverage and the green amount of the crown cover and green of the Beijing residential area are all larger, the juniper and the cypress are low. (2) the canopy coverage of the residential area in the residential area of Beijing is 29.67%, the highest is 54.06%, and the lowest is 11.. 31%, the coverage of potential vegetation canopy was low and medium canopy coverage of 73.12% of 0.22%. Beijing urban area. Among the different residential areas, the residential area (33.96%) housing (30.06%) housing (20.77%), 2006-2010 years (33.49%) 1991-2000 years (30.64%) (30.62%) (30.62%), 1981-1990 years (29.78%) before 1980 (29.21%) 2000-2005 years (29.21%) The canopy coverage of residential areas is higher than that of the central city, the west is better than the East and the north is slightly higher than the south. The potential canopy coverage in the 2 ring is 0, only the suburban area has the potential canopy coverage, but it is very small. (3) the agency unit covering analysis organ units. The crown coverage rate was 26.88%, the highest was 50.38%, the lowest was 0. The potential crown coverage rate of only 0.643%.64% was very low, the lower crown covered. In different administrative levels, the town government (38.13%) the government (29.19%) government (29.19%) district government (26.61%) District Office (21.61%) directly subordinate unit (20.83%) of the street office (7.99%), only the country directly under the single. The potential canopy coverage of the units and cities is 1.05%, respectively, 1.05%, in different functional categories: the public service unit (28.14%) takes on the administrative unit (23.59%). Only the public service unit has the crown coverage of the potential crown coverage of the 0.89%. unit: the expansion of the city center to the periphery of the city with the ring road. Increasing, the central city (Xicheng District, Dongcheng District Fengtai District) is the lowest, only 2-3 rings and Haidian District have potential canopy coverage of vegetation, 1.85% and 1.16%. (4) Beijing urban forest optimization recommendations based on the results of the urban forest survey, following the principle of forest colony structure and function, biodiversity and stability principles, On the basis of urban humanities and ecological principles, sustainable management principles and aesthetic principles, specific suggestions are put forward in view of the shortage of ecological construction land in Beijing and the low quality of urban forest construction. First, the selection of tree species and trees and shrubs, evergreen and deciduous, local and foreign, special. The use ratio of functional tree species; second, reasonable control forest community density, control forest community structure; third, improve the status of "man" in urban forest construction, under the premise of reaching the canopy coverage rate, fully consider the sense of human comfort; fourth, improve the construction of forest water junction, make the forest and water body combine efficiently; fifth, strengthen the city The late maintenance and management of the forest.
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