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发布时间:2018-05-31 21:56

  本文选题:西伯利亚杏 + 表型变异 ; 参考:《中国林业科学研究院》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:西伯利亚杏(Armeniaca sibirica(L.)Lam)耐干旱、瘠薄、适应性强,广泛应用于沙漠防护林营造,发挥着重要生态价值;西伯利亚杏仁富含脂肪酸、蛋白质、苦杏仁苷等物质,具有极高的营养价值,是重要的木本油料树种、植物蛋白资源和药用资源。为明确内蒙古西伯利亚杏天然群体种群间和种群内的表型多样性,以内蒙古西伯利亚杏天然种群为研究对象,通过巢式方差分析、多重比较、变异分析、相关性分析和主成分分析等多种分析方法,对种群间和种群内的表型多样性及其与地理生态因子的相关性进行了研究;对入选西伯利亚杏优良种质的生长性状、经济性状、品质性状、抗性等进行变异分析、相关性分析、聚类分析和主成分分析,估算种源和家系的遗传力和遗传增益,从而筛选丰产、优质的种源和家系;对入选单株的杏仁氨基酸和脂肪酸进行差异分析和营养价值进行评价,通过相关性分析和聚类分析筛选高品质优良单株;对入选单株进行开花物候调查,筛选避晚霜晚花优良单株;对入选单株的幼果进行人工模拟降温处理,分析保护酶和渗透调节物质的低温变化规律,通过差异分析、多重比较、聚类分析和隶属函数法进行抗寒性评价,筛选抗晚霜优良单株。主要研究结果如下:1.内蒙古西伯利亚杏在种群间和种群内均存在丰富的变异。种群间的变异(47.15%)大于种群内的变异(16.43%),表型性状的平均分化系数为73.03%,种群间变异是西伯利亚杏表型变异的主要变异来源。土默特左旗万家沟种群表型多样性最丰富,科尔沁右翼前旗察尔森种群最小。表型性状主要受经度、年降水量以及年日照时数三个主要地理生态因子影响。通过主成分分析可以把13个种源区划为四大类,其中乌拉山种群的叶性状和阿鲁科尔沁旗种群的核形状受地理生态因子影响最大。西伯利亚杏各种性状的变异系数均值为20.93%,产仁量的变异系数(68.27%)最大,果形指数的变异系数(7.99%)最小,数量性状的Shannon-weaver多样性信息指数(2.645)大于质量性状(0.265);各部位性状变异系数大小顺序为叶果核仁,多样性信息指数大小顺序为叶核仁果。核、仁等主要经济性状之间存在广泛的相关性,且产仁量、苦杏仁苷、粗脂肪分别与纬度、经度、年平均气温密切相关。2.内蒙古西伯利亚杏的优良种源和优良家系选择。产仁量、仁干质量、出仁率、粗脂肪、粗蛋白、苦杏仁苷等主要经济性状在种源间差异极显著,将种源分为5类,第Ⅰ类群的产仁量高、仁大;第Ⅱ类群的出仁率高,粗蛋白含量高;第Ⅲ类群的粗脂肪和苦杏仁苷含量高;第Ⅳ类群各项指标都较低;第Ⅴ类群的产仁量高、粗脂肪和苦杏仁苷含量高。前6个主成分贡献率达到80.716%,根据主成分值对西伯利亚种源进行排序:敖汉旗凉城和林格尔县万家沟科右中旗察尔森扎鲁特旗科左后旗巴林右旗扎赉特旗,前3个种源为优良种源。根据单性状选择之育种值排名法,进行优良家系选择,当直接选择的目标性状分别为产仁量、出仁率、粗脂肪时各经济性状能够得到较大增益。因此以产仁量、出仁率、粗脂肪三个主要指标为目的性状,通过多性状联合选择之独立挑选法进行家系选择,共得到14个优良家系,三个目的性状的现实增益分别为34.86%、18.54%和2.97%,能够使得各个经济性状获得较为理想的改良。3.内蒙古西伯利亚杏仁氨基酸、脂肪酸评价及优良单株选择。西伯利亚杏仁18种氨基酸齐全,总氨基酸含量均值为30.11 g/100 g。各种氨基酸变异系数均值为22.15%,色氨酸的变异系数(36.36%)最大,精氨酸的变异系数(12.54%)最小,各类氨基酸含量变异较大,总氨基酸含量相对稳定。西伯利亚杏仁必需氨基酸含量均值为7.67g/100 g,第一限制性氨基酸为蛋氨酸+胱氨酸(Met+Cys),氨基酸比值系数SRC均值为63.14。西伯利亚杏的儿童必需氨基酸、味觉氨基酸和药用氨基酸含量极其丰富,味觉氨基酸和药用氨基酸含量占总氨基酸比例分别达到38.22%和71.98%。不同种源间各类氨基酸含量有有明显差异,而各类氨基酸含量之间的比例相对稳定,巴林右旗种源的各类氨基酸含量最高,和林县种源的SRC值最大。氨基酸总量、必需氨基酸、儿童必需氨基酸、芳香族氨基酸、甜味氨基酸、鲜味氨基酸、药用氨基酸含量相互之间存在极显著(p0.01)正相关关系。聚类分析将种质分为4个类群,第Ⅱ类群的9个单株的各类氨基酸含量均最高,为优良单株,其中总氨基酸含量37.26 g/100 g,必需氨基酸含量9.84 g/100 g,儿童必需氨基酸含量4.36 g/100 g,味觉氨基酸含量24.19 g/100 g,药用氨基酸含量25.79 g/100g,各类氨基酸的现实增益平均值为32.60%,改良效果显著。西伯利亚杏仁主要分离出油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸、棕榈油酸、棕榈酸、硬脂酸等6种脂肪酸,饱和脂肪酸的相对含量平均值为3.71%;不饱和脂肪酸的相对含量平均值为94.33%;单不饱和脂肪酸的相对含量平均值为65.88%;多不饱和脂肪酸的相对含量平均值为28.45%。6种脂肪酸变异系数均值为14.71%,棕榈油酸的变异系数(24.75%)最大,油酸的变异系数(4.91%)最小。饱和脂肪酸的含量变异(11.82%)较大,不饱和脂肪酸的含量变异(2.80%)相对较小。各类脂肪酸含量之间关系密切,不饱和脂肪酸主要为油酸。聚类分析将种质资源分为4个类群,第Ⅲ类群9个单株为优良单株,其不饱和脂肪酸的相对含量高达95.47%,单不饱和脂肪酸的相对含量高达69.56%,饱和脂肪酸的相对含量低至3.42%,不饱和脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸以及饱和脂肪酸的选择增益分别为1.21%、5.58%和-7.93%,改良效果显著。4.内蒙古西伯利亚杏抗(避)倒春寒优良单株选择。西伯利亚杏58.13%的单株盛花期分布在4月21日到4月24日之间,以4月21日最为集中。以推迟开花7 d以上(相对于4月21日)为标准进行晚花选育,分别得到盛花期推迟7 d、8 d、9 d、10 d、11 d的优良单株17、10、13、3、3棵,具有一定的避开晚霜冻害的潜力。随着低温胁迫的加深,西伯利亚杏幼果SOD活性,总体呈现先升后降的趋势,在0℃和-2℃处较高;POD活性随着温度的降低,总体呈现下降的趋势,在-2℃出有略微上升;可溶性蛋白质总体呈降-升-降的趋势,在0℃处最低,在-2℃最高;可溶性糖总体呈升-降-升的趋势,在-2℃最高,在-3℃处最低;游离脯氨酸整体呈现下降趋势,在-1℃和-3℃处有略微上升。5个参试抗寒性性状在不同单株之间存在极显著差异(p0.01)。聚类分析将参试种质资源分为3类,第Ⅰ类群的SOD活性(19.59 unit/g·FM)和可溶性糖含量(151.42 mg/g·M)最高;第Ⅱ类群的POD活性(22.54 unit/g·FM)最高;第Ⅲ类群的可溶性蛋白质含量(26.85 mg/g·FM)和游离脯氨酸含量(2825.87μg/g·M)最高。不同抗寒性物质间相对比较独立,相关性不强,只有可溶性蛋白质和游离脯氨酸含量之间存在显著正相关关系(p0.05)。通过主成分和隶属函数法将各抗寒性性状综合评价,各单株抗寒性排名为:F26西26-1G16PT75PT7612044晚44-5西13-1PT86PT80。
[Abstract]:Siberia apricot (Armeniaca sibirica (L.) Lam) is drought resistant, barren and adaptable. It is widely used in desert shelter forest and plays an important ecological value. Almond in Siberia is rich in fatty acid, protein, bitter amygdalin and so on. It has high nutritional value. It is an important woody oil tree, plant protein and medicinal resources. The phenotypic diversity of apricot natural population and population in Siberia, Inner Mongolia, was identified. By using the nested analysis of variance, multiple comparison, variation analysis, correlation analysis and principal component analysis, the phenotypic diversity and its location in the population and population of Siberia apricot population in Inner Mongolia were studied. The correlation of the ecological factors was studied, and the variation analysis, correlation analysis, cluster analysis and principal component analysis were carried out on the growth traits, economic traits, quality traits and resistance of Siberia apricot fine germplasm, and the heritability and genetic gain of the provenances and families were estimated, so as to screen the high yield, high quality source and family. The difference analysis and nutritional value of almond amino acids and fatty acids in single plant were evaluated, and high quality and excellent single plants were screened by correlation analysis and cluster analysis. The regulation of low temperature change of substances was adjusted, and the cold resistance was evaluated by the difference analysis, multiple comparison, cluster analysis and membership function method. The main research results were as follows: 1. the Siberia apricot in Inner Mongolia had abundant variation in the population and population. The variation among population (47.15%) was greater than that in the population (16 .43%), the average differentiation coefficient of phenotypic traits is 73.03%. The variation among populations is the main variation source of phenotypic variation of Siberia apricot. The phenotypic diversity of the Wanjia population is the most abundant, and the population of Horqin Right Wing Front Banner is the smallest. The 13 sources can be divided into four categories by principal component analysis. Among them, the leaf traits of the uralan population and the nuclear shape of the alhorqin flag population are most affected by the geographical ecological factors. The mean of variation coefficient of various characters of Siberia apricot is 20.93%, the coefficient of variation of kernel yield (68.27%) is the largest, and the variation of fruit shape index is changed. The coefficient (7.99%) is the smallest, the Shannon-weaver diversity index (2.645) of quantitative traits is greater than that of quality traits (0.265), and the order of variation coefficients in each part is the kernel of leaf and fruit, and the order of diversity information index is the main economic characters of kernel fruit, kernel and kernel, and the kernel quantity, amygdalin, and crude fat The fats are closely related to latitude, longitude and annual mean temperature in.2. Inner Mongolia Siberia Apricot's excellent source and family selection. The main economic characters such as kernel yield, kernel weight, kernel rate, crude fat, crude protein, amygdalin and other main economic characters are very significant, and the species are divided into 5 types, and the kernel quantity of class I group is high, and the second group is group II. High yield and high crude protein content, high content of crude fat and amygdalin in the third group, lower group IV groups, high yield of group V, high content of crude fat and amygdalin. The contribution rate of the first 6 main components reached 80.716%, and the source of cberli subspecies was ranked according to the main score: Helingeer, Liangcheng. The first 3 sources are excellent provenances in the right flag of Bahrain, the right flag of the flag of the Wanjia gully, the Right Banner of the Wanjia gully, the Right Banner in the right middle flag of the county of Wanjia gully. The three main indexes of kernel yield, kernel rate and crude fat are the target characters, and the family selection is selected by the independent selection method of multiple characters combined selection, and 14 excellent families are obtained. The real gain of three target characters is 34.86%, 18.54% and 2.97%, which can make the various economic traits better.3. Inner Mongolia Siberia. Almond amino acid, fatty acid evaluation and excellent single plant selection. The 18 amino acids of Siberia almond are complete. The mean value of total amino acids is 30.11 g/100 g., the mean value of variation coefficient of amino acids is 22.15%, the variation coefficient of tryptophan (36.36%) is the largest, the variation coefficient of arginine (12.54%) is the smallest, the contents of all kinds of amino acids are larger, the total amino groups are amino acids. The content of acid content is relatively stable. The essential amino acid content of Siberia almond is 7.67g/100 g, the first limiting amino acid is methionine + cystine (Met+Cys), the mean amino acid ratio coefficient SRC is the essential amino acid of children of 63.14. Siberia apricot, the content of taste amino acid and medicinal amidic acid is extremely rich, the taste amino acid and the medicinal amino acid amino acid are very rich. The content of acid content accounted for 38.22% and 71.98%. of the total amino acids, and the content of various amino acids in different kinds of amino acids was obviously different, and the proportion of all kinds of amino acids was relatively stable. The content of all kinds of amino acids in the source of Bahrain right flag was the highest, and the SRC value of the provenance of Lin county was the largest. Aromatic amino acids, sweet amino acids, tasty amino acids, and medicinal amino acids are positively correlated with each other (P0.01). Cluster analysis divides the germplasm into 4 groups. The contents of all kinds of amino acids in the 9 single species of the second group are the highest, the content of the total amino acids is 37.26 g/100 g, and the essential amino acid content is 9.84. G/100 g, the essential amino acid content of children is 4.36 g/100 g, the content of taste amino acids is 24.19 g/100 g, the content of medicinal amino acids is 25.79 g/100g, the average gain of various kinds of amino acids is 32.60%, and the improvement effect is remarkable. The Siberia almond is mainly separated from oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, palmitic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and so on 6 fatty acids. The average value of the relative content of fatty acids is 3.71%, the average of the relative content of the unsaturated fatty acids is 94.33%, the average of the relative content of the monounsaturated fatty acids is 65.88%, the average of the relative content of the polyunsaturated fatty acids is 14.71%, the coefficient of variation (24.75%) of the palmitic acid (24.75%) is the largest, and the oleic acid is the oleic acid. The variation coefficient (4.91%) was the smallest. The variation of the content of saturated fatty acids (11.82%) was larger, the variation of the content of unsaturated fatty acids (2.80%) was relatively small. The relationship between the content of fatty acids was close and the unsaturated fatty acids were mainly oleic acid. The cluster analysis divided the germplasm into 4 groups, and the third group was 9 single plants, and their unsaturated fat. The relative content of acid is as high as 95.47%, the relative content of monounsaturated fatty acids is 69.56%, the relative content of saturated fatty acids is low to 3.42%, the selection gain of unsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids are 1.21%, 5.58% and -7.93%, respectively. The improvement effect shows the excellent single of.4. Inner Mongolia apricot against (repellent) spring cold. Plant selection. The flowering period of single plant of Siberia apricot 58.13% was distributed between April 21st and April 24th, which was the most concentrated in April 21st. Late flowering was selected as the standard to postpone flowering 7 d (relative to April 21st). The flowering period was delayed by 7 d, 8 D, 9 d, 10 D and 11 d. Potential. With the deepening of low temperature stress, the SOD activity of young fruit of apricot in Siberia showed a trend of rising first and then decreasing, which was higher at 0 and -2. With the decrease of temperature, the activity of POD showed a downward trend, and a slight increase in -2 C; the total soluble protein showed a downward trend, the lowest at 0, and the highest at -2. The tendency of sexual sugar to rise and rise was the highest at -2 C, the lowest at -3 C, the whole of free proline showed a downward trend, and there was a slight rise in the cold resistance of.5 at -1 and -3 C (P0.01). The cluster analysis was divided into 3 types, the SOD activity of the first group (19.59 unit/). The content of G. FM) and soluble sugar (151.42 mg/g. M) were the highest, the POD activity of group II (22.54 unit/g. FM) was the highest, the soluble protein content (26.85 mg/g. FM) and free proline content (2825.87 mu g/g M) of group III group were highest. The different cold resistant substances were relatively independent, and the correlation was not strong, only soluble protein and free proline were found. There is a significant positive correlation between the content of ammonia acid (P0.05). The cold resistance of each plant is evaluated by the principal component and the membership function method, and the cold resistance of each plant is ranked as: F26 West 26-1G16PT75PT7612044 late 44-5 West 13-1PT86PT80.


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