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发布时间:2018-06-27 19:31

  本文选题:生态位 + 时空分布 ; 参考:《沈阳农业大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis、桃蛀螟Conogethes punctiferalis、棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera和黏虫Mythimna separata是黄淮海玉米区玉米上的主要鳞翅目害虫,在玉米的不同生育期常常会有几种害虫同时在同一组织、器官为害,为了了解主要鳞翅目害虫在玉米田的发生为害规律和生态位,在廊坊地区研究了主要鳞翅目害虫在玉米田间的时空分布特点,测定了它们在玉米田间的生态位和种间竞争系数,主要结果如下:1.黏虫只在玉米乳熟期前对植株进行为害,仅为害叶片;亚洲玉米螟在玉米整个生育期均可对玉米植株进行为害,在玉米雌穗和茎秆各个部位均有发生;棉铃虫可在玉米整个生育期对植株进行为害,结穗前为害叶片,穗期仅为害玉米雌穗;桃蛀螟主要在灌浆期之后为害玉米,在雌穗上和钻蛀植株上、中部茎秆取食为害。2.四种鳞翅目害虫在玉米上为害的高峰期不同,在时间维度上存在种间竞争,亚洲玉米螟、棉铃虫、桃蛀螟在玉米植株上的种间竞争系数均高于0.95,空间维度上种间竞争激烈。3.黏虫的时间生态位宽度均最小,因此当外界生物与非生物因子发生变化时,黏虫受到影响大发生的可能性最大;亚洲玉米螟的生态位宽度最大,因此它受外界环境影响最小,在玉米上存活的几率最大。4.在廊坊地区玉米田主要鳞翅目害虫中,亚洲玉米螟在玉米上为害时间最长,发生量最大,在玉米田主要鳞翅目害虫中是第一优势种,黏虫仅在乳熟期前为害玉米叶片,灌浆期后,亚洲玉米螟、棉铃虫、桃蛀螟种群数量均大幅度增加,高于灌浆期之前的种群数量,尤其在夏玉米上,穗期棉铃虫和桃蛀螟的种群数量甚至超过了亚洲玉米螟的发生量。因此要在灌浆期前及时做好预测预报,若为害程度不大,可在对亚洲玉米螟进行化学防治的同时对另外三种鳞翅目害虫实行兼治。
[Abstract]:The Asian corn borer Ostrinia furnacalis, the peach borer Conogethes punctiferalis, the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera and the clay Mythimna separata are the main Lepidoptera pests on Maize in the Yellow Huai Hai corn region. At different stages of the corn, several pests are often woven in the same group and the organs are harmful to the main lepidoptera pest. The spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of the main Lepidoptera pests in maize field were studied in Langfang area. The niche and interspecific competition coefficient of the main Lepidoptera pests in maize field were measured. The main results were as follows: 1., only the pest was harmful to the plant before the corn milk ripening period, and the Asian corn borer was in the field. The whole growth period of maize can be harmful to the maize plant, in the corn ear and the stem in all parts of the corn. The cotton bollworm can harm the plant in the whole period of the growth of the corn, the leaf before the spike and the female ear at the ear stage, and the peach borer mainly after the grain filling period, on the female ear and the drill plant and the middle stem. The peak period of.2. four species of Lepidoptera pests on maize was different, and interspecific competition existed on the time dimension. The interspecific competition coefficient of Asian corn borer, cotton bollworm and peach borer on maize plants were all higher than 0.95, and the time niche breadth of the interspecific competition for.3. was the smallest in space. Asiatic corn borer is most likely to be affected by the change of abiotic factors. The Asian corn borer has the largest niche breadth, so it is the least affected by the external environment, and the largest probability of surviving on corn is.4. in the main lepidoptera pest of corn fields in Langfang region. The Asian corn borer is the longest in corn. The largest species is the dominant species in the main lepidoptera pest in maize field. The number of Asiatic corn borer, cotton bollworm, and peach borer in the grain filling period increased greatly after the milking period, which was higher than that before the filling period, especially in summer corn, and the population of the cotton bollworm and peach borer at the ear stage even exceeded the population. The occurrence of Asiatic corn borer in Asia should be predicted in time before the filling period. If the degree of damage is not large, the other three species of Lepidoptera pests can be treated simultaneously with the chemical control of the Asian corn borer.


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