本文选题:玉米种子 + 物理性状 ; 参考:《沈阳农业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Sixty-two different types of maize seeds purchased in the market in 2015 were selected for the experiment. Field emergence rate is a kind of embodiment of seed vigor, which is mainly reflected in seed seedling rate in field. At present, cold-resistant germination rate is widely used in seed industry to analyze seed vigor. Therefore, based on the standard of field emergence rate and cold tolerance germination rate, the correlation analysis was carried out with the physical characters and chemical components of maize seeds, and the relationship between seed physical and chemical properties and seed vigor was clarified, which was used for maize breeding. The production practice of seed processing and so on provides the reference basis. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. The standard germination test is used to determine the maximum germination potential of seed batches. The standard germination rate of the production seeds required in China is 85%. In this experiment, 60 maize varieties have reached the standard of seed germination, and the seed of maize varieties that have reached the standard is more than 97%. It shows that the maize materials selected in this experiment have good representativeness. 2. The correlation between seed weight, specific weight, bulk density and field emergence rate and cold resistance germination rate was not significant, which indicated that the seed vigor could not be judged directly by 1000-grain weight, specific weight and bulk weight. There was a significant negative correlation between width and projection area and field emergence rate and cold resistance germination rate at 0.05 level, the correlation coefficient with width was -0.425, and the correlation coefficient with projected area was -0.512, which indicated that the correlation coefficient was within a certain range. With the decrease of width and projection area, seed vigor will increase. There was no significant correlation between starch content and fat content in maize seeds, and there was no significant correlation between seed emergence rate and cold tolerance germination rate, so the seed vigor could not be judged directly by starch content and fat content. There was a significant positive correlation between the protein content of maize seeds and field emergence rate and cold tolerance germination rate, the correlation coefficient was 0.533, which indicated that the seed vigor would increase gradually with the increase of protein content under certain conditions. With the decrease of the width and projection area of the physical properties and the increase of protein content in the chemical components, the seed vigor will increase, which can be used as the basis for the selection of high vigor seeds.
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