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发布时间:2018-08-04 20:00
【摘要】:橄榄Canarium album(Lour.)Raeusch是福建省重要特色水果之一,近年来,鲜食橄榄的经济价值持续增加,但橄榄多以实生苗繁殖,后代变异大,绝大部分品种果实因风味苦涩,只能用于加工,缺少品质优良、适宜鲜食的品种。本研究以12个品种(系)清淡型和普通型橄榄为试验材料:'长营'、'自来圆'、'德仕'、'码头种'、'清榄1号'、'梅埔2号'、'林峰种'、'竹榄'、'阿姜种'、'公本'、'刘族本'、'霞溪本',通过测定其11项理化指标,建立鲜食橄榄品质的评价模型,并结合感官审评进行验证分析。同时通过气相色谱飞行时间谱质谱联用技术(GC-TOFMS)和超高效液相色谱飞行时间质谱联用技术(UPLC-TOFMS)等研究手段并结合主成分分析(PCA)和偏最小二乘法判别分析(PLS-DA)等从代谢组学角度对橄榄差异物质进行系统研究。本试验结果如下:1.测定12个橄榄品种(系)果实的11个基础理化指标:单果重、果形指数、可食率、含水率、色泽、可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、总糖、总酚、总黄酮、总游离氨基酸,基于箱线图原理剔除了'自来圆'、'长营'、'竹榄'、'梅埔2号'的全部异常指标数据,使指标的数理分析更加合理准确。综合利用变异系数、相关性分析、主成分分析等挑选出橄榄品质的4个核心指标:可溶性总糖、总多酚、可滴定酸、总游离氨基酸。用基于层次分析法构建鲜食橄榄品质评价综合模型:Y=0.417×总多酚+0.417×可溶性总糖+0.109×可滴定酸+0.056×总游离氨基酸。2.利用强制决定法确定筛选各鲜食橄榄感官品质指标的权重,即疤痕(0.1)、整齐度(0.1)、果形(0.05)、果色(0.05)、脆度(0.1)、回甘(0.15)、涩味(0.15)、化渣(0.1)、细嫩(0.1)、甜味(0.1),感官评价结果与层次分析法模型计算结果应用回归分析得到两者的线性关系:y=0.0603x-4.5932,R2=0.8499,具有较高的拟合程度,证明建立的数学模型适用于鲜食橄榄的品质评价。3.以清淡型橄榄'清榄1号'和普通型橄榄'长营'果实为试验材料,利用气相色谱飞行时间质谱法测定其代谢物质,结果显示:清淡型果实甘氨酸、丙氨酸、谷氨酸、丝氨酸、缬氨酸、苏氨酸等氨基酸显著高于普通型,其中清淡型橄榄成熟过程中氨基酸积累最多的为谷氨酸和丙氨酸,为2.377%DW和1.479%DW,丙氨酸呈甜味氨基酸,谷氨酸呈鲜味氨基酸;清淡型和普通型橄榄果实发育过程中有机酸的积累主要为奎宁酸,分别为41.33%DW、45.71%DW,但在整个发育过程并未呈显著差异,而苏糖酸和苹果酸在二者中呈现显著性差异,普通型橄榄显著高于清淡型橄榄;清淡型和普通型橄榄糖类物质积累主要为蔗糖、果糖、葡萄糖,二者生长发育过程中蔗糖呈一直上升趋势,而果糖、葡萄糖则呈下降趋势,其中完全成熟时清淡型橄榄的果糖(呈味甜度相对最高)显著高于普通型橄榄;因此认为,氨基酸(谷氨酸、丙氨酸)含量高、有机酸(苹果酸、苏糖酸)含量低和糖类物质(果糖)含量高是清淡型橄榄的风味品质优于普通型橄榄主因。4.以清淡型橄榄'清榄1号'和普通型橄榄'长营'果实为试验材料,利用超高效液相色谱飞行时间质谱法测定其酚类代谢物质,结果显示:清淡型和普通型橄榄果实生长发育过程酚类物质主要以老鹳草素、3-O-没食子酰基奎宁酸积累为主,且普通型橄榄积累量高于清淡型橄榄,但二者之间并未达到显著性差异,其次是栎木鞣花素、没食子酸4-0-6-没食子酰基葡萄糖苷、柯里拉京、短叶苏木酚酸、鞣花酸、木槿苷等,其中普通型橄榄的没食子酸4-0-6-没食子酰基葡萄糖苷、短叶苏木酚酸、木槿苷显著性高于清淡型橄榄,由于酚类物质含量相对较低,致使清淡型橄榄涩味程度低于普通型橄榄。
[Abstract]:Olive Canarium album (Lour.) Raeusch is one of the most important fruit in Fujian province. In recent years, the economic value of fresh olives has continued to increase, but the olives are multiply with real seedlings, and their offspring vary greatly. The vast majority of the varieties are bitter and astringent because of their flavour and bitter, and they can only be used for processing and lack of good quality and suitable for fresh food. This study is 12 varieties (lines). Experimental materials: 'long camp', 'self coming', 'De Shi', 'dock species',' ruga 1 ',' Mai Po 2 ',' Raymond Lam species', 'bamboo Rugby', 'Alen', 'male', 'Liu Zuben', 'Cabernet Ben', establish an evaluation model for the quality of fresh olives by measuring 11 physical and chemical indexes and through sensory evaluation and analysis. And through simultaneous sensory evaluation and analysis. A systematic study of different metabolites of olives by gas chromatographic spectroscopy (GC-TOFMS) and ultra high performance liquid chromatography time of flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-TOFMS) combined with principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was carried out. The results of this test were as follows: 1. 11 basic physical and chemical indexes of 12 olive varieties (lines): single fruit weight, fruit shape index, edible rate, water content, color, soluble solids, titratable acid, total sugar, total phenol, total flavonoids, total free amino acids, based on the principle of box line diagram, the total abnormal index data of 'self circle', 'bamboo Lam', 'Mai Po 2' are all data, which make the number of indexes. The analysis was more reasonable and accurate. 4 core indexes, total soluble sugar, total polyphenols, titratable acid and total free amino acids, were selected by using the coefficient of variation, correlation analysis and principal component analysis, such as total soluble sugar, total polyphenols, titratable acid and total free amino acids. Y=0.417 * total polyphenols +0.417 * soluble total sugar +0.10 was constructed by analytic hierarchy process. The 9 * titratable acid +0.056 x total free amino acid.2. determined the weight of the selection of fresh olive sensory quality indexes, namely, scars (0.1), neatness (0.1), fruit shape (0.05), fruit color (0.05), brittleness (0.1), back to Gump (0.15), astringency (0.15), chemical residue (0.1), tender (0.1), and sweet (0.1), sensory evaluation and analytic hierarchy process model calculation Results the regression analysis was used to get the linear relationship between the two: y=0.0603x-4.5932, R2=0.8499, with high fitting degree. It was proved that the mathematical model was suitable for the quality evaluation of fresh olives,.3. with light olive 'Qing Lam No. 1' and ordinary Olive 'long camp' fruit as experimental materials, and the method was determined by gas chromatography time of flight mass spectrometry. The results showed that the amino acids such as glycine, alanine, glutamic acid, serine, valine, threonine, and so on in light type fruit were significantly higher than those of the common type. In the light olive ripening, the most amino acid accumulation was glutamic acid and alanine, 2.377%DW and 1.479%DW, alanine was sweet amino acid, and glutamic acid was tasty amino acid. The accumulation of organic acids in the development of light and common olives was mainly quinine acid, 41.33%DW, 45.71%DW, but there was no significant difference in the whole development process, but the saltonic acid and malic acid showed significant difference in the two, the ordinary olives were significantly higher than the light olives, the light and ordinary olive sugar substances. The accumulation of sucrose, fructose, glucose, sugar and sugar showed a rising trend in the growth and development of the two, while fructose and glucose decreased, and the fructose of the light olive was significantly higher than that of the ordinary olives when they were fully mature; therefore, the content of amino acids (glutamic acid, alanine) was higher, and the organic acid (Apple) was found. The content of fructose and fructose is low and the content of saccharide (fructose) is high. The flavor quality of the light olive is superior to that of the ordinary olives..4. with light olive 'Qing Lam No. 1' and the ordinary Olive 'long camp' fruit as experimental materials, the phenol metabolites are determined by high performance liquid chromatography time of flight mass spectrometry. The results show that the light type is light type. The main phenols in the growth and development of the common olives were geranium and 3-O- galloyl quinic acid, and the accumulation of common olives was higher than that of light olives, but there was no significant difference between the two, followed by oak tannins, gallic acid 4-0-6- gallooside, coolarin, short leaves. Hematoxylic acid, tannic acid, hibiscus acylin, among which common olives are Gallic gallic acid 4-0-6- gallooside, short leaf hematoxylic acid, and hibiscus glycoside is significantly higher than light olive, because the content of phenolic substances is relatively low, so the astringency of the light olive is lower than that of the ordinary olives.


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