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发布时间:2018-08-11 17:54
[Abstract]:With the rapid development and wide application of molecular biology in recent years, great changes have taken place in the methods of systematic evolution of Coleoptera. The methods of systematic evolution of modern molecular biology are gradually infiltrating into the traditional methods of systematic evolution. The research methods are less affected by environmental factors, so molecular biological methods can better reflect the nature of organisms in their evolution process, and the results obtained are more reliable and accurate. The aim of this study was to study the phylogenetic characteristics of common Coleoptera stored-grain pests in China by using mitochondrial DNA sequence fragments of CO I gene as molecular markers. Samples of stored-grain insects were collected from western Yunnan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Anhui, Hubei and Hainan provinces. 248 samples of these 20 Coleoptera stored-grain insects were identified as belonging to 10 families of Coleoptera by morphological analysis. The sequences of 248 individuals were checked artificially, multiple alignment was performed, and 647 BP COI gene sequences were cut and analyzed. Three phylogenetic trees, NJ, MP and ML, are constructed by MEGA5.0 software. The three methods are similar in structure and slightly different in details. The phylogenetic tree structure of the common Coleoptera stored grain insects was analyzed as follows: Carabidae is the earliest differentiated family in this system, and it is the most primitive one. The same family belongs to Carabidae, which belongs to Carabidae, Rhododendron, Rhododendron, and Rhododendron distributed in two adjacent branches. Family Leguminosae, Leguminosae, Eleven Species of 7 Families and 7 Families of Ranunculaceae are clustered into one branch, of which Ranunculaceae is the more differentiated branch; Ranunculaceae and Ranunculaceae are the second branch; Ranunculaceae and Ranunculaceae are a small branch of Ranunculaceae and Ranunculaceae, and Ranunculaceae are combined with Leguminosae and Ranunculaceae. The details of the phylogenetic tree show that: 1. the genus Stellera and the genus Stellera are located in different branches; 2. the Stellera of the family Stelleridae differentiate earlier than the Stelleridae. At the same time, the same genus Dendrocalamus furciferae and Dendrocalamus furciferae in the genetic relationship is closer; 3, Valley theft of Valley theft and Leguminosae of mung bean elephant clustered into one branch and with the larceny family (tobacco beetle, medicinal materials A) clustered in the same branch; 4, in a branch of the total family Ranunculaceae, the relationship between the different species is relatively different. In order to verify the accuracy and reliability of phylogenetic tree construction, 248 individual haplotypes of 20 Coleoptera stored grain insects were extracted, and the haplotype richness of different species of insects varied greatly. There are 44 haplotype sequences, among which the haplotype diversity of the main pest species is greater. By using the same tree-building method, the 44 haplotype sequences were used to construct the phylogenetic tree of common Coleoptera stored-grain pests in China, and the haplotype phylogenetic tree of common Coleoptera stored-grain pests in China was constructed. The phylogenetic relationships among the main pest species of Coleoptera in China were further revealed. The haplotype network evolution analysis was carried out for the serious occurrence of pests, the abundant haplotypes of the rusty red Valley robber, the bark beetle, the saw Valley robber and the long horn Valley robber.


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