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发布时间:2018-08-17 19:30
[Abstract]:The implementation of water-saving irrigation technologies such as drip irrigation under mulch in the West Liaohe Plain has reduced the ineffective evaporation of water and improved water use efficiency, which has realized the water-saving concept well from the point of view of water use. However, ridging and mulching of drip irrigation under mulch have caused the change of underlying surface conditions of farmland to a certain extent and the change of Air-Soil contact surface is straight. As one of the main recharge areas of groundwater, the change of underlying surface also affects the change of groundwater level in the long run. Therefore, from the perspective of sustainable development of water resources, the process of rainfall infiltration, infiltration depth and infiltration of underlying surface of drip irrigation under mulch are studied. The characteristics of infiltration are of great significance to the comprehensive evaluation of water-saving benefits of water-saving irrigation.Based on in-situ field observation experiments,the differences of infiltration under mulch drip irrigation and non-mulch drip irrigation under different natural rainfall conditions,surface irrigation and flat bare land under different underlying surface conditions are compared and analyzed. Two-dimensional field rainfall infiltration model under two underlying surface forms of irrigation and surface irrigation was checked and checked. The influence of initial water content on rainfall infiltration characteristics of drip irrigation under mulch was further analyzed by changing the initial soil moisture conditions of the model. The variation of water content in surface layer of drip irrigation under mulch film is not uniform. Under different rainfall process, the variation of water content in surface layer of drip irrigation under mulch film is obviously different at three observation positions of edge and ditch. (2) Ridging can increase the cumulative rainfall infiltration, while mulching can reduce the cumulative rainfall infiltration, and the latter has a greater effect than the former. Increasing rainfall or rainfall intensity can reduce the obstructive effect of Mulching on rainfall infiltration to a certain extent, thereby reducing the drip irrigation under mulching and reducing the effect of Mulching on rainfall infiltration. At the same time, film mulching will reduce evaporation, and the cumulative infiltration of drip irrigation under film will be greater than that of surface irrigation after a certain period of rainfall. (3) The maximum vertical infiltration depth of rainfall is mainly affected by rainfall and rainfall intensity. Under the same rainfall condition, drip irrigation under film and other three underlying surface forms. The maximum infiltration depth is basically the same. Meanwhile, the transport rate of wetting front is affected by both rainfall and underlying surface conditions. The vertical transport rate of rainfall infiltration can be increased by both ridge and furrow catchment and film catchment under mulch drip irrigation. The shorter the duration of rainfall, the greater the rainfall, the more obvious the effect. (4) Under mulch established by Hydrus-2D. The simulation results of rainfall infiltration process under three different soil initial water content conditions show that increasing soil initial water content under mulch drip irrigation and surface irrigation can shorten the infiltration time of surface soil water, promote the vertical migration of wetting front and reduce the rainfall at the same time. In addition, the difference between the cumulative infiltration under mulch drip irrigation and that under surface irrigation will be narrowed by increasing the initial water content due to the lateral movement of water under mulch drip irrigation.


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