[Abstract]:The shortage of water resources and the dependence of agriculture on water resources in the short term determine the necessity of water saving in agriculture. Based on surface irrigation and without changing the current irrigation conditions, surge irrigation, alternate surge irrigation at intervals, It is of great significance to study the irrigation quality of three surge modes and its effect on the characteristics of wheat growth and water consumption. The experiment was carried out in Mazhuang Experimental Field of Shandong Agricultural University from September 2015 to June 2016. Continuous irrigation was used as the control, and continuous irrigation was used as the control for the three preset surge modes. Each irrigation treatment was repeated in three groups. The irrigation experiment was carried out in a border field with a length of 120 m and a width of 1.5 m. The parameters of irrigation, soil moisture content and growth characteristics of wheat at different growth stages were analyzed statistically. The quality, growth and water consumption characteristics of three different modes of surge irrigation were investigated by using continuous irrigation as control. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. Compared with continuous irrigation, the water saving of ordinary surge irrigation, interval alternate surge irrigation, two-water irrigation group and three-water irrigation group, interval fixed surge irrigation group and non-irrigation group, the water-saving rate was 17.50.32. 6% and the irrigation uniformity increased by more than 10%. Moreover, the proportion of irrigation water stored in the soil layer for 2 days after irrigation was increased by more than 20%. In the soil layer of 0 ~ 0 ~ 100 cm after 30 days of irrigation, the water content in the soil layer within 2 ~ 5 days was higher than that before irrigation. The water consumption of continuous irrigation treatment was more than 1.2 times that of surge irrigation treatment of various patterns, the water consumption of continuous irrigation treatment for 515 days was less than 0.75 times of that of various modes, and the water consumption of continuous irrigation treatment for 1530 days was less than 0.9 times of that of each mode. The results show that the surge irrigation of various models can provide better water supply for wheat growth. 3. The uniformity of soil water content was improved by irrigation, but the improvement effect was different with different irrigation methods. 4. Plant height, leaf area, tiller number, effective panicle number and grain number per panicle were greatly affected by irrigation. Surge irrigation had a great advantage in each growth period, followed by alternate intermittent surge irrigation and fixed interval water supply surge irrigation. Compared with continuous irrigation, surge irrigation increased 30%, alternate interval surge irrigation increased 26%, interval fixed surge irrigation increased 17.5.5. Wheat growing slowly from sowing stage to turning green stage, the water consumption from rising stage to heading flowering stage was the most, followed by heading flowering stage to mature stage. The water productivity was 1.6 times, 1.9 times, 1.8 times, 1.7 times as much as that of continuous irrigation in the two water irrigation group and the three water irrigation group, and the interval fixed surge irrigation group and the non-irrigation group were 1.6 times, 1.9 times, 1.8 times and 1.7 times of the continuous irrigation. The water use efficiency of surge irrigation was 1.5 times higher than that of continuous irrigation. The three modes of surge irrigation had good water-saving effect and could effectively improve the irrigation quality and the uniformity of irrigation and water content. The irrigation water can be distributed in the shallow soil layer as far as possible, providing water for wheat for a long time. The effect of surge irrigation in each mode is remarkable, and the dry matter quality of irrigation water per unit and per unit water is improved effectively. Effectively improve irrigation water productivity and water use efficiency.
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