[Abstract]:Among the three garden plants (trees, flowers and lawns), lawn occupies the first place, and its daily growth needs a lot of water resources to maintain. How to make use of the limited fresh water resources to maximize the landscaping efficiently is an important subject that the domestic and foreign scholars urgently need to solve under the condition of the shortage of fresh water resources. In order to study the physiological basis of drought resistance difference of lawn grass, and provide reference for introduction and domestication of lawn grass, selection of drought-resistant grass species and management of drought resistance grass in Xinjiang. In this study, white clover ('Haifa' white clover, Trifolium repens L. cv.'Haifa'), Tianlan alfalfa ('Longdong' Tianlan alfalfa, Medicago lupulina L. cv.'Longdong') and alfalfa ('coinductive alfalfa 1', Medicago sativa L.) were used in this study. The responses to abscisic acid (Abscisic Acid, ABA) during seed germination, and the ability of drought stress and rehydration in bud stage to its morphological growth, photosynthetic characteristics and antioxidant protective system were studied. The influence of osmotic regulator was studied, and its drought resistance was evaluated. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) exogenous ABA concentration has a certain effect on seed germination and seedling growth of white clover, alfalfa and alfalfa. With the increase of ABA concentration, the germination potential, germination rate, plant height, germination index and vigor index of white clover, alfalfa and alfalfa showed an increasing trend, while the root length and the rate of abnormal seedling increased first and then decreased. The results indicated that ABA inhibited seed germination and the signal transduction of drought stress might be ABA dependent pathway. The germinating potential, germination rate, germination index, vigor index, root-shoot ratio of alfalfa treated with ABA were higher than those of white clover and alfalfa. (2) under drought stress, the relative water content (RWC) of the leaves of the three legume turfgrass decreased, the dry weight of the underground part and the aboveground part decreased, and the average leaf area decreased. With the deepening of drought, photosynthesis was affected, net photosynthetic rate (Pn),) transpiration rate (Pn), (Tr), stomatal conductance (Gs),) pigment decreased, intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) decreased first and then increased. The activity of superoxide dismutase (Superoxide dismutase, SOD) decreased (except for alfalfa), the activity of peroxidase (Peroxidase, POD) increased, the content of malondialdehyde (Malondialdehyde, MDA) increased, the membrane permeability increased. (3) rehydration after drought stress. The morphological characteristics of plants returned to normal growth trend; Pn,Tr,Gs increased, Ci decreased, leaf pigment content increased, the growth environment of plant seedlings was improved, the activity of SOD,POD decreased after rehydration, the content of H202 increased, but the content of MDA decreased. Cell membrane permeability decreased, proline (Proline, Pro) content decreased, and soluble protein (Soluble protein, SP) content increased. (4) in the three turfgrass, alfalfa had the strongest drought resistance, followed by white clover, and clover was poor. Under drought conditions, the plant height, leaf area, RWC and leaf pigment content of alfalfa were not significantly decreased, root length was significantly increased, and antioxidant enzyme activity was increased. (5) Grass species were recommended for alfalfa in Sichuan area.
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