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发布时间:2019-04-15 19:17
【摘要】:为了缓解宁夏中部旱区红枣品种更新换代较慢的现状,丰富当地的红枣品种,进一步推进红枣产业的发展。本试验以4年生的6个红枣品种为试验材料,对不同红枣品种进行物候期的观测、以及对生长性状、光合基础特性、果实品质、产量进行逐一分析和主成分的综合评价,研究结果显示:1、6个红枣品种的萌芽时间均分布在4月的不同时期,狗头枣萌芽时间最早,其次为“哈密大枣”、“同心圆枣”萌芽时间最晚;展叶期均集中于4月末至5月初;“同心圆枣”的始花时期最早,各品种始花时间均集中于5月中下旬;末花期为6月中下旬至7月初;坐果期基本维持在6月末至7月初;红枣的成熟期集中于9月中上旬,以“同心圆枣”、“狗头枣”最先开始成熟,“骏枣”和“小口枣”成熟较晚。2、“金昌一号”和“小口枣”的生育期较短;“骏枣”、“同心圆枣”、“哈密大枣”生育期中等;狗头枣生育期最长。3、“金昌一号”的单果重最大,可达24.31 g,“狗头枣”的单果重最小,只有10.16 g,但其亩产量最大,其次为“同心圆枣”,“小口枣”的亩产最小。4、本次试验以宁夏中部干旱带6个不同品种红枣的37个指标进行主成分分析筛选出主成分因子,计算各主成分因子的得分和各品种的综合得分,结果表明,前3项主成分因子的累计方差贡献率达到88.97%,能够反映出原始样本的大部分信息,以此计算出各品种的综合得分,“金昌一号”的综合分值最高,其次为“山西骏枣”,综合得分最低的品种为“小口枣”。
[Abstract]:In order to alleviate the slow renewal of jujube varieties in the arid area of central Ningxia, enrich the local jujube varieties and further promote the development of jujube industry. Six 4-year-old jujube varieties were used as experimental materials to observe phenological period of different jujube varieties, as well as to analyze growth characters, photosynthetic basic characteristics, fruit quality and yield one by one and to evaluate their principal components. The results showed that: (1) the germination time of six red jujube varieties were distributed at different stages in April, the germination time of Gutou jujube was the earliest, the next was "Hami jujube", the "concentric round jujube" was the last; The flowering period of "concentric round jujube" was the earliest, and that of each variety was in mid-late May, the last flowering period was from mid-late June to early July, the fruit-setting period was maintained from late June to early July, and the fruit-setting period was maintained from late June to early July, the last flowering period was from mid-late June to early July. The mature period of red jujube was concentrated in the first ten days of September, with "concentric round jujube", "dog head jujube" beginning to mature first, "Jun jujube" and "small mouth jujube" maturing later. 2, the growth period of "Jinchang No. 1" and "small mouth jujube" was shorter; "Jun jujube", "concentric round jujube", "Hami jujube" growth period medium; The growth period of Dou Tou jujube is the longest. 3. The single fruit weight of "Jinchang No. 1" is the largest, up to 24.31 g, and the single fruit weight of "Dou Tou Jujube" is the smallest, only 10.16 g, but its yield per mu is the largest, followed by "concentric round jujube." The yield per mu of "Xiaokou jujube" was the lowest. 4. In this experiment, 37 indexes of six different varieties of red jujube in the drought zone of central Ningxia were used to screen out principal component factors by principal component analysis, and the scores of each principal component factor and the comprehensive score of each variety were calculated. The results showed that the cumulative variance contribution rate of the first three principal component factors reached 88.97%, which could reflect most of the information of the original sample. The comprehensive score of each variety was calculated by this method, and the comprehensive score of "Jinchang No. 1" was the highest. Next is "Shanxi Junzao", the lowest comprehensive score is "small jujube".


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