[Abstract]:Torreya grandis belongs to Tertiary relict plants, is a endemic tree species in China, and widely used. However, there was deep dormancy in the seed of Torreya grandis. Under the natural conditions, the seed germinated 2 years after the seed matured to the ground. In this study, the seed dormancy of Torreya grandis was studied, and the seed dormancy was broken by the combination of gibberellic acid and low temperature stratification, and the germination process and the content of storage substances were studied, and the seed dormancy was broken by different concentration of gibberellin. The relationship between the changes of enzyme activity and endogenous hormones revealed the germination mechanism of Torreya grandis seeds. The main results are as follows: (1) the seed viability of Torreya grandis is more than 90%, and the germination potential is great, but under aseptic condition for 30 days, there is still no germination phenomenon. (2) there is no water absorption obstacle in seed coat of Torreya grandis, which is not the reason of seed dormancy; Both seed coat and endosperm of Torreya grandis contain germination inhibitor, and the endosperm intensity is the seed coat endosperm, which indicates that endogenous inhibitor is the main reason of seed dormancy. (3) starch and protein in the process of stratification. Crude fat and other storage substances gradually decreased, soluble sugar, free amino acids and other contents continued to increase, amylase, lipase activities increased, indicating that starch, protein and other storage substances in the role of related enzymes, degradation into soluble sugar, Soluble small molecular substances, such as free amino acids, provide material and energy for seed germination. (4) during the process of stratification, the content of ABA, the inhibitor of germination, continues to decrease, and the content of GA,IAA, which promotes germination, tends to increase. The content of ZR decreased first and then increased, indicating that it was the key to break dormancy and promote germination of Torreya grandis seed to decrease the content of inhibiting substance and promote the increase of substance content. Both GA/ABA,IAA/ABA and ZR/ABA showed an increasing trend, indicating that the breaking of seed dormancy was also related to the ratio of hormones, and endogenous hormones coordinated with each other. (5) the germination rates of the four different treatments were 12.7%, 29.2%, 21.7% and 18.4%, respectively, which indicated that the stratification treatment could break the dormancy of seeds and promote the germination of seeds, and the seed germination rate of the four different treatments was 12.7%, 29.2%, 21.7% and 18.4%, respectively. The combination of 200mg 路L-1 GA3 and stratification has the best effect on seed germination, and this method can be used in production practice.
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