[Abstract]:Stress is an important cause of the outbreak of bacterial disease in aquatic animals. The hormone level, metabolism, and immunity of the body are changed significantly in the normal state. Iron is a very important trace element in fish and micro-organisms, and participates in many processes of life metabolism such as oxygen transportation, cell proliferation and electron transfer, and is also an important nutrient factor for pathogen infection and host. The current study on stress-inhibiting fish immune function has been reported, but the specific mechanism of pathogen invasion and host in stress is still unknown. The change of iron in fish after acute stress and the effect of host stress hormone on the pathogenic force of pathogenic bacteria were studied in this paper from the stress hormones. So as to provide basic data for the pathogenesis and the pathological study of fish stress. The cluster head is an important large freshwater fish culture variety, and the bacterial infection caused by stress and Aeromonas hydrophila infection in the culture process is very serious. In this study, the contents of plasma and liver iron at different time points were measured by injection of cortisol to simulate acute stress, and the expression of iron and transferrin genes at different time points was determined, and the internal environment was simulated by using iron deficiency serum-SAPI culture medium. The effects of stress hormones on the growth of pathogenic bacteria, expression, phenotype and virulence of virulence-related genes were analyzed. The results are as follows:1. After quantitative injection of cortisol (10 mg/ kg), the concentration of cortisol in the abdominal cavity was absorbed within a short period of time, and the concentration of the plasma cortisol was the highest at 0 h in the experimental group, and then the cortisol was gradually resolved. However, at 2,4,8 and 10 h, the concentration of cortisol (P0.05) was maintained, and the concentration of cortisol in the control group was substantially the same as that of the control group at 12 h, indicating that the quantitative injection of cortisol was suitable for the establishment of the acute stress model of the group head. In the experimental group, the iron content in the experimental group had no significant change at 0-2 h, and the iron content in the plasma after 4 h had a maximum value, and the iron content of the experimental group decreased to the control group at 24 h, and the iron content in the experimental group showed the change trend of the "V"-shape in the whole. The iron content of the liver was stable at 0-2 h, the iron content of the liver decreased sharply at 4 h, and the iron content in the liver was low at 10 h, and then the iron content of the liver rebounded, and the content of iron after 24 h was stable. After the stress of cortisol, the expression of liver iron (LEAP1, LEAP2) and transferrin (Tf) was unimodal. The highest expression level was found at 8,10 and 10 h. The expression of Tf in the intestinal tract was increased slightly at 24,48 and 48 h. The expression of Tf in the intestinal tract was slightly increased at 0 h, and Tf began to be transcribed in a large amount at 8 h. The expression level of Tf decreased to the normal level at the time of 10 h and 48 h for 24 h. As a result, the steady-state imbalance of the iron-iron homeostasis is induced by the stress of the cortisol, and the expression of the iron-state-related gene is induced, and the iron regulation system of the body is activated. The growth curve of Aeromonas hydrophila AH196 in the serum-SAPI medium was "S"-shaped, the higher noradrenaline (NE) concentration (100. mu.M and 200. mu.M) was able to greatly increase the proliferation rate of Aeromonas hydrophila AH196 in the logarithmic phase, The low concentrations of NE (12.5,25 and 50. mu.M) do not show this effect, while the growth of Aeromonas hydrophila NJ-35, AH33, AH189 and AH301 can also be induced by 100.mu. M NE. The results of quantitative PCR showed that NE significantly increased the expression level of heat-stable enterotoxin (ast), hemolysin (hly), iron-superoxide dismutase (sodB) and flagellin B (fla B) gene of Aeromonas hydrophila (P0.05). The NE of NE significantly increased the outer membrane protein W (omp W) and the outer membrane protein A (ompA). The amount of gene expression of the serine protease (ap), the elastase (ela), the adhesin (aa), the iron uptake regulator (fur) and the ayR. NE could not induce the changes of the level of expression of the expression of aerA, the heat labile enterotoxin (alt) and the lipase (lip), but significantly inhibited the expression of the cytotoxic and flagellin A (fla) mRNA. NE can only enhance the activity of Aeromonas hydrophila AH196, and has no significant effect on hemolytic, motility and lipase activity. The in-life challenge test shows that, after infection of Aeromonas hydrophila, the NE greatly increases the mortality of the crucian carp, thus indicating that the NE enhances the toxicity of Aeromonas hydrophila.
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