本文选题:国家林业发展纲要 + 实施纲要 ; 参考:《哈尔滨师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Russia, as one of the world's great powers, has abundant forest resources. Russia formulates the solution outline and implements the forest utilization, the protection, the reproduction aspect question. The study of Russian National Forestry Development Program not only contributes to the development of forestry cooperation between the two countries, but also has guiding significance for the forestry development of our country. The outline of the Russian National Forestry Development Program for 2013-2020 (I) is selected as the translated text. The outline mainly introduces the outline of the implementation of the Russian National Forestry Development Program, the national policy priorities, objectives, tasks, indicators, expected results and development prospects. This report is a summary of the analysis and application of translation theory to solve the linguistic problems encountered in the process of translation. This report is divided into four parts: the first part is the mission introduction, which mainly introduces the background of the task and the meaning of the translation task, the second part is the translation process, mainly introduces the pre-translation preparation, the translation process and the post-translation issues. The third part is a case study of translation, which introduces the types of problems in translation practice and the use of translation strategies (choice of word meaning, translation of professional terms, increase and decrease of word quantity, translation of part of speech, translation of Russian quantitative structure). The last part of this paper is a summary of translation practice and some unsolved problems in translation practice. Through translation practice, we can cultivate our own ability of independent analysis, study, learn to use some translation strategies, accumulate translation experience, and consolidate the foundation for future translators.
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