[Abstract]:Since ancient times, scholars have loved the study of metaphor. From Aristotle to contemporary linguists, metaphor has been studied for thousands of years. The charm of metaphor is shown not only in linguistics, but also in sociology, psychology and culturology. Metaphor, as a rhetorical device, is mysterious. It is closely related to language, and language is an important carrier of culture. Therefore, the study of metaphor will also understand a language and the culture of the language user. The concept of text or text has come into the attention of language researchers in recent years. The research on text or text is not long, but it has aroused great controversy in academic circles, and there is no consensus on the definition of text. As a unique part of Russian economic discourse, the research value of Russian economic discourse is no less than that of Russian political discourse. On the basis of inheriting the previous research results, this paper, through the study of metaphor phenomena in Russian economic discourse, makes a detailed explanation and analysis of metaphor and discourse from a unique perspective. In this paper, the author classifies the Russian economic discourse by means of statistical analysis, and analyzes the metaphor phenomenon in the Russian economic discourse by the method of illustrative analysis. Through the presentation of the national language to explore its deep national character and rich national connotation. This research is divided into four parts: the first chapter is the introduction part, which mainly introduces the academic research background, its theoretical and practical significance and the current research situation at home and abroad, the second chapter is the theoretical basis of this study. The author introduces and analyzes the most representative viewpoints in modern metaphor theory, and in Chapter three, introduces the concept of discourse and explains its definition in detail. The fourth chapter is the sublimation part of this thesis, which is accumulated through the contents of the first three chapters. According to the characteristics of the use of metaphor in Russian economic discourse, the Russian national characteristics and cultural connotations are abstracted.
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