发布时间:2024-03-07 05:55
本论文题目为“教学传统对中国外语教学交际法实施的影响——以浙江大学德语作为外语课程为例”。 我的研究动机来源于我在浙江大学对中国学生进行德语教学时的个人经验。我在教学过程中发现,中国学生的外语学习习惯和对外语教师的期望与西方学生是完全不同的。我还注意到,教师在课堂上运用的教学方法和中国学生在课堂上的表现都与西方有所区别。基于以上的这些观察和发现,我决定对中国的外语教学传统进行研究和分析:这些习惯从何而来?他们受到哪些影响? 根据上述各点,本文设置了三个问题: 1.中国学生学习德语的动机是什么? 2.中国的教学传统是如何在德语课堂中体现的? 3.哪种教学法对于中国学生来说是最适合的? 我的研究主要从两个层面展开。第一个层面主要是对外语教学法、中国的外语教学传统以及中国学生与教师的特点进行一些理论方面的探讨。第二个层而则是以教师和学生为日标群体进行质性实证研究。在学生方面主要是研究他们学习德语的动机、学习策略以及他们对于目前的学习条件和教学方法的看法。在教师方面则主要探究他们对于中国外语教学传统的看法以及交际法在德语课堂上的运用。实证研究以向学生发放带有开放式问题的调查问卷、对老师进行半结...
【文章页数】:97 页
0. Introduction
1. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching (FLT)
1.1 Grammar Translation Method
1.2 Direct Method
1.3 Audio-lingual Method
1.4 Communicative Language Teaching Method (CLT)
1.5 Intercultural Approach
2. Teaching and learning tradition in China
2.1 Definition of the terminology
2.2 The Chinese teaching and learning tradition
2.2.1 Confucian teaching tradition
2.2.2 Development and changes in the Chinese teaching and learning tradition
2.2.3 Chinese Foreign Language Teaching (FLT) methods
2.2.4 Portrait of the Chinese teacher
2.2.5 Portrait of the Chinese learner
3. The present conditions of German as a foreign language in China
3.1 Historical overview
3.2 Condition
3.3 Class size
3.4 Teacher quality
4. Description of the study
4.1 The questions and hypotheses of the study
4.2 Methodology of the study
4.3 Learners' questionnaire
4.4 Teachers' interviews
5. Analyses of Data
5.1 Results of students' survey
5.2 Results of teachers' interviews
6. Conclusion
7. References
【文章页数】:97 页
0. Introduction
1. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching (FLT)
1.1 Grammar Translation Method
1.2 Direct Method
1.3 Audio-lingual Method
1.4 Communicative Language Teaching Method (CLT)
1.5 Intercultural Approach
2. Teaching and learning tradition in China
2.1 Definition of the terminology
2.2 The Chinese teaching and learning tradition
2.2.1 Confucian teaching tradition
2.2.2 Development and changes in the Chinese teaching and learning tradition
2.2.3 Chinese Foreign Language Teaching (FLT) methods
2.2.4 Portrait of the Chinese teacher
2.2.5 Portrait of the Chinese learner
3. The present conditions of German as a foreign language in China
3.1 Historical overview
3.2 Condition
3.3 Class size
3.4 Teacher quality
4. Description of the study
4.1 The questions and hypotheses of the study
4.2 Methodology of the study
4.3 Learners' questionnaire
4.4 Teachers' interviews
5. Analyses of Data
5.1 Results of students' survey
5.2 Results of teachers' interviews
6. Conclusion
7. References