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发布时间:2016-11-26 07:26

Chapter 1 Int roduction

With the development of globalization, the world becomes a small village. Thecommunication and cooperation among countri es are more and more frequent than before. English, as the most widely used language in the world, is becoming more and more important. English teaching is given more attention to than ever before. Since English is a tool for communication, the purpose of English teaching is to enablestudents to use the language to communicate in real life. Junior high school students are curious about interesting things. But their self-monitoring learning ability is notstrong enough and they can’t concentrate on their textbooks for a long time, whichrequire English teachers to stimulate students’ interest to learn English, to cultivatetheir learning ability, and to help students establish a sense of lifelong learning.As we all know, vocabulary is a basic element in language learning. A famouslinguist Wilkins (1972) once pointed out that people can convey little without grammar, but convey nothing without words. The larger one’s vocabulary is, the morehecan understand and express, and his ability of listening, speaking, reading andwriting can also be improved accordingly. To some extent, one’s size of vocabularydetermines his level of language learning. Therefore, vocabulary learning plays an importantrolein language l earning, and even relates to the efficiency of languagelearning. Many junior high school students cannot express them selves fluentlybecause of their shortage of vocabulary. Learning vocabulary in aneffective way can help solve the problems, as well as prepare themselves for further study.Nowadays, many English teachers have changed their teaching ideas. They teach students not only what it is, but also how to use it. Teachers try varied teachingmethods to make it interesting when teaching listening, speaking, reading and writing.But vocabulary teach ing is usually ignor ed. The current situ ation of Englishvocabulary teaching in our country is as follows.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Multimodal DiscourseAnalysis

People usually communicate with each other in a variety of ways at the same time, and not just in a single method. The “way” or “method” is what people callmode. Mode, to some extent, is a kind of sensory which people feel the outside world,such as visual sense, auditory sense, and tactile sense. Gu Yueguo (2007) pointed thatmode is the means that people’s senses interact with the outside world. And the toolspeople feel with, such eyes, ears, and hands, are called media. People using one mode to communicate is called single modal discourse, and people using a variety of modesto communicate is called multimodal discourse.From 1990s, more and more linguists pa id attention to m ultimodal discourseanalysis. Van Leeuwen (2005) once defined multimodal discourse as the combinationof different semiotic modes in acommunicative artifact or event. Zhang Delu (2009)put forward that m ultimodal discourse referred to the phenom enon that peop lecommunicate with each other by using their various senses, such as visuals ,auditory sense, as well as tactile sense, through languages, images, sounds, and so on.However, during the process of communica tion, a lot of m eaning is expressed by some otherfactors except language, for example, the speed and tone of the speech, the gestures and facial expressions of the speakers, and the surrounding environment.Therefore, when people communicate with each other, a variety of senses wor ktogether instead of a single sense.Zhu Yongsheng (2007) proposed two criteria of multimodal discourse. The firstmethod is to identify how m any types of sense is involved. Mu ltimodal discourseinvolves more than two sense at the same time. This method is generally recognizedby the current linguists. The second way is to identify the semiotic system. Forexample, comic books involves only a visual mode, but it includes text, pictures aswell as some changes of colour. Thus, it has the property of multimodal discourse.

2.2 Vocabulary Teaching

Vocabulary teaching is the teaching process which regard vocabulary as theteaching content, and is based on the unders tanding and output of the tar get words.However, the content of vocabulary teaching involves not only the single word itself,but also its pragmatic meaning and co llocation. Laufer (1995) proposed thatvocabulary learning might developed from the surface to the deep level in differentlearning periods, in stead of a simple accumulation of words. Therefore, teachersshould develop students’ ability to learn words com prehensively and use themflexibly.The main factors of vocabulary teaching are the pronunciation, form, andmeaning of words, among which the former two are the basic elements for words todistinguish from each other. When teaching vocabulary, teachers should pay attentionto the unity of the pronunciation and spelling of words. It is of great help if students can match some sound with some certain forms. As for the meaning of words, it is notless important than its pronunciation and form. And most scholars agreed that learnersshould master not only the definition of a word in dictionary but also its collocation,social meaning, affective meaning, and so on, which will be discussed in detail later.

Chapter 3 Methodology......................33

3.1 Research Questions..................33
3.2 Subjects ...........................33
3.3 Instrum ents...............34 
Chapter 4 The First-roundAction Research............ 37
4.1 Identifying Problems......................37
4.2 Making theAction Plan ......................40
4.3 Im plementing theAction Plan ...............40
4.4 Reflection and Evaluation............................44 
Chapter 5 The Second-roundAction Research..................... 55
5.1 Identifying Problems...........................55
5.2 Adjustment of theAction Plan................55
5.3 Im plementing theAction Plan ...............56
5.4 Reflection and Evaluation..................59

Chapter 5 The Second-round Action Research

5.1 Identifyi ng Problems

On the basis of the results of first-r ound action research, the researcher finds that there are still some problems during the application of multimodal teaching modetovocabulary teaching, which need to be studied in this round.First of all, students’ attention may be distracted by the fancy fonts, pictures,and videos. Therefore, they can’t engage themselves in the learning content intently.Secondly, there are also som e problems in students’ word spelling. Students’spelling mistake is reduced, but it’s not obvious enough.Furthermore, the time spent in developing students’ vocabulary learningstrategies is insufficient.


5.2 Adjustment of theAction Plan

Stages One: The researcher stud ies students’ learning situation and identifiesthe problems that appear in the application of multimodal teaching mode tovocabulary teaching in the first-round action research.Stage Two: The researcher adjusts the action plan according to the results of the first-round action research andtheproblem appeared in it. Then she appliesmultimodal to English vocabulary teaching in order to solve the problems and make itmore efficient in vocabulary teaching.Stage Three: The researcher evaluates the results of the second-round actionresearch through classroom observation, interview, questionnaires, and tests, with thepurpose of finding the effects of the application of multimodal vocabulary teaching toEnglish class. The researcher chooses Unit 2 and Unit 5 from Student Book Grade 9 as theteaching materials of the second-round action research according to the teach ingschedule and the contents of teaching materials. Based on the results of the first-roundaction research, the res earcher identifies some problems in the process of applyingmultimodal teaching mode to vocabulary teaching, such as the fancy PPT distractingstudents’ attention, students’ spelling mistakes, and the lack of vocabulary learningstrategy input. Then the researcher adjusts the action plan, and places the emphasis ofthe experiment on the adjustm ent of the multimodal PPT, adding dictation training,and imparting some vocabulary learning strategies. The time schedule and themes ofthe second-round action research are listed in the following chart.

Chapter 6 Conclusion

6.1 Major Findings

In this thesis, the researcher does an action research to study students’vocabulary learning under multimodal teaching mode. After two rounds classroomobservation and data analysis, the researcher finds th at multimodal vocabulary teaching mode have good effects on students’ vocabulary learning. The results showsthat multimodal teaching mode has obvious effects on students’vocabulary learning.First of all, compared with traditional teachingmode, the high-frequencyinteraction in multimodal teaching mode can improve students’ interest in vocabularylearning and stimulate their learning motivation.Secondly, its flexible us e of various teaching m ethods can make up for thedeficiency of the traditional single teaching mode, and arise students’ enthusiasm toparticipate in classroom teaching actively.Thirdly, the rich and varied information input with m ultiple semiotics canstimulate students’ various senses, as well as strengthen their memory of teachingcontents.And then, the authentic language learning environment created by the teacher can enhancestudents’ ability to use the words they have learned. Therefore,mostofthe junior high school English teachers a nd students are satisfied with multimodalvocabulary teaching mode, and believe it better than traditional vocabulary teachingmode.What’s more, traditional vocabulary teaching mode also has its own advantages.It lays emphasison students’ systematic learning of vocabulary. And thehigh-frequency of dictation can help improve students’ accuracy of word spelling.Thus, traditional vocabulary teaching m ethod cannot be completely abandoned inclassroom teaching. Teachers should combine traditional teaching method withmultimodal teaching mode to make vocabulary teaching more effective.

6.2 Pedagogical Implication

Here are some implication for English teaching in our country, which are gotfrom the results of the study.Firstly, multiple semiotic input, such as sounds, images and videos, can help students get information through a variety of ways, mobilize students’ various sensesto participate in cla ssroom activities, and deepen the ir impression of theunder standing and memory of the teaching content as well. Amore authentic language learning environment created by teachers may contribute to stude nts’ understandingand memorizing of new words, which lays the foundation of the correct use of thos ewords. It must be noted that the choice of mode should base on teach ing contents,teaching aims, and the optimal effects. It is easy to distract students’ attention if too many modes are used at the same time.Secondly, the interactive teaching mode provides conditions for students’language output, develops students’ potential of language learning, stimulate theirinterest in vocabulary learning, promote their accurate use of the words, as well asaccelerate the process of vocabulary learning.Furthermore, under the multimodal teaching mode, the roles of teachers andstudents have changed. Teachers change their roles from the controller to theorganizer and guide of the class. They design tasks and activities, guide students toexplore knowledge by them selves, and help solve the problems in their lea rningprocess. Students change their roles from the follower and passive recipients to activelearners and knowledge explorers. They participate incl assroom activities activelyand construct their knowledge system in the process of their own exploration.Finally, traditional vocabulary teaching mode also has its o wn advantages. Itlays emphasis on students’ systematic learning of vocabulary. And the high-frequencyof dictation can help improve students’ accuracy of word spelling. Students can easilyget the key points from teachers’ blackboard design, which is convenient for the mtotake notes and review what they have learned after class systematically. What’s more,traditional teaching method is less affected by the external environment, such as thepower and network pro blems, and teachers explaining the words directly can helpsave time as well. Therefore, teachers should combine traditional teaching methodwith multimodal teaching mode, and adjust teaching contents as well as teachingmethods according to students’current level.






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