1.1 Research Background
Metaphor research has gradually become an independent and mature field as more and more studies has been conducted on it. It has been brought up by cognitive linguists including the famous George Lakoff that metaphor is not limited to its use of rhetorical device. It is a production of human perception and a cognitive tool for human to make use of their experience accumulated from certain area to understand unfamiliar things from another area. In his influential book, Metaphor We Live By, Lakoff and Johnson (1980:3) put forward the idea of conceptual metaphor and point out that metaphor runs through our daily life. Not only does it penetrate in our language, but also reflects on our thoughts and actions. The wide acceptation of the idea has made researches on metaphor break its restriction to the traditional metaphor theories based on literature and rhetoric and enters a brand-new world of cognitive field.
However, with the rapid and continuous development of science and technology, the way people communicate has changed a lot. Verbal language is no longer the only way for people to express themselves. Non-verbal media such as pictures, sounds, colors have all been increasingly important resources for meaning constructions and have played a role of vital significance in exchange of information and daily communication. As a result, most of the previous studies on conceptual metaphor are restricted to the analysis of verbal resources, focusing on illustrating their linguistic features and semantic structures. As there is a lack of thorough explorations in other non-verbal semiotic resources with meaning potential, such studies have fallen short of the development. Given the fact that nowadays the manifestation of metaphors have extended to non-verbal modes including music, pictures, gestures and so on, recently a number of researchers led by Forceville spent tremendous time and efforts on shifting metaphor study from verbal texts to the domain of interdisciplinary multimodality for the purpose of providing a larger space for the development of metaphor researches to match the development of human communications realized in multiple ways.
1.2 Rationale
People nowadays are bombarded with all kinds of advertisements everywhere like TV commercials at home, posters on the public transportations, billboards by the road, and messages from mobile phones. The thesis chooses to analyze advertisements not only because its penetration into all aspects of people‘s life, but also due to the fact that it represents a genre full of metaphors with a multimodal character and clear-cut persuading intentions. There is no doubt that most of the time advertising is intended to draw people‘s attention, inform them about the message they try to convey. For public service advertising, they intend to call for actions for better causes. And for commercial advertising they attempt to display the product information and trigger further consumptions. So as to achieve the maximum effects of the persuasive power of the advertising but not to seem desperately pushing and annoy target audience or potential customers at the same time, many advertising designers try their best to add metaphorical elements to intrigue people instead of using direct and straightforward promotions in conventional ways. The advertisements studied are mostly endowed with a multimodal characteristic with at least pictorial and linguistic components. These features work in consistency as a whole to manifest the metaphorical meaning. Since printed advertisement ―need not be abridged in that they can be reproduced in their entirety and more or less, in their original form‖ (Forceville, 1996:70), the advertisements under study are all printed advertisements due to its static feature and in order to be more practical.
Due to the fact that verbal language is no more the only or even the main semiotic mode, previous studies which concentrated on mono-modal context and linguistic resources are inadequate and have limitations when their theories being applied to explore the present multimodal discourses. Ever since its emergence in the late 1990s and prosperity afterwards, multimodal discourse analysis including multimodal metaphor has been an effective way to analyze the non-linguistic resources. Nevertheless, most of the researches on multimodal metaphor are conducted from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. Seldom are there studies examining the multimodal metaphor on the grounds of systemic-functional theories, let alone using the Visual Grammar theory, put forward by Gunther Kress and Theo van Leeuwen in the pioneering work Reading Images. The dissertation not only intend to explore how multimodal metaphor are constructed in printed advertisement including public service advertisements and commercial advertisements, but also attempt to discuss the persuasive strategies and effects of multimodal metaphor in printed advertisements form the perspective of Kress & Van Leeuwen‘s meta-functional meanings and based on Aristotle‘s Three Appeals.
2.1 Previous Studies of Multimodal Discourse Analysis
One of the very first researchers in multimodal discourse analysis is R.Barthes. He discussed the interaction of pictures and words in construction of meaning expressions in his paper Rhetoric of the Image in 1997. Cope & Kalantiz (2000) put forward that the meta-language is composed of six-fold design, linguistic design, visual design, audio design, gestural design, spatial design and multimodal pattern which relate the other five modes together. Their theory and research project has paved the way for the development and flourish of multimodal discourse analysis. Based on Halliday‘s systemic-functional theory from the perspective of social semiology, Kress, G. & Van Leeuwen, T (1996; 2001; 2003) built up an analysis framework for multimodal discourse analysis in pictorial analysis. Their book Reading Images is a milestone of multimodal discourse analysis. It clarified the constituents and structure of visual design to analyze how images covey meanings and it is also used to analyze the function of sound and color in the discourse. It is found in the book that the grammar of language can be utilized and applied to the visual communication. They adopt the systemic-functional grammar to analyze the visual modes. The systematic and efficient analytic framework they put forward with has a profound influence and led to numerous subsequent productive researches in the related field. Baldry (2000) studied the way to better students‘ multimodality acquisition ability in order to make full use of the multi-mediality in the distant learning age. O‘Halloran, K.L (2004) not only studied the theory construction of multimodality, but also devoted himself to the researches on the multimodality phenomenon in Math discourse. Royce, T. (2002) studied the complementary effects of different semiotic resources. He put forward the inter-semiotic complementarity theory and applied it to the research of synergy of different modes in second language class teaching. Scollon (2003) studied geo-semiotics, the meaning system where language is placed in the material world. He also worked a way in which material features of language in the world define communications.
2.2 Previous Studies of Multimodal Metaphor
The rise of multimodal metaphor can be induced into the following three factors, according to Zhao Xiufeng (2011): the inadequacfay of pure language metaphor researches within the field of cognitive linguistics, the development trend of multimodal discourse triggered by the popularity of multimodal communication media and the cross-discipline development trend of human science. At the beginning, the pictorial metaphor researches concentrated ondifferent kinds of visual media arts such as painting arts, line arts and illustrations, movie pictures and advertisement pictures. At this time pictorial metaphors were regarded as means of pictorial rhetoric of a broader sense. It is Charles Forceville who was the first one in favor of putting pictorial metaphor into the theoretical framework of cognitive linguistics to have a systematic and comprehensive analysis. In his book Pictorial Metaphor in Advertising published in 1996, he made a systematic and comprehensive explanation of the composition, classification and the analysis strategy about the printed advertising for the first time. One of the outstanding contributions of the book is the categorization of pictorial metaphors. He divided the pictorial metaphors into four types: contextual metaphor (MP1), hybrid metaphor (MP2), pictorial simile (PS) and integrated metaphor (VPM). The book also stressed the important role the context and the cultural background of the readers played in the interpretation of the metaphor. However, the book focused too much on the pictures and did not have a clear differentiation of the modality, given by the fact that the pictorial metaphor it depicted involved not only mono-modal metaphors manifested by pure pictures, but also multimodal metaphors shown by pictures and words.
3.1 Forceville & Urios-Aparisi‘s Multimodal Metaphor ........... 13
3.1.1 Definition of Multimodal Metaphor .............. 13
3.1.2 Characteristics of Multimodal Metaphor ........ 13
4.1 Metaphor Potential of Representational Meaning ............... 19
4.1.1 Narrative Representation and Metaphor Construction ............. 20
4.1.2 Conceptual Representation and Metaphor Construction ......... 28
5.1 Persuasive Strategies of Multimodal Metaphor in Printed Public Service Advertisements ....... 54
5.2 Persuasive Strategies of Multimodal Metaphor in Printed Commercial Advertisements ........ 57
5.1 Persuasive Strategies of Multimodal Metaphor in Printed Public Service Advertisements
Nowadays, people pay more and more attention to their health and try to avoid or reduce the potential danger to their health, so smoking in the public has been banned worldwide and more and more people has joint the team for anti-smoking as the harmful effects of secondhand smoke have gained much more attention than before. 30 advertisements for anti-smoking have been collected and analyzed in terms of multimodal metaphors. And 13 of them are involved with multimodal metaphors. Their persuasive strategies are summarized along with the metaphor constructions as follows.
As the metaphor constructions have been discussed in previous chapter, metaphor constructions will not be analyzed in details again. The strategies used in the anti-smoking advertisements have been numbered in Table 5.2 for clearer review.
6.1 Major Findings
Based on the Forceville & Urios-Aparisi‘s Multimodal Metaphor and Kress & Van Leeuwen‘s Visual Grammer, the dissertation attempts to explore the metaphor potential and the metaphor constructions of representational meaning, interactive meaning and compositional meaning in construction of multimodal metaphors in printed advertisement including the public service advertisement for anti-smoking and the commercial advertisement for shoes. And based on the Application of Aristotle‘s Rhetorical Appeals, the dissertation intends to discuss the persuasive strategies and effects of these printed advertisement. The major findings are listed as follows,
1) There is metaphor potential in representational meaning including the narrative process and conceptual process. In narrative process, any replacement of conventional grammatical units including participants, process and circumstance can construct metaphors. In terms of conceptual process, it is further divided into classificational process, analytical process and symbolic process. The metaphor construction for classificational process is realized by symmetrical composition. For analytical process, both partial features added to a whole and partial replacement of a whole can create metaphors. In symbolic process, symbolic attributive and symbolic suggestive are the two similar but somehow different ways to realize metaphors.
2) The metaphors constructed in interactive meaning belong to oriental metaphors which are mainly concerned with the symbolic relation between viewers and images. The main resource to construct interactive meaning in this sense is the camera positioning which includes size of frame, vertical angle and horizontal angle corresponding to the construction of social distance, power relation and involvement respectively. Accordingly, the constructed metaphor IMAGE-VIEWER RELATION IS CAMERA POSITIONING is a metaphoric system which includes three sub-system for oriental metaphors SOCIAL DISTANCE IS SHOT DISTANCE, INVOLVEMENT IS HORIZAONTAL ANGLE and POWER RELATION IS VERTICAL ANGLE. Shot distance can be generally divided into close shot and long shot, representing close relation and distant relation respectively. Horizontal angle talks about front view and oblique view which correspondingly refer to involvement and detachment. The vertical angle symbolizes the power relation between the image and viewer and three metaphors are involved, the IMAGE POWER IS LOW ANGLE, EQUALITY IS EYE-LEVEL and VIEWER POWER IS HIGH ANGLE. The projections between domains are based on human‘s physical and cultural experience.