摘 要
关键词:传统教育培训 在线教育培训 互联网 W公司 发展路径
On the one hand the Internet has changed people's way of life, but also to the Internet all walks of life has undergone enormous changes, on the other hand along with the country's reform and opening up continue to advance the pace of the economic community has made constant progress, but also to social competition becomes more and more intense, and the fierce competition, you want to gain an advantage, skills, education and other naturally become important conditions, in this case, whether it is for a variety of primary and secondary education and training, or a variety for adults education and training, to achieve greater development, in this case, the combination of education and training through the Internet has become a necessity. Traditional education and training institutions, how to seize opportunities, meet challenges, attain their own survival and development opportunities in the overall development of the industry, has become a large number of traditional training institutions problems to be solved.
In this study, based on specific enterprise starting, through education and training in terms of the domestic market in the development process, the domestic market as a whole education and training and so forth the status of training and development of education, and noted that the feasibility of the traditional education and training institutions in the development of online education and online education and training the features and advantages by using Boston matrix for the selected enterprises four business areas were analyzed, and were pointed out its development strategy, by further methods such as SWOT analysis for the selected companies, noted the existence of a certain cost the main advantage of the advantages of seven aspects, there is the lack of online education-related professionals and other major disadvantage of six, increasing presence of online education market year by year, and has been the main opportunity capital paid special attention to five aspects of existence the main threat to the financing behind other four areas. Further based on SWOT analysis results, combined with the actual situation of Internet education characteristics and W's proposed W company's development path, pointed out that when the guard consolidate the traditional advantages of the project Japanese face to face business, consolidate culture study tour to learn the business, protection of corporate liquidity, as development of online education service provider eight aspects of financial support to strengthen the construction, through relevant analysis seeks to provide education and training industry to adapt to the traditional characteristics of the times of the opinions and suggestions to the Internet education transformation.Key words:Traditional education and training; online education and training; Internet; W company; Development Path
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 2
1.2 研究现状 2
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 4
1.3 研究方法和内容 5
1.3.1研究方法 5
1.3.2研究内容 6
1.4研究创新点 8
第二章 我国教育培训发展现状 9
2.1 教育培训概述 9
2.1.1传统教育培训 9
2.1.2在线教育培训 9
2.1.3传统教育与在线教育的区别 9
2.2 我国教育培训发展现状 10
2.2.1国内教育培训市场发展进程 10
2.2.2国内教育培训市场整体情况分析 12
2.3 传统教育培训机构发展在线教育的可行性 15
2.3.1在线教育市场给予了良好的发展条件 15
2.3.2网络教育企业和平台给予了成熟的线上服务 16
2.3.3教育消费观念的变化为在线教育提供发展机会 16
2.4 在线教育培训的特点与优势 16
第三章 W公司发展现状 18
3.1 W公司介绍 18
3.1.1 W公司组织机构 18
3.1.2 W公司成长脉络 19
3.2 W公司的波士顿矩阵分析 20
3.2.1波士顿矩阵 20
3.2.2在W公司发展中引入波士顿矩阵理论的必要性 21
3.2.3W公司的波士顿矩阵分析 23
第四章 “互联网+”时代下W公司发展路径选择 28
4.1 “互联网+”时代下W公司的SWOT分析 28
4.1.1 SWOT分析法 28
4.1.2 W公司的发展优势 29
4.1.3 W公司的发展劣势 30
4.1.4 W公司的发展机遇 32
4.1.5 W公司的发展威胁 33
4.2 W公司的发展路径选择 33
第五章 总结及展望 37
5.1 主要结论 37
5.2 研究展望 38
参考文献 39
后 记 41
第一章 绪论