摘 要
因此,当前银行体系的资本管理困境,以及尚未完全成型的政策性银行经济资本管理现状,决定了政策性银行经济资本管理的重要性与必要性。按照1994年我国三大政策性银行成立时的资本金安排,国家财政从预算计划中安排470亿元人民币资本金,并通过逐年划拨的形式予以补充。直至2015年,我国关于政策性银行资本管理才成形并用于实践,国开行获批的深化改革方案并未强调商业化转型,而是明确定位为“开发性金融机构”,在一定程度上向着政策性回归。同时,中国进出口银行“要强化政策性职能定位”,中国农业发展银行 “要坚持以政策性业务为主体”,均进一步明确了政策性定位。而三大银行的资本充足率将统一按照10.5%的标准实施,较之于商业银行8%的比率要高,体现了对政策性银行更高的风控要求。
Policy bank economic capital management, compared with the commercial banks should have more system of capital management measures, but due to the endorsement of the policy bank "policy" background, making China's policy banks capital management from concept to the implementation of specific measures, they are always in the state of "vacancy". Therefore, the careful interpretation of China's policy banks in the implementation of economic management policy recommendations, the need to emphasize and uphold the idea and the system of the two themes. If the concept of economic capital management is absent, and the lack of accurate measurement technology of economic capital, strict economic capital management system should become a temporary alternative to scientific management methods of institutional measures. And the implementation of economic capital management measures, is the intermediary path of China's policy banks risk control. The beginning of the economic capital management initiatives is to improve the economic capital allocation, as a result of precise measurement of economic capital is still the lack of estimation of the total economic capital and economic capital structure unreasonable allocation, in short, economic capital is to limit the risk of configuration. Obviously, the effective allocation of economic capital is the identification, preset and asset allocation of risk from the quantity and structure. In addition, whether it is the micro basis of the bank's internal rating, or based on the macro issues of systemic risk, the statistics and analysis of large data, is the information base of the current risk management measures of the bank. The execution and implementation of information technology, is built on the concept of modern risk management based on is not only the absence of policy bank information management technology, the data resources of the Commercial Bank of our country from the rights management, data management and technical processing are lack of.
Therefore, the current capital management of the banking system, as well as the policy banks have not fully formed the economic capital management status quo, the policy banks to determine the importance and necessity of economic capital management. According to the three policy banks in 1994, the establishment of capital arrangements, the state financial arrangements for 47 billion yuan of capital from the budget plan, and through the allocation of the form to be added. Until 2015, China's policy on bank capital management took shape and used in practice, the CDB approved deepen reform program did not emphasize business transformation, but clear positioning for the "development of financial institutions", return toward the policy in a certain extent. At the same time, China's import and export bank to strengthen the policy of functional orientation, China's agricultural development bank to adhere to the policy of business as the main body, are further defined policy orientation. And three bank's capital adequacy ratio will be unified and implemented according to the standard of 10.5%, ratio of 8% compared with commercial banks to high, reflecting the higher on the policy bank risk control requirements.From the international general situation, the capital adequacy ratio of the policy banks will be much higher than the general commercial bank. At the same time, compared with developed countries, the capital adequacy ratio of developing countries is higher. But three policy banks did not establish a sustained stable and effective capital replenishment mechanism, policy banks position clear at the same time, difficult to form independent anti risk capital return mechanism, continue to create policy banks in the national credit reveal all the details of the old routine.
So this paper according to the Bank of China's policy of financial institutions or policies to achieve unity in accordance with the requirements of regulation of 10.5% or more of the capital adequacy ratio, and the scientific and effective management and Research on the capital structure and the related risk.
Key words: policy bank; economic capital management; risk control; capital adequacy ratio
目 录
摘 要 2Abstract 4
第一章 导论 6
一、选题背景 6
二、选题目的与研究意义 6
三、研究思路和方法 7
四、论文框架 7
五、技术路线 9
第二章 文献概述 10
一、相关概念 10
(一)资本管理 10
(二)经济资本 10
(三)经济资本的特征 11
二、我国政策性银行经济资本管理的现状 11
(一)金融风险来源与经济资本管理 11
(二)政策性银行资本筹措渠道 12
(三)金融机构风险管理与经济资本管理 14
三、本章小结 14
第三章 国外银行实施经济资本管理的经验与启示 16
一、国外经验 16
二、实施经济资本管理的概化性困境 17
(一)经济资本管理的系统性“缺位” 17
(二)经济资本管理的制度化“缺位” 17
(三)经济资本管理的技术“缺位” 18
三、国外经验对我国的启示 18
四、本章小结 19
第四章 我国政策性银行经济资本管理的现状 21
一、缺乏稳定的资本筹集机制 21
二、资金来源渠道有限而单一 22
三、资本与风险的错配 23
四、缺乏长效的资本管理规划 24
五、缺少相关的法律法规和制度保证 24
六、本章小结 25
第五章 我国经济资本管理存在的现实困境深化分析 26
一、经济资本管理的困境现状与解决路径 26
(一)经济资本管理的定性与定量“缺位”现状 26
(二)经济资本管理的制度化“缺位”困境 27
(三)经济资本管理的技术“缺位” 27
二、实施经济资本管理的政策建议 28
(一)加强经济资本管理理念 28
(二)提高经济资本计量精确度 29
(三)改进经济资本配置机制 30
(四)夯实内部评级基础 31
(五)加强管理信息系统建设 31
(六)强化经济资本管理的外部保障 32
三、本章小结 32
第六章 总结与展望 34
参考文献 38
第一章 导论
作为企业角色的金融机构,具有追逐利益的驱动;而作为经营特殊商品---货币的金融机构,越来越注重保持经营稳健性的需求,也即风险管理的必要性。关于风险管理,是金融机构对损失可能性的资本配置。最为有名的商业银行风险管理标准,是巴塞尔系列协议。其中,风险加权资本比重不低于8%,也即对敞口风险的资本配置比例。值得注意的是,由内部评级方式构造的资本管理措施,存在诸如风险控制措施单一化 ,以及监管资本的风险管理有效性等问题,致使当前金融风险管理措施有效性不断受到质疑。政策性银行的经济资本管理,相较于商业银行,存在规范有余而创新不足的困境,尤其是经济资本管理具有较新的创新理念,但由于政策性银行的“政策”背书背景,使得我国政策性银行的资本管理从理念到具体执行措施,都处于“缺位”状态 。因此,在仔细解读我国政策性银行实施经济贼本管理的政策建议时,需要强调并秉承的是“理念”与“系统性”两个主题 。如果经济资本管理理念缺位,且经济资本精确计量技术缺乏,严谨的经济资本管理制度就应该成为暂时替代科学管理方法的制度性措施。而经济资本管理措施的执行,是我国政策性银行风险控制的中介路径。经济资本管理举措的开始则是改进当前经济资本配置,如经济资本精确计量的结果仍然是对经济资本总量的估算不足,以及经济资本结构的不合理配置,简言之,经济资本是对风险限额的配置 。显然,经济资本的有效配置,是对风险从量和结构上的识别、预置与资产配置。另外,,无论是银行内部评级的微观基础,还是基于系统性风险的宏观问题,大数据的统计与分析,是当前银行风险管理测度的信息化基础。诚然,在信息处理技术的支持下,经济资本管理的收益与风险控制价值能更大 ,我国商业银行的数据资源从权限管理、数据管理到技术处理都是缺乏的。
第六章 总结与展望