Reading is the most important way through which people can obtain information. Itis also an important task of foreign language teaching. It is a cognitive andcommunicative process concerned with many factors. For most English learners, thereis no doubt that reading is the most important ability among abilities of listening,speaking, reading and writing. They should use English as a tool to consult their books,the internet or other materials for information needed in English. Also, they have a greatdesire to supplement their own professional learning, research and work throughreading. Through reading, learners can obtain a valid language input,which can help them improve their language output. In addition, learners can further consolidate andexpand their knowledge of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar in the process ofreading. Consequently, their abilities of listening, speaking and writing can bedeveloped. So, reading teaching is of great significance in the whole English teaching process.However, the current English reading course in our country has not substantially away from the traditional, single teaching mode. It still appears as passive andteacher-centered mode. Also, there is lack of interactions between the teacher andstudents, among students, as well as between student and the text. Therefore, there isdifficulty for teachers to improve students' comprehensive proficiency of Englishlanguage. Students are inactive and always seem to be absent-minded in classroom. So,it is important for us to adopt an effective approach to reading teaching.The author of this research believes that English reading teaching should be aninteractive and dynamic process. Only through real communication and interactionbetween the teacher and students can teachers’ teaching tasks and students’ learningobjectives be completed. This research covers a study concerning the application ofinteractive teaching approach to English reading teaching in senior high school underthe guidance of interaction theory, as well as input and output hypothesis. Theadvantages and disadvantages existing in the application of interactive teachingapproach to English reading teaching, as well as solutions to the problems occurring inthis process are discussed here. At the end of this research, the author presents major findings and limitations of the research. Also, some suggestions are given to teachers forthem to use interactive teaching approach properly and flexibly under new curriculumreform.
2.1 Interaction Theory
Interaction can help people facilitate the communication between them in fo reignlanguage learning. It can make them express themselves better and know what the otherpeople say. Many scholars pay special attention to the function of interaction in Englishreading teaching. Interaction has long been considered as the best way to learn alanguage, so language teaching should be interactive.The research on interaction begins with the efforts of both socialists andpsychologists. As is described by Brown (2001), interaction is the exchange of people'sthoughts, feelings or ideas affecting each other mutually. In classroom teaching,interaction requires that students can express their own ideas. Also, they should own theability of comprehending their partners’ ideas. River (1997) reveals that one listens toothers and responds to them directly or indirectly, and then others listen and respond.The students are engaged in interpreting meaning through interaction. Also, they areencouraged to do tasks in pairs or in groups to absorb the knowledge from each otherand express themselves freely through this way.2.2 Interactive TeachingApproach
Interactive teaching approach stands for advanced teaching mode. It transformstraditional teaching mode into a new and effective one. The new teaching mode istypical as teacher-centered, in which teacher guides and encourages students to take partin classroom activities. Meanwhile, the teacher always interacts and communicates with students. Zhang Shuqin (2003) thinks that interactive teaching approach is a two-wayprocess in which the teacher modifies his or her approaches in response to the needs ofthe learner. In a word, interactive teaching approach aims to make students the center ofthe class, and make efforts to improve students' English reading ability through interacting with the teacher. Lv Honglan(2005) also concludes that interaction is anactivity of language communication, in which both the teacher and students canparticipate and communicate with each other.CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.......13
3.1 Research Questions13
3.2 Research Subjects...13
3.3 Research Instruments............... 14
4.1 Results and Analysis from Questionnaire I27
4.2 Results and Analysis from Questionnaire II................ 32
4.3 Results and Analyses from Pre-test and Post-test........41
5.1 Major Findings.......49
5.2 Pedagogical Implications......... 50
5.3 Limitations............. 51
5.4 Suggestions for Further Study..51
4.1 Results andAnalysis from Questionnaire I
Item 4: I will predict the content of the text based on the topic of it before reading.Item 5: I always relate my background information to the content of the readingtext for better comprehension.Item 6: Our teacher provides us with ways of activating background information inprevious lessons.Item 7: I always get myself involved in thinking about questions that are raised byour teacher actively.Item 8: Our teacher always designs different kinds of interesting activities to makeus read the text actively.As can be observed in the histogram above, the majority of students focus theirattention on the last two options which represent the negative attitudes towards interactive involvement. From item 4 and 5, we know that few of the reader relate theirprior knowledge to the content of the reading material. 62.3% (26.7% pus 35.6%) and62.2% (22.2% plus 40%)of students expressed that they won't predict the content basedon the topic of the article or relate their previous knowledge to the content of the readingtext for better comprehension while reading the text. Item 6 indicates that 57.7% (33.3%plus 24.4%) of students revealed that their English teacher didn't adopt effective methods.So, their background knowledge cannot be activated. Item 7 emphasizes the evaluation ofthe interaction between the teacher and students, from which we can know that themajority of students didn't interact with their teacher actively. Furthermore, item 8 and 9mainly refers to the interaction among students. From them two, we can see that less thanhalf of them like to interact with partners. Because it can make them comprehend the textbetter. It can be concluded from the second dimension that interactions among students,the text and the teacher wasn't mobilized effectively before the experiment. It is urgentfor English teachers to employ interactive teaching approach to promote interaction fromevery aspect.
4.2 Results andAnalysis from Questionnaire II
After a 4-month experiment, another questionnaire was done in accordance to the first questionnaire by the students from the experimental class. Aiming to collect the affective feedback of the interactive teaching approach and make an evaluation, this questionnairewas designed by the author and it contains five parts: students’ interest in English readinglearning, interaction in English reading class and the effect of interactive teaching approach on English reading teaching, of which the third part consists of four aspects: theeffect of interactive teaching approach on narrative texts, the effect of interactiveteaching approach on argumentative texts, the effect of interactive teaching approach onexpositive texts and the effect of interactive teaching approach on applied texts. The nextpart will analyze the data vividly and qualitatively by histogram. The vertical axis standsfor the percentage of students that choose the corresponding option of every item whilethe horizontal one for the number of item. The options of items are representedrespectively by five kinds of bars. In addition, the numbers represent the percentage of overall number of students in experimental class......
5.1 Major Findings
Based on the results of the research on the experiment which has lasted for fourmonths, the author has got the following major findings:Firstly, from the results of Questionnaire I and Questionnaire II, we can see that most of the students from the experimental class have changed their attitudes towardsEnglish reading. They show greater interests in English reading as time goes on andtheir reading ability has improved a lot. Therefore, we can conclude that it is teachers'improper teaching way and dull environment that made students lack of interest and confidence in reading in previous reading classes. Compared to traditional teachingapproach, interactive teaching approach can improve students' interests and confidencein learning English reading. Mainly because it can create a relatively relaxingclassroom atmosphere in which the teacher employs proper ways to guide studentscooperate with the teacher, their partners and the context to do reading moreeffectively and interestedly.Secondly, after four months’ experiment, students can take full advantage of thefollowingreading skills, such as using the title of the text to predict the content of thereading text. Thus they can find out the topic sentences to grasp the main idea of the text quickly and guessing the meaning of some certain words by using clues in thereading text.Thirdly, by comparing the results of pre-test and post-test, it can be seen thatstudents in experimental class have progressed a lot in English reading learning afterone semester's study, especially in narrative texts, argumentative texts and applied texts. However, after four months’ experiment, they have made much less progress inexpositive texts than in the other three types of reading texts. It proves that interactiveteaching approach can affect reading teaching and learning positively. However, theapplication of interactive teaching approach is not effective in all kinds of reading texts.5.2 Pedagogical Implications
Students’ active participation in the reading process can promote them to enhancetheir English reading ability and make them progress more quickly. The active readingprocess is also an interactive process. To accomplish these interactions, the reader cantake advantage of the message given by the author, the knowledge have been masteredby the reader and the reader's hypotheses. The reader can correct and revise his original hypotheses and predictions constantly, as long as he gets enough information related tothe text. It is important to make sure that English reading classes are teacher-led andstudent-centered. Thus students can be involved in the reading process actively andeffectively. To achieve this goal, it is necessary for the teacher to know the definition of interactive teaching approach and learn to teach English reading with interactiveteaching approach. So it is required that teachers understand interactions in the readingprocess comprehensively: interaction between the reader and the author, between thereader and the reading text as well as between the teacher and the reader, and interaction between readers.Secondly, teaching should take the real reading ability of learners intoconsideration. Since most of students in senior high school have the habit of translatingevery important words and phrases to compose the meaning of the whole text in thereading process, which is inappropriate for their understanding of the text, so it is urgentfor English teachers to encourage readers to predict the content of the text based on their previous knowledge or background information introduced by the teacher, and then readthe text to revise or confirm their predictions. The teacher can start by giving studentsthe opportunity to connect their own lives, activities, and interests and concerns withwhat they are reading in the second language. It is also important for the teacher to guide students to gain the main idea of the text with the reading strategy of skimming atthe pre-reading stage. As second language learners, students should learn to masterproper strategies while reading the text. After some time of practice, students willrealize that interactive teaching approach in English reading learning is of great importance.