本文关键词:梦工厂动画电影视觉语言初探 出处:《武汉理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在高度发达的经济社会,,科学技术的日益增长让人们的娱乐生活变得多姿多彩,电影成为了人们日程生活中必不可少的一部分,尤其受到年轻人的喜爱。动画电影是以图形绘制为基础的一种特殊电影形式,是绘画艺术与电影技术相结合的产物,动画电影基于真人实拍电影的视觉语言上,更具有艺术表达力,并且逐渐形成一种视觉语言体系,引导创作者用更加规范的镜头语言传达影片内容。动画电影不再是单纯供人们消遣娱乐的工具,而是一件经由艺术家精心雕琢的艺术品。较于一般影视视觉语言而言,动画电影的视觉语言更纯粹、更简单、更具有美感和富有视觉冲击力。其视觉语言的艺术价值和创作规律不可单纯的对中西方动画进行总结归纳。需要更加深入和正确的认识,考察大量的数据来研究。美国梦工厂作为最大的影视基地之一,出品的电影动画质量也是有目共睹。但是人们对电影动画视觉语言的分析、研究都是基于一般电影动画视觉语言进行的。目前,国内外尚未有针对美国梦工厂影视动画的一套系统完整的视觉语言研究模式理论研究。但随着影视动画的不断发展,其自身的艺术特色越来越明显,逐渐形成了一套自己所特有的视听语言规律,特别是美国梦工厂动画电影。本篇论文主要是分析梦工厂电影动画的视觉语言的元素构成,艺术特点和功能性进行更深层次的研究和研讨。 本文的研究目的是通过研究美国优秀的梦工厂动画电影视觉语言系统的元素构成、功能,并且以《疯狂原始人》为例,更加形象深入且具体的进行分析,试图构建起一个具有美国梦工厂特征的影视动画视觉语言理论框架体系,希望能对尚处于起步阶段的国内影视动画的视觉语言探索起到一定的借鉴意义。 本课题运用文献综述法、比较研究法、动画电影案例分析与总结等研究方法,对梦工厂动画电影的视觉语言的构图、蒙太奇、色彩、景别、光影等进行详细的探讨分析,并结合梦工厂最新取得票房奇迹的动画电影《疯狂原始人》进行具体的分析,创作人员是如何将梦工厂动画电影视觉语言进行传承并大胆革新。根据研究结果来建立一个具有梦工厂特点的视觉语言体系,希望对国内已经踏上动画创作领域的同志给予少许启发。
[Abstract]:In the highly developed economic society, the increasing growth of science and technology makes people's entertainment life become colorful, film has become an essential part of people's daily life. Animation film is a special form of film based on drawing, which is the product of the combination of painting art and film technology. Animation film is based on the visual language of real person film. More artistic expression, and gradually formed a visual language system, leading creators to use more standardized lens language to convey the content of the film. Animation film is no longer a purely entertainment tool for people. It is a work of art carefully crafted by the artist. The visual language of animated films is purer and simpler than the visual language of movies and movies in general. More aesthetic and full of visual impact. The artistic value of visual language and the rules of creation can not simply sum up and sum up the Chinese and Western animation, need to be more in-depth and correct understanding. Look at a lot of data to study. As one of the largest film and television base, the quality of movie animation produced by DreamWorks is also obvious to all. But people analyze the visual language of film animation. The research is based on the general visual language of movie animation. There has not been a systematic and complete research on the visual language research model of American DreamWorks film animation at home and abroad. However, with the continuous development of film and television animation, its own artistic characteristics are becoming more and more obvious. Gradually formed a set of their own unique audio-visual language law, especially the American DreamWorks animation film. This paper mainly analyzes the elements of the visual language of DreamWorks animation. The art characteristic and the function carry on the deeper level research and the research. The purpose of this paper is to study the elements and functions of the excellent dream factory animation visual language system in the United States, and take "Crazy primitive Man" as an example, more image, in-depth and specific analysis. This paper attempts to construct a theoretical framework of visual language of film and television animation with the characteristics of American DreamWorks in the hope that it can be used for reference to explore the visual language of film and television animation in China which is still in its infancy. This subject uses the literature review method, the comparative research method, the animation movie case analysis and the summary and so on research method, to dream factory animation movie visual language composition, montage, color, scene. Light and shadow and so on detailed discussion and analysis, and combined with DreamWorks latest box office miracle of the animation film "Crazy primitive Man" for specific analysis. How do the creators inherit and innovate the visual language of DreamWorks animated films. Based on the results of the research to establish a visual language system with the characteristics of DreamWorks. I hope to give some inspiration to the comrades who have set foot on the field of animation creation in China.
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