发布时间:2018-01-13 13:28
本文关键词:电视剧文化对青少年价值取向的影响与对策 出处:《湖南师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着传媒技术的更新和普及,电视剧已发展成为现代社会一种颇具吸引力和影响力的大众文化形态。从媒介的角度看,电视剧是以电视为传播载体的影像符号,它借助电视媒介的力量渗透至人们的日常生活中,构成了社会大众生活方式的重要部分;从文化的角度看,电视剧深刻地影响着社会大众尤其是青少年的文化观念和价值取向,由此参与了整体社会文化的建构。因此,透过电视传播的复杂表象,揭示电视剧文化的深层内涵,探究青少年受众的媒介使用行为及电视剧文化对青少年价值取向的多元化影响,在此基础上,探讨引导青少年价值取向的实践标准,显然具有极强的现实意义与理论意义。 鉴于此,本文选取“电视剧文化对青少年价值取向的影响与对策”这一主题,借助传播学、社会学、心理学和教育学的理论视角,以学理和实证并重的研究路径对之进行全面深入的剖析。 首先,论文从影像时代的语境出发考量了中国电视剧文化的现实生态及其与青少年价值取向之间的关系。论文指出影像时代的来临是技术与文化双重作用的结果,正是在影像时代,电视剧文化的影响力才得以凸显。同时,从中国电视剧的历时发展和共时生态来看,中国电视剧文化是政治话语、精英话语和大众娱乐话语交织共存的场域。进而视之,在由影像主导的媒介化社会中,电视剧凭借“他人导向”社会化的力量潜移默化地影响着青少年的价值取向。 其次,笔者通过实证调研分析了青少年受众的媒介使用行为。从结构性受众的视角来看,电视剧在青少年的日常生活中占据着重要位置,而性别、年龄、文化程度、学习成绩等结构性因素也使得青少年的媒介使用行为呈现出分化和差异。从行为性及文化性受众的视角来考察,一方面,青少年观看电视剧是为了满足特定的需求,包括情感取向的需求——娱乐和认同,以及理智取向的需求——信息、认知和文化资本;另一方面,青少年对电视剧文本的解码呈现出以协商式解读为主,反抗式解读次之,主导式解读最少的倾向。通过多元化的文本解码实践,青少年实现了与电视剧文化之间的意义协商。 再次,论文探究了电视剧文化影响下的青少年价值取向的建构和变迁。从类型学划分来看,主旋律电视剧能够强化青少年对政治合法性和传统文化精神的认同,但主旋律意识形态传播效果的有限性也反映了当今青少年去意识形态化、注重个体自由的价值取向;而对于现实题材电视剧来说,青少年主要从中认知社会、反思自我,部分青少年从中汲取了积极向上的精神追求,但也有少部分青少年形成了功利化、现实化的价值取向;此外,青少年在娱乐类电视剧中则体验了青春情感和审美愉悦,但也可能陷入情感幻象和消费主义的误区。从社会文化语境出发,电视剧文化影响下的青少年价值取向呈现出从一元到多元的变迁,其中,传统与现代、东方与西方之间的冲突与整合在青少年价值变迁中表现得尤为突出。 最后,笔者对电视剧文化之于青少年价值取向的影响进行了反思。必须承认的是,电视剧文化对青少年的巨大影响是媒介化社会中不可避免的现象,对此,我们要在承认电视剧文化影响力的前提下,正确认识电视剧文化对青少年价值取向的多元影响,在此基础上,从电视机构规制、文本价值导向、受众媒介素养三个层面出发,尽可能地规避电视剧文化的负面影响,充分利用电视剧文化的影响力来引导青少年形成正确积极的价值观,促进青少年群体的健康成长。
[Abstract]:With the renewal and popularization of media technology , TV series has become an attractive and influential mass culture form in modern society . From the point of view of the media , TV series is an important part of the public life style . From the angle of culture , TV series deeply influences the cultural idea and value orientation of the society , especially the youth , thus participating in the construction of the whole social culture . In view of this , this paper selects " the influence and countermeasure of TV series culture on the value orientation of teenagers " . By means of the theoretical perspectives of communication , sociology , psychology and pedagogy , this paper makes a thorough and thorough analysis of the path of study and evidence . First , from the context of image era , the paper considers the relationship between reality ecology of Chinese TV series culture and its relationship with youth value orientation . The paper points out that the coming of image era is the result of dual function of technology and culture . Secondly , the author analyzes the media usage behavior of teenagers . From the perspective of the structural audience , the TV series plays an important role in the daily life of teenagers , while the structural factors such as sex , age , culture degree and academic achievement make the media use behavior of teenagers to be differentiated and different . On the one hand , teenagers ' view of TV series is to meet the specific needs , including demand for emotional orientation , entertainment and identity , as well as the demand of rational orientation . Secondly , the thesis explores the construction and change of teen value orientation under the influence of TV series culture . From the classification of genre , the main melody TV series can strengthen the young people ' s identity of political legitimacy and traditional cultural spirit , but the limitation of the effect of the main melody ideology also reflects the value orientation of youth emotion and aesthetic pleasure . In addition , the youth ' s value orientation under the influence of TV series culture from the context of social culture has changed from one element to plural , in which the conflict and integration between tradition and modern , East and West are especially prominent in the change of youth value . Finally , the author reflects on the influence of TV series culture on the value orientation of teenagers . It must be recognized that TV series culture is inevitable phenomenon in the media society . On this basis , we should correctly understand the influence of TV series culture on the value orientation of teenagers . On the basis of this , we should try to avoid the negative effects of TV series culture from the three aspects of TV organization regulation , text value guidance and audience media literacy , and make full use of the influence of TV series culture to guide the teenagers to form the correct and positive values and promote the healthy growth of the youth group .
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