发布时间:2018-01-16 15:32
本文关键词:基于叙事学理论的“伪纪录片”研究 出处:《东北师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:从传统的影片类型来看,剧情片与纪录片一直保持着泾渭分明的界线,对各自精神的坚守一直使彼此不敢越过雷池半步。剧情片以跌宕起伏的情节、强烈的戏剧化冲突以及浓郁的主观色彩而获得青睐,纪录片则以其真实记录历史和生活为第一要义。随着它们不断突破自身成就,越来越熠熠发光的时候,开始有人越过界线,大胆的尝试了不一样的风景。以虚构的方式表现的基于事实的作品和以纪实的手法表现的虚构内容的作品构成电影长廊里一道亮丽的风景。伊文思说:当代纪录片的趋势是,故事片向纪录片靠拢,纪录片向故事片靠拢。二者越来越追求一种界限的模糊,游荡在“真实”与“虚构”的梦幻王国。“伪纪录片”由此而诞生,它的出生好像带着使命一般,为了探求这个世界“真实”与“虚构”之间的模糊地带。 当下,在欧美等国家,伪纪录片更是已经成为各大影院放映的重要片种,改变了过去传统剧情片一统天下的局面。将真实与虚构结合的伪纪录片已经成为世界影视创作的一个亮点,甚至可以带来切身生活的真实改善,,给人带来更多思考。 本文首先界定了“伪纪录片”的定义内涵,为全文的论述提供起点和支撑,在分别浏览了“伪纪录片”和叙事学理论的发展脉络后,笔者从叙事者、叙事人称、叙事视点三个角度完成了对“伪纪录片”中叙事主体的阐述。然后,笔者从时间和空间两个维度对叙事结构进行整理和分析,并结合具体影片综合分析,并从叙事语态角度对叙事创作几大要素进行分类讲述。最后,笔者从“伪纪录片”镜头运动与演员表演等角度探求了“伪纪录片”对受众观影心理的影响因素,并认为娱乐性、真实性是影响“伪纪录片”受众心理的重要因素。文本的选题立意角度较为新颖,目前国内在这个领域的研究尚属匮乏,因此笔者想通过此次学术研究,能够进一步展开对伪纪录片的深入探讨,以期抛砖引玉,让伪纪录片这种特殊片种获得更多业界和学界的关注与重新认识。
[Abstract]:From the perspective of traditional film types, feature films and documentaries have maintained a clear line, the persistence of their spirit has made each other afraid to cross the thunder pool half step. Feature films to the ups and downs of the plot. Intense dramatic conflicts and strong subjective color are favored, documentaries with its true record of history and life as the first meaning. As they constantly break through their own achievements, more and more shining when. People start crossing the line. Bold attempts at different landscapes. Fact-based works presented in a fictional way and fictional works represented in a documentary way constitute a beautiful landscape in the movie gallery. The trend of contemporary documentaries. Feature films are closer to documentaries and documentaries to feature films. They are increasingly pursuing a kind of blurring of boundaries, wandering in the dream kingdom of "reality" and "fiction". Thus, "pseudo-documentary" is born. It was born with a mission in search of the blur between the world's "truth" and "fiction." At present, in Europe and America and other countries, pseudo-documentaries have become the major cinema screening of important films. It has changed the situation of traditional drama film in the past. The pseudo-documentary which combines reality and fiction has become a bright spot of film and television creation in the world, and even can bring real improvement of personal life. Give people more thought. This paper first defines the definition of "pseudo-documentary" and provides the starting point and support for the full text. After browsing the development of "pseudo-documentary" and narratology theory respectively, the author starts from narrator. Narrator, narrative viewpoint three angles to complete the "pseudo-documentary" narration of the main body. Then, the author from the time and space of the two dimensions of the narrative structure of the arrangement and analysis. And combined with a comprehensive analysis of the specific film, and from the perspective of narrative voice to narrate several elements of narrative creation. Finally. From the angle of "pseudo-documentary" lens movement and actor's performance, the author explores the influence factors of "pseudo-documentary" on audience's psychology of viewing film, and thinks that it is entertaining. Authenticity is an important factor affecting the psychology of the audience of "pseudo-documentary". The content of the text is relatively novel. At present, the domestic research in this field is still scarce, so I would like to pass this academic study. It is possible to further explore the pseudo-documentary, with a view to attracting more attention and recognition from the industry and the academic circles, so that the special film of pseudo-documentaries can attract more attention and recognition.
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