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发布时间:2018-04-04 13:42

  本文选题:也门 切入点:电视剧 出处:《浙江大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:此篇论文是关于也门电视剧现状的分析研究,它包含了如下4个章节: 第一章: 第一章回顾了在研究中所使用的研究计划(程序和方法),这一章分为5个部分(研究的问题,研究的重要性,研究的目标,研究的方法论,研究的领域) 该项研究,为一种描述性研究。在研究中,研究人员采用调查法来获得信息, 为获得所研究问题的精确结果和答案,研究者详阅了也门电视剧的相关片段,并用内容分析法对其进行了研究。本研究对象的范围是2007至2011年间生产和播出的也门电视剧。 第二章: 第二章包含如下4个部分,(也门电视的研究,频道类型的研究,也门电视剧的内容研究,也门电视剧的制作研究) 第1部分回顾了也门电视的历史: 也门第一次知道广播电视是在1964年,当时的英国殖民者在亚丁湾建立了电视台用于播放电视节目;在北部地区,1975年才开始播放电视节目。而卫星电视节目的播放始于1995年12月20日。 第2部分回顾了卫星频道的类型,以及这些电视频道的简史。也门有14个频道,其中4个频道属于也门政府,10个频道被私人部门控制,这些电视台或属于政党,或属于商人 第3部分简要的回顾了也门戏剧的发展历程,本节被分成如下2个部分(电视剧的形式,电视剧的种类) 自上世纪70世纪电视出现以来,也门的一些戏剧演出每年举办一次(此处须与原作者确认)。在研究的该时间段内,电视剧的产量出现增长。 -这个部分回顾了也门电视剧(悲剧,喜剧)的形式,研究的结果证明,也门电视剧绝大多数是喜剧和悲剧。喜剧以也门电视剧54.84%的比例排名第一,悲剧以占也门电视剧总数45.16%的比例排名第二。研究结果表明,当代戏剧制作者采用喜剧的形式来对社会问题进行探讨,因为这种风格可以非常好的吸引观众。 -自也门电视出现至今,出现了一系列的历史剧和一些反映名人生平的电视剧(AL-Fajr-Nujom Aharih-Alhanin-Waddah AlYemen-Saif Bin Thi Yazan-Ali Ould Zayed-Mohammed Murshid Naji),其它一些就是社会剧。 第4部分回顾了也门电视剧的制作(也门电视剧制作的日期,电视剧制作的种类,也门电视剧的生产和销售) 也门电视剧的生产始于20世纪80年代,由一些政府部门生产。直到21世纪初,随着一些私营公司的复兴并进入电视剧生产领域,这一格局才得以改变。 也门电视剧私营生产部门的产量占整个研究样本总数的58.06%,政府部门的产量则占研究样本总数的41.94%。 这表明在此期间(2007-2011),私营生产的电视剧已占生产总量的一半多。 政府或者私营部门生产的所有电视剧仅供应也门本土频道,而不以阿拉伯世界或者国际市场为目标,原因如下: -生产一部能够同阿拉伯制作或国际制作相竞争的电视剧,需要投入巨大的人为和财力 私营部门的生产,也没有以阿拉伯和国际市场为目标,而是以稳固也门频道和也门观众为目标。 第三章: 第三章为研究样本的内容分析,分为以下三部分:样本的选择;对分析单元的选择规范的解释;测试的效度和信度 -抽样的方法和选择的理由的部分,可分为两块:实地研究,内容分析研究。 1-实地研究:根据萨那市实际的人口分布,随机抽取了558名电视观众作为研究样本。 由于个人访谈是最好的方法,这种方法被用于本研究的数据收集。 2对也门电视剧样本的内容使用分析,包含也们空间频道播放的电视剧分析,该分析均置于样本调查方法框架中。 样本包括7部电视连续剧,共148集,总时长为21346分钟。 本章选择的特定样本基于工业周刊的艺术类型分析,对此选择作者进行了解释。在此基础上,本研究确立了分析目标:“他说了什么”,意在明确也门电视剧所体现的价值观——秩序、种类、积极价值或消极价值。 第二部分为“章节分析的分类的详述”,该部分分为4个子部分(关于“说什么’的分析-关于“怎么说”的内容分析) -然后是对“如何说”的分析的归类,即拍摄,运动,构图和兴趣焦点,灯光,音响以及蒙太奇风格的类别。 鉴定分析单元的讨论是基于以下几点:-传播介质的自然单元。 镜头的单位。 时间测量的单位。 第三题为组的有效性和可靠性测试。本节回顾了确认分析的有效性和可靠性的程序。 第四章: 第四章回顾了对也门电视剧的内容进行分析研究的结果,此章节将分为七个部分,如下: 第一部分:回顾了该领域研究的成果,并把它分成3个子部分(也门电视剧的收视数量,观众对也门电视剧的看法-抽样人群收看外国电视剧意愿的坚定性)如下: 1-也门电视剧的收视数量。实地研究表明,所研究的抽样人群里,20%不看也门电视剧,这是较高的比例。 2-观众对也门电视剧的意见: 概略式研究表明中等水平的电视剧应位居第一,而较好的电视剧位列第二层级,顶尖的电视剧则居于较后的位置。 3-抽样人群收看外国电视剧意愿的坚定性: 研究结果证明,土耳其电视剧的收视率排名第一,叙利亚电视剧排名第二,埃及电视剧排名第三,海湾国家电视剧排名第四,而美国电视剧则排名第五。 第2章题为“技术含量的分析研究结果”,并分为7个子部分。 第一部分是分为2个子部分(镜头的使用类型-在也门的电视剧的构图视角),也门电视剧中镜头的戏剧性目的: A-通过划分所使用的镜头及其戏剧目的,明确了镜头类别及其戏剧目的。有三种类型的镜头,分别对应三种特定的含义:-远景镜头对应“认知”。-中景镜头对应“行动”。-特写镜头对应“张力”。 研究表明,中景镜头在也门电视剧中占据最高比例,其次是远景镜头。这个结果与镜头类型及其功能之间的关系相吻合。 分析研究的结果表明,相当大比例的远景镜头,亦并无戏剧性目的。此外,很大比例的中景镜头,并无明确的戏剧性目的,但其比例低于远景镜头。且该研究表明,远景镜头中,具戏剧性目的长镜头的比例,要高于无戏剧性目的长镜头的比例。 B-成像角度: -过度使用非常规构图视角,被认为是导致观众注意力分散的因素之一。研究结果证实,也门电视剧对联合国常规角度的正常使用,是其技术形态上的优势之一. 研究证实,相比于其他类型的视角,也门电视剧在构图上更着重于常规视角。 第二章分成三个子章节(运动的特点,动作表演的特点,摄像机移动的戏剧性目的)如下: A-运动的特点。本章对也门电视剧中的运动特点的研究,首先关注的是摄像机的移动和主体之间的关系。 研究结果证明,在也门电视剧的画框中,运动更多的依赖于摄像机运动,而非主体,因为主体的运动需要耗费更多的精力:为运动设计方案,建立移动的位置,这些都可能增加制作成本 B-本章回顾了角色的动作表演的特点,研究的结果表明,也门电视剧中的表演既空洞又不当,从而导致枯燥感,事件之间显得缺乏互动。 C-本章回顾了在也门电视剧里摄像机移动的戏剧性目的。根据本研究所提及的原因,也门电视剧中电子变焦的镜头运动占据较大比例。摄像机移动的戏剧性的目的如下 1-为跟踪事件。 2-确认和加强戏剧性含义。 3-事物之间的象征性联系。 第三章节:该章节被分成4个子章节(构图的显著特征-构图面的戏剧性效果-为实现构图深度所采用的技术手段-镜框内注意焦点的确定)如下: A-在也门的电视剧的构图特点: 该项研究的结果证明,也门电视剧在构图上缺乏对第三维的重视,仅集中在个平面上,忽视了三维所具备的重要性,即对观众在图像的内容和戏剧含义的感知上的冲击力。 B-该章回顾了构图层次的戏剧性目的。研究发现,也门电视剧主要关注于观众对构图的深层心理感受,而非其他戏剧目的,如构图层次的心理联系,强化角色的戏剧性等。 据研究,这归于构建构图水平的类型,它需要的时间和精力去对图像的构图作研究和预先研究。 C-本章回顾了在也门电视剧中为实现构图深度而采取的技术手段,其表现如下: 1-安排构图水平层次时的兴趣点。 2-安排构图水平层次和照明时的兴趣点。 3-单独使用光来实现安排。 D-研究确定了在也门的电视剧的景框内,其关注的重心,如下: 1-展现最重要的戏剧元素。 2-强化的戏剧性效果。 3-建立一个平衡的构图。 4-在景框内展现出变化。 第四章题为“也门电视剧中用光的特点”: 本章回顾了也门电视剧中用光的特点,以及自然光源和人工照明光源的时间象征。 第五章的标题是“也门电视剧中声音的特点’ 本章回顾了在也门的电视剧的声音特性,研究表明,这些电视剧更倾向于使用戏剧性对白而非其他声音艺术形式。 随后本章回顾了出现在也门的电视剧中的其他各种形式的声音。 第六章题为“也门电视剧中蒙太奇的特点”: 本章回顾了对蒙太奇特点的研究。 研究表明,为追求蒙太奇上的戏剧性目的,也门电视剧倾向于保持事件的延续性,而忽视其他的戏剧性追求。因此在也门电视里,大多数的戏剧性动作,停留在条款中所设置的拍摄长度和时间的层面,而从不超过它以获取戏剧性效果。在也门的电视剧里,事件的戏剧性节奏感缺乏。-第七节划分为两个子部分(涉及正面和负面的价值观,正面的价值观的类型)如下: 也门电视剧的内容分析,此章节的目的在于辨析也门电视剧中价值观的类型和顺序,分析研究的结果如下: 1-关系到正极和负的值:分析研究的结果表明,积极的社会价值观被提及的比例,占总数的71.06%。而消极的价值观被提及的比例则占28.94%。 2-价值观的类型: A-正面的价值观: 也门电视重视“爱”的价值,这种价值观位列第一。居第二位的是“牺牲”,排名第三的是“帮助他人”,排名第四的是“对科学的热爱”,排名第五的是“野心”,排名第六的是“爱国精神”。 B-负面的价值观: 也门电视剧中的负面价值观里,“剥削”所占的百分比排名第一,“贪婪”排名第二.另一方面,排名第三的是“对他人的阴谋”,而“手段”和“欺骗”分别排名第四和第五。
[Abstract]:This paper is an analysis of the status quo of the Yemeni TV series , which contains the following four chapters :

Chapter 1 :

Chapter 1 reviews the research plans ( procedures and methods ) used in the study , which are divided into 5 parts ( research issues , importance of research , objectives of research , methodology of research , research areas ) .

The study was a descriptive study . In the study , the researchers used the survey method to obtain information ,

In order to obtain the exact results and answers of the questions studied , the researchers reviewed the relevant sections of the Yemeni TV series and carried out a study with content analysis . The scope of the study was the Yemeni TV series produced and aired between 2007 and 2011 .

Chapter II :

The second chapter contains the following four parts : ( Yemen TV ' s research , channel type research , Yemen TV series content research , Yemen TV series production research )

Part 1 reviews the history of Yemeni television :

The first time Yemen knew that radio and television was in 1964 , when British settlers set up television stations in the Gulf of Aden to play television programmes ;
In the northern region , television programmes began only in 1975 , and the satellite television program began on 20 December 1995 .

Part 2 reviews the types of satellite channels and a brief history of these television channels . Yemen has 14 channels , 4 of which belong to the Government of Yemen and 10 channels are controlled by the private sector , either political parties or businessmen .

Part 3 briefly reviews the development process of Yemen ' s drama , which is divided into 2 parts ( the form of TV series , the type of TV series )

Since the advent of television in the 1970s , some of Yemen ' s theatrical performances have been organized once a year ( here to be confirmed by the author ) . During the period under study , the production of television shows increased .

This section reviews the forms of Yemeni drama ( tragedy , comedy ) . The results of the study show that the vast majority of Yemen ' s television dramas are comedy and tragedy . The comedy is ranked second in the proportion of Yemeni TV dramas 54.84 % . The results show that contemporary drama producers take the form of comedy to explore social problems , because they can appeal to the audience very well .

- Since the presence of Yemeni television , a series of historical plays and a number of television dramas reflecting celebrity life ( AL - Faye - Nujom Aharih - Alhanin - Waddah Altruh - Saif Bin Thi Yazan - Ali A Zayed - Mohammed Murshid Naji ) have emerged , and others are social plays .

Part 4 reviews the production of the Yemeni TV series ( the date of the production of the Yemeni TV series , the type of TV series production , the production and sales of the Yemeni TV series )

The production of teleplay in Yemen began in the 1980s and was produced by a number of government departments . It was not until the beginning of the 21st century that the pattern was changed with the revival of some private companies and the entry into the field of TV series production .

The production of the private production sector in Yemen accounts for 58.06 % of the total number of research samples , and the government ' s output accounts for 41.94 % of the total number of research samples .

This indicates that during this period ( 2007 - 2011 ) , private - produced television shows have accounted for more than half of the total production .

All television dramas produced by the Government or the private sector only serve the local channels of Yemen , not in the Arab world or the international market , for the following reasons :

- Production of a television series that can compete with Arab production or international production , requiring huge human and financial resources

Private sector production has not been targeted at the Arab and international markets , but is aimed at stabilizing Yemeni channels and Yemeni audiences .

Chapter 3 :

The third chapter is to study the content analysis of samples , which is divided into the following three parts : selection of samples ;
an explanation of the selection specification of the analysis unit ;
Validity and reliability of test

- Part of the method and rationale for sampling can be divided into two categories : field studies , content analysis studies .

1 - Field study : 558 television viewers were randomly selected as research samples , according to the actual population distribution in the city .

Since personal interviews are the best methods , this approach is used for data collection in this study .

2 Analysis of the content use of Yemeni TV series samples , including the TV series analysis of spatial channel play , is put into the framework of sample survey method .

The sample consisted of 7 TV series , a total of 148 episodes and a total duration of 21346 minutes .

Based on the analysis of the art type of industrial weekly , the specific sample chosen in this chapter is explained by the author . On this basis , the study establishes the analysis objective : " What he said " , it is intended to clarify the values , order , kind , positive value or negative value embodied in the Yemeni TV series .

The second part is the " detailed description of the classification of section analysis " , which is divided into 4 sub - sections ( on " what is said " - content analysis on " how to say " )

- Then the classification of the analysis of " how to say " , that is , photography , movement , composition and interest focus , lights , sound , and the category of the Montage style .

The discussion of the qualification analysis unit is based on the following points : - the natural unit of the propagation medium .

Unit of the lens .

Unit of time measurement .

The third is entitled Effectiveness and Reliability Testing of the Group . This section reviews procedures to confirm the effectiveness and reliability of the analysis .

Chapter IV :

Chapter IV reviews the results of the analysis of the contents of the Yemeni TV series , which will be divided into seven parts , as follows :

The first part : reviews the results of the research in the field and divides it into three sub - sections ( the number of television dramas in Yemen , the audience ' s perception of the Yemeni TV series - the persistence of the willingness of the sample population to watch foreign television shows ) as follows :

1 - The number of TV dramas in Yemen . Field studies have shown that 20 % of the sampled population is not looking at Yemen ' s TV series , which is a higher proportion .

2 - The audience ' s comments on the Yemeni TV series :

The general research shows that the middle - level TV series should be in the first place , while the second - level TV series is the second - level , and the top TV series is in a later position .

3 - The firmness of the willingness of the foreign television show to be watched by the sample population :

The results of the study show that Turkey ' s television series is ranked No . 1 , the second in the Syrian TV series , the third in the Egyptian TV series , the fourth in the Gulf state TV series , and the fifth in the U.S . TV series .

Chapter 2 , entitled " Analytical Study Results for Technical Content " , is divided into 7 sub - sections .

The first part is divided into 2 sub - parts ( the use type of the lens - the composition perspective of the TV series in Yemen ) , the dramatic aim of the lens in Yemen ' s TV series :

A - The lens category and its theatrical purpose are clearly defined by dividing the lens used and its theatrical purpose . There are three types of lenses corresponding to three specific meanings : - the scene lens corresponds to " cognition " . - The shot lens corresponds to " action " . - The special lens corresponds to " tension " .

The study shows that the shot is the highest in Yemen ' s TV series , followed by a vision lens . The result is in line with the lens type and its function .

The results of the study show that a significant proportion of the shot lens is not dramatic . In addition , a large proportion of the shot lens is not a dramatic object , but its proportion is lower than that of the far - view lens . And the study shows that the proportion of the long shot with dramatic objects in the far - view lens is higher than that of the drama - free long shot .

B - Imaging Angle :

Over - use of unconventional composition perspectives is believed to be one of the factors leading to distraction of the audience . The results of the study demonstrate that the normal use of the Yemeni TV series in the regular angle of the United Nations is one of the advantages of its technical form .

The study confirms that Yemeni TV dramas are more focused on conventional perspectives than other types of perspectives .

The second chapter is divided into three sub - chapters ( the characteristics of the movement , the characteristics of the action performance , the dramatic purpose of the movement of the camera ) as follows :

The characteristics of A - motion are discussed in this chapter . Firstly , this chapter focuses on the relationship between the movement of the camera and the main body .

The results show that , in the picture frame of the Yemeni TV series , the movement relies more on camera motion , rather than the main body , because the movement of the main body requires more effort : to design a motion design , to establish a moving position , which may increase manufacturing costs

B - This chapter reviews the features of the role ' s action performance , and the results show that the performance in the Yemeni TV series is both hollow and improper , resulting in a lack of interaction between events .

C - This chapter reviews the dramatic goals of camera movement in Yemen ' s TV series . According to the reasons mentioned in this study , the lens movement of electronic zoom in Yemen ' s TV series occupies a larger proportion . The dramatic aim of camera movement is as follows

1 - For tracking events .

2 - Confirm and strengthen the dramatic meaning .

3 - The symbolic link between things .

Section III : This section is divided into 4 sub - sections ( the dramatic effect of the patterned feature - patterned surface - the technical means used to achieve the patterning depth - determination of focus in the frame ) is as follows :

A - The composition of the TV series in Yemen :

The results of the study demonstrate that the lack of emphasis on the third dimension in the composition of the Yemeni TV series is concentrated on a plane , ignoring the importance of three - dimensional , that is , the impact on the viewer ' s perception of the content of the image and the meaning of the drama .

B - This chapter reviews the dramatic objectives of the composition hierarchy . The study found that the Yemeni TV series focused on the deep psychological feelings of the audience , rather than other theatrical purposes , such as the psychological connection of the patterned hierarchy and the dramatic improvement of the role .

It is believed that this is attributable to the type of composition being constructed , which requires time and effort to study and advance the composition of the image .

C - This chapter reviews the technical measures taken to achieve the depth of composition in Yemen ' s television series , as follows :

1 - Arrange the point of interest at the level of the composition level .

2 - arranged to arrange the level of interest and the point of interest at the time of lighting .

3 - Separate light is used to implement the arrangement .

D - Studies have identified the centre of focus of the TV series in Yemen , as follows :

1 - Show the most important theatrical elements .

2 - Enhanced dramatic effect .

3 - Create a balanced composition .

4 - exhibits a change in the landscape frame .

Chapter IV is entitled " The characteristics of light used in the Yemeni TV series " :

This chapter reviews the features of light used in Yemeni TV dramas , as well as the time symbols of natural light sources and artificial lighting sources .

The title of chapter V is " The Characteristics of Sound in Yemeni TV Plays " This chapter reviews the sound characteristics of TV series in Yemen , and studies show that these TV series tend to use dramatic dialogue rather than other forms of sound arts . This chapter then reviews other forms of sound in the television series in Yemen . Chapter VI is entitled " Characteristics of Montage in Yemen ' s TV series " :

This chapter reviews the study of the characteristics of Montage .

In Yemen ' s TV series , most dramatic moves , staying at the level of the length and time set in the articles , and never exceeding it to get dramatic effects . In Yemen ' s TV series , there is a lack of drama in the event . - Section 7 is divided into two sub - sections ( positive and negative values , positive values of the type ) as follows :

The purpose of this section is to analyze the type and order of values in Yemeni TV dramas , and the results of the study are as follows :

1 - Relationship to positive and negative values : The results of the analysis show that positive social values are referred to as 71.06 % of the total , while negative values account for 28.94 % .

2 - Type of values :

A - Positive values :

Yemeni TV focuses on the value of " love " , which ranks first . The second is " sacrifice " , ranking third is " helping others " , ranking fourth is " love for science " , ranking fifth is " ambition " , ranking sixth is " patriotism " .

B - Negative values :

In Yemen ' s negative values in the TV series , the percentage of " exploitation " ranks first , and " greedy " ranks second . On the other hand , the third is " plot against others " , while " means " and " fraud " rank fourth and fifth , respectively .



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