本文选题:预告片 + 好莱坞 ; 参考:《中国艺术研究院》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:预告片简要来说,就是一部将完整电影最精彩的镜头选取出来进行重新剪辑、配音、包装制作而成,利用网络、DVD、影院等宣传媒介进行传播,从而吸引特定观影人群进入电影院观看正片的广告短片。如今,预告片已经成为电影宣发环节不可缺少的一部分,越来越多的观众也将预告片的效果作为是否去影院观看电影的重要参考因素。 预告片从无到有已经证明了自身的价值,发展到现在也包含了一代代电影人的心血和奋斗。在本文中将好莱坞预告片的历史分为四个阶段:草创时期(约1912年—约1927年),经典时期(约1927年—1950年),变革时期(1950年—1975年),现代时期(1975年—现在)。 电影预告片在好莱坞等成熟的电影市场中是最重要的影片宣传手段之一,预告片广泛的投播途径、强烈的视听震撼、巨大的信息容量是其他宣传手段所无法企及的。好莱坞各个时期的预告片都有其相似之处,而其中又暗含历史的转变。不仅同一部电影各个版本的预告片大同小异而且大多数预告片都有一些相似的类型特点:通过片名或者叙述给观众一些电影的介绍或者总结;从电影中节选出来的场景;快速切换的动作场景;以及出现重要的演职人员或者演员。预告片的类型特性和其他广告也有很多相似之处——当观众读到或者看到这些广告常常会重塑其内涵,即预告片通过不完整的叙事邀请观众参与其中意义的建构,让观众对影片的叙事内容产生猜测和期待。观众观看广告时是在特定的广告与社会意指系统之间形成对广告的理解。 为了避免疏远全球市场中的任何潜在观众,当代好莱坞预告片体现了类型修辞的典范,即在类型化叙事的同时,保持对类型周边可能的观众的吸引力,最大化地利用普世价值。由此,,在叙事时空建构、独特的蒙太奇手段、栅格化(GRID)处理、引导类型化、精准定位受众等特征之上,是好莱坞预告片对类型、明星和叙事的整体性成熟运作。
[Abstract]:Briefly speaking, the trailer is a film that selects the best scenes from a complete film for re-editing, dubbing, packaging and making, using the Internet DVD, cinemas and other propaganda media for dissemination. In order to attract a specific audience into the cinema to watch the film's short advertising. Nowadays, the trailers have become an indispensable part of the film publicity, and more and more viewers regard the effect of the trailers as an important reference factor for whether to go to the cinema or not. Trailers have proved their worth from scratch, and now include the hard work and struggle of generations of filmmakers. In this paper, the history of Hollywood trailers is divided into four stages: the creation period (about 1912-1927), the classical period (about 1927-1950), the period of change (1950-1975), the modern period (1975-present). Film trailers are one of the most important means of film propaganda in the mature film market such as Hollywood. The trailers have a wide range of channels, strong audio-visual shock, huge information capacity is beyond the reach of other means of propaganda. Hollywood trailers from time to time have similarities, and there is an implicit shift in history. Not only the trailers of each version of the same film are similar, but most of the trailers have some similar characteristics: introducing or summing up the movies through the title or narration, selecting scenes from the film; Quick switching action scenes; and the emergence of important performers or actors. There are many similarities between the type of trailers and other advertisements-- when viewers read or see these ads, they often reshape their meaning, that is, the trailers invite the audience to participate in the construction of meaning through incomplete narration. Let the audience to the narrative content of the film to produce speculation and expectations. When viewers watch advertisements, they form an understanding of advertising between specific advertising and social meaning systems. In order to avoid alienating any potential audience in the global market, contemporary Hollywood trailers embody the paradigm of type rhetoric, that is, to keep the attraction of the possible audience around the type while maintaining its appeal to the possible audience around the type, and to maximize the use of universal value. Therefore, on the basis of the characteristics of narrative space-time construction, unique montage means, rasterization, typology, and accurate targeting of audience, it is the mature operation of Hollywood trailers on types, stars and narratives.
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