本文选题:冷战文化 + 韩国战争 ; 参考:《北京大学》2013年博士论文
【摘要】:为了想象韩国半岛的和平愿景,探寻根除冷战文化及其构成基础的冷战叙事、冷战思维与冷战意识形态的途径和方法,本文采用比较文学与文化研究的方法,以南、北韩在不同时期出品的间谍题材影片为重点研究的比较文本,综合分析包括韩国战争题材影片、真实女间谍传记等相关资料在内的各类文本,以跨国度、跨语言、跨文化的视角,借助心理学、社会学与女性研究等跨学科的理论与概念,试图穿越冷战与后冷战的时间疆界,多种角度解读和分析韩国战争中的小人物真实经历以及其中蕴含的冷战文化要素,对韩国战争、后/冷战与冷战文化的成因、特点、运作机制与演变趋势等因素进行全面深入的阐释,为铲除韩国半岛的冷战意识及其文化提出超越排他性民族主义的积极解释。 本文的本论大致分为三大部分,对上述内容进行全面论述。 第一章与第二章为第一部分,在依据解密资料重新解读韩国战争与冷战文化的基础上,比较研究后/冷战时期的韩国战争片,具体考察冷战叙事与冷战思维的运作方式。韩国战争片作为后/冷战时期社会、文化与意识形态文本,在冷战时期起到了官方叙事宣传工具的作用,固定并强化了冷战叙事,而且在后冷战时期对再现那场战争以及唤起当时的创伤记忆也发挥了相当关键的作用。电影作为意识形态的竞争场所,常常通过再现与重写的方式来建构民族国家的团体历史记忆以及国民的反共身份。 第三章至第六章为第二部分,综合分析冷战结构下产生的女间谍题材影片与真实女间谍故事,探讨二项对立式冷战思维下的女间谍身份、主体性以及性别的问题。在这一部分中分别用一章的篇幅对具有典型意义的二位女问谍金贤姬和金寿任作重点解析,综合分析有关影片、传记等各类文本,阅读在冷战结构下被民族主义叙事扭曲的这些女性。女间谍在国家大义名义的“召唤”下被推上冷战舞台,扮演了为祖国与革命而忘我牺牲的主体角色。但那不过是空中楼阁式的主体性而已,因为她们在扮演主体角色过程中,由于她们“性爱化的身体”而使她们的存在被物质化及客体化了。然而,当她们性爱化的身体穿越身体与精神、善与恶、我与他者等二项对立式思维的时刻,也就暴露了她们其实是冷战思维运作方式的结果。如果考虑到冷战文化就是以二项对立式的思维所造成的,那么借助穿越疆界的女间谍则可以证明,冷战结构的内在性质就是充满暴力的、不真实的以及不合法的,就是生产他者的机制。 第七章为第三部分,从流散者的视角分析后冷战时期的间谍题材影片,反思韩国战争与冷战结构,想象韩国半岛未来的和平愿景。主要以近年来出品的间谍片与真实女问谍的“流散之歌”为文本研读对象,探讨人们心中对半岛和平未来的企盼。其实,韩国战争以后产生的无数流散者及其遭受到的身心创伤是冷战结构与战争最主要与最严重的后果。由于间谍乃是处于冷战结构外部的流散者,他们视野中的真实性或虚构性书写经常超越二项对立的、僵化的民族国家话语,因而更能够提供穿越冷战结构疆界的可能性,对消除冷战文化更具有想象力。 总之,本文通过分析韩国半岛冷战与后冷战时期的间谍影片中作为冷战历史的虚假主体同时也是牺牲者的女间谍故事,重在探讨冷战意识形态的运作方式以及它的变奏过程,对冷战文化进行深入的讨论,并最终提出终极议题,即如何消除冷战文化,以及是否能够建构起和平文化的可能性。
[Abstract]:In order to imagine the peaceful vision of the Korean Peninsula, explore the cold war narrative, the cold war narrative, the cold war ideology and the cold war ideology, this article adopts the comparative literature and culture research method, the comparative text of the spy film of the South and North Korea in different periods, the comprehensive analysis. All kinds of texts, including the Korean war film, the biography of the true female spy, and so on, are interdisciplinary theories and concepts, such as cross national, cross language and cross culture, with the help of psychology, sociology and female research, trying to cross the cold war and the post cold war time boundaries, and interpret and analyze the small people in the Korean War in many ways. The real experience and the cultural elements contained in the cold war and the factors of the Korean War, the post Cold War and the cold war culture, the characteristics, the operating mechanism and the evolution trend are thoroughly explained, and the positive explanation for the eradication of the cold war consciousness and culture of the Korean Peninsula is put forward to surpass the exclusiveness nationalism.
This article is roughly divided into three parts, and makes a comprehensive exposition of the above contents.
The first and second chapters are the first part. On the basis of the re interpretation of the Korean War and the cold war culture on the basis of the deciphering data, the Korean war films in the post Cold War period are comparatively studied and the mode of operation of cold war narrative and cold war thinking is specifically examined. It played the role of the official narrative propaganda tool, fixed and strengthened the cold war narrative, and played a critical role in the reappearance of the war and the memory of traumatic memory at that time in the post Cold War period. As an ideological arena, the film was often constructed by rewriting and rewriting the national group. Historical memory and the anti Communist identity of the nation.
The third chapter to the sixth chapter is the second part. A comprehensive analysis of the female espionage films and true female spy stories produced under the Cold War structure, and the discussion of two items of female espionage, subjectivity and gender in the vertical cold war thinking. In this part, the typical two women are asked to ask the spy Jin Xianji and the typical two women in this part. As a key analysis, Jin Shou makes a comprehensive analysis of all kinds of texts related to films, biographies and other types of texts, which are distorted by nationalist narrative under the Cold War structure. Female spies are pushed to the stage of the cold war under the "call" of the name of the national great meaning, playing the main role for the motherland and the revolution, but it is only a castle in the air. In the process of playing the main role, they make their existence materialized and objectified by their "erotic body". However, when their sexual bodies cross the body and spirit, good and evil, and the two pairs of vertical thinking, I and the other are exposed to the cold war thought. The result of the dimensional operation. If the cold war culture was taken into account by two vertical thinking, then the female spy through the border could prove that the inner nature of the Cold War structure was violent, untrue and illegal, which was the mechanism for the production of his people.
The seventh chapter is the third part. From the perspective of the diaspora, it analyzes the spy films in the post Cold War period, rethinks the Korean War and the Cold War structure, and imagines the future peace vision of the Korean Peninsula. In fact, the innumerable diaspora and the physical and mental trauma suffered by the Korean war are the most important and most serious consequences of the Cold War structure and war. As the spies are the diaspora outside the Cold War structure, the authenticity or fictitious writing in their field of vision often transcends the two opposing, rigid national national discourse. Therefore, it can provide the possibility of crossing the structural boundaries of the cold war, and is more imaginative to eliminate the cold war culture.
In a word, through the analysis of the female spy stories in the Korean Peninsula cold war and the post Cold War spy films as the false body of the cold war history and the victims, this paper discusses the operation mode of the cold war ideology and its course of variation, and discusses the cold war culture in depth, and finally puts forward the ultimate issue, that is, how to eliminate it. In addition to the cold war culture, and whether it is possible to construct a culture of peace.
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