本文选题:动画 + 声音 ; 参考:《大连工业大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:画作为一门特殊的艺术形式,与传统艺术有着千丝万缕的联系,却又不完全是单一纯粹的艺术表达。如果说一个空间的世界是三维的,而线性贯穿的时间作为第四维元素存在着,那么动画是同时具有空间与时间的四维艺术。然而,动画区别于传统摄影、绘画、雕塑等视觉艺术的特点便是加入了声音这一元素,而中国文化区别于外国文化的根本,正是中国博大精深的语言艺术。因此,声音的力量和语言的魅力,作为动画细腻情感的表达手段,无疑是在空间和时间之外的第五维和六维创造。为此,我选择一个具有声音象征的名字《哎,喂》,并用毕业作品实例的方式分析中国式动画的六维表达。 首先,第五维——语言。在动画中语言要从显性和隐性两方面入手,如同人类的基因,显性基因是直接显像的,即从声音能够直接传达的对白、独白和旁白中可以体现。而隐性基因必须在纯合的状态下,即配对出现具有共同性状的隐性基因时方能显像,在这里我把它归结于前期的文学剧本创作,必须通过主题立意、叙事结构、人物刻画等等方面综合起效。因此,我们也可以把文学剧本和人声的对白、独白和旁白归纳为整体和细节。整体的语言艺术是隐性的,渗透在影片之内,虽非直接视听所得,却依稀可感;细节的语言雕琢是显性的,贯穿于影片之中,如何真实自然又不失风采,成就影片效果的好与坏。 其次,第六维——声音。声音在动画中是灵魂的代表,是表达情感的。画面和声音加起来组成视听语言,创作者用视听语言讲故事,表达自己的态度和情感,而在这个过程中,声音正是触及灵魂的那部分元素。画面表达很直观,,代表存在,而声音是看不见摸不着的,是灵魂的表达。 “哎”和“喂”,是一种声音,一种呼唤的简单形式,它可以有很多种意义:初期可能是冷漠;中期也许是默契;最后则变成了既熟悉又陌生的记忆。影片采用日记形式的语言表达,淡淡暖色调的彩铅手绘,极少的动作,温和的节奏,凭借语言和声音艺术的表达,营造清新温和的叙事节奏。同时,通过影片表达国产动画对声音的诉求。
[Abstract]:As a special art form, painting is closely related to traditional art, but it is not a single pure artistic expression. If the world of space is three-dimensional, and linear time exists as the fourth dimension element, then animation is a four-dimensional art with space and time at the same time. However, animation is different from traditional photography, painting, sculpture and other visual arts, which is characterized by the addition of sound, and the fundamental difference between Chinese culture and foreign culture is the profound language art of China. Therefore, the power of sound and the charm of language, as a means of expression of the delicate emotion of animation, are undoubtedly the fifth dimension and six dimensional creation outside of space and time. For this reason, I chose a name with a sound symbol, "Hey, hello", and analyzed the six dimensional expression of Chinese animation with the example of graduation works. First, the fifth dimension-language. In animation, language should start from two aspects: dominant and recessive. Like human genes, dominant genes are directly visualized, that is, they can be reflected in the dialogue, monologues and narratives that sound can convey directly. And recessive genes have to be in a homozygous state, that is, when a pair of recessive genes with a common trait appears to be able to visualize, and here I attribute it to the early writing of a literary script, which must be based on the theme, the narrative structure, The character portray and so on aspect synthesizes the effect. Therefore, we can also literary script and voice dialogue, monologue and narration into the whole and details. The whole language art is recessive, permeated into the film, although not directly audio-visual gains, but vaguely felt; the language of detail is explicit, throughout the film, how real and natural without losing style, To achieve the good and bad effects of the film. Second, the sixth dimension-sound. Sound in animation is the representative of the soul, is the expression of emotion. Picture and sound combine to form audiovisual language. The creator tells stories in audiovisual language to express his attitude and emotion. In the process, sound is the element that touches the soul. Picture expression is intuitive, represents existence, and sound is invisible, is the expression of the soul. "Hey" and "Hello" are a voice, a simple form of call, which can have many meanings: initially may be apathy, intermediate may be tacit understanding, and finally become familiar and unfamiliar memory. The film adopts the language expression of diary form, the light warm tone color lead hand drawing, the minimal movement, the gentle rhythm, depending on the expression of the language and the sound art, creates the fresh and gentle narrative rhythm. At the same time, through the film to express the sound of domestic animation.
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