[Abstract]:"IP" (intellectual property) refers to a TV drama adapted from a popular "IP" with a large following base; a court IP drama refers to an IP drama on the subject of an ancient court. It can also be said that IP resources TV series about court drama, this paper focuses on the network novel IP adapted from the court drama as the object of study. In recent years, the TV series adapted from the new "IP" is very popular, and a large number of court IP dramas adapted from network novels are shown in turn, and even appear "overt screen" phenomenon. Court IP drama has achieved great success. Success must have its cause, and success is certainly worth learning from. It is found that the key to their success is the success of their communication strategies. Based on the theories of communication, sociology, narratology, mass culture and media marketing management, this paper studies the art text of court IP drama, that is, the construction and content production of court IP, as well as the audiovisual language to express court culture. At the same time, it deeply studies its media marketing and communication strategy, finds out the most effective communication strategy of court IP drama, and then probes into the reasons and rules of the success of court IP drama at a deeper level, in order to promote the sustainable development of court IP drama and other IP drama. For the optimization and prosperity of drama theater to bring good inspiration and reference. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction. This paper mainly describes the basis of the topic, research value and current situation, research methods and innovative points. The second part is the summary of court IP drama, the definition of related concepts, the development of court IP drama, the times context and policy environment of court IP drama survival. The third part of the court IP drama communication basis of the art text creation strategy. Including the construction of court IP and content production, the expression of court culture audiovisual language. The strategies in the construction and content production of court IP are as follows: select court IP theme, construct court IP structure and optimize court IP content. The audiovisual language strategies to express court culture are: beautiful court screen, star actors join, original and consistent with the plot of the way, create court music. The fourth part is the media marketing strategy of court IP drama based on social media platform. Including integrated communication strategies, interactive communication strategies, multiple communication strategies. The fifth part is about the problems and countermeasures in the spreading strategy of court IP drama.
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