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发布时间:2018-07-20 10:54
[Abstract]:As a new phenomenon of micro-film, the appearance of Fu attracted the attention of the public. From 2010, it was named the first year of micro-film, microfilm continues to ferment, professional micro-film and grassroots micro-film go hand in hand. Professional microfilm is more discussed by the industry is the commercial type of micro-film unique marketing function, while grassroots micro-film is considered to open the door to self-creation and dissemination, The grass-roots class held an unprecedented right to speak. However, with the proliferation of professional microfilms, especially the commercial microfilms, the territory of microfilm has become more visible and communication market. It is still open to question whether the grassroots micro-film has grasped the discourse right as many people expect. Therefore, this paper defines the micro-film from the angle of communication and the basic theory of communication. This paper analyzes the basic communication process and communication system of micro film, and the relationship between micro film and network discourse power. At the same time, combined with the connotation of network discourse right, this paper analyzes the discourse status of each group in micro-film, and the constraints and problems encountered in the process of realizing the discourse right in grassroots micro-film. The author thinks that a more democratic communication platform does not necessarily lead to a more democratic discourse effect. The significance of a more democratic communication platform lies in the cultivation of democratic consciousness of netizens. The realization of micro-film discourse power also depends on the improvement of media literacy and the mastery of media technology.


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