发布时间:2018-07-25 08:58
[Abstract]:Ecological culture is very prominent in European and American film culture. This kind of film puts its foothold on the relationship between man and nature, focuses on domination and desire, and completes the perspective of human nature from the perspective of philosophy. European and American movies depict every story of human beings living together with nature. Human beings have to face sudden natural disasters, and nature has to accept the domination of human hegemony. Conflicts and conflicts are often followed by dilapidated environments and harm to humanity. In the end, the plot will focus on the self-reflection of the European and American films, and strive to appeal to people to pay attention to the ecology and plan the road of "survival" reasonably.
【作者单位】: 郑州工商学院;
[Abstract]:Ecological culture is very prominent in European and American film culture. This kind of film puts its foothold on the relationship between man and nature, focuses on domination and desire, and completes the perspective of human nature from the perspective of philosophy. European and American movies depict every story of human beings living together with nature. Human beings have to face sudden natural disasters, and nature has to accept the domination of human hegemony. Conflicts and conflicts are often followed by dilapidated environments and harm to humanity. In the end, the plot will focus on the self-reflection of the European and American films, and strive to appeal to people to pay attention to the ecology and plan the road of "survival" reasonably.
【作者单位】: 郑州工商学院;
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