[Abstract]:Time and space are the two basic elements of the film, and the director's thinking is to solve the arrangement and combination of time and space, to create new information of the film works. Antonioni is an innovator, with the sharpest vision and perspective to touch the world, to convey his thinking, to create a film world that suits his ideals. First of all, the flexible use of the lens, the director uses different lenses and scenes to increase the information carrying capacity of the film space, so that the film can express the information content to a large extent. In addition, film directors and artists, taking advantage of this characteristic of film space, form their own independent theory and style for the artistic creation and handling of space in the film, and endow the film space with a kind of beautiful meaning. For the development of film and the development of theory has played a connecting role. Antonioni's unique way of shaping film space makes it the position of a master of art in the film world, and behind this lustrous aura is Antonioni's unique insight into film space and ingenious artistic techniques. This has become a model for people to follow, and Antonioni has also influenced the innovation of the world's film concept, including its impact on films around the world. Many films from various countries in this period will become imitators of Antonioni movie-style, and can see the shadow of Antonioni film space and artistic technique everywhere in the world.
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