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发布时间:2018-08-07 13:57
【摘要】:工业革命与两次世界大战注定让二十世纪成为一个裂变的时代,人类物质生活与精神领域发生了翻天覆地的变化。二十世纪20年代,欧美科幻电影中开始涌现关于反乌托邦精神的思考。电影直指社会中最根本的弊病,犀利地描绘了未来世界政治体制弊端、科技滥用可能带来的危害以及环境污染、资源耗竭等,让观众更加清醒地认识我们生存的社会充满了各种矛盾与问题,从而表达出对人类世界精神困境的关注。 复杂多变的政治、经济环境与反乌托邦思想的诞生息息相关。电影的反乌托邦色彩主题主要围绕政治集权主义、高度专制主义、科技滥用与失控以及人类革命与自由的问题展开。其中最核心的理念是要通过这些主题的表达,达到保持警惕、劝诫的作用。 欧美反乌托邦科幻电影中的主人公身上集合了英雄、智者与反思者三种形象的特征。他们或者曾经孤独、迷茫,看不清世界真实的模样;他们或者是大都市中卑微的小人物,或者是被命运玩弄的小丑。但是他们最终醒悟过渡成为反乌托邦思想者,在混沌、黑暗的世界展开末世救赎。 反乌托邦色彩在电影的叙事风格与视觉风格上有其特别的呈现方式。叙事上,后现代主义复制、拼贴与非线性叙事手段为表达电影反乌托邦主题起到了巨大的帮助作用。低调摄影的手法、色彩的表意功能很好的营造了电影“黑色科幻”的影像风格。 欧美科幻电影中的反乌托邦色彩充满了哲学思辨色彩,深刻剖析人类为什么存在孤独、荒诞、异化等状态。电影充满反思精神,试图通过表达对未来世界的普遍担忧提醒人们应当时刻保持警惕。
[Abstract]:The industrial revolution and the two world wars destined to make the twentieth century a fission era, and the material life and spiritual field of human beings have undergone earth-shaking changes. In the 1920s, the European and American sci-fi films began to reflect on the dystopian spirit. The film refers directly to the most fundamental maladies in society, and sharply depicts the drawbacks of the world political system in the future, the possible harm caused by the misuse of science and technology, and environmental pollution and depletion of resources, and so on. Let the audience more soberly understand that our society is full of contradictions and problems, thus expressing concern for the spiritual plight of the human world. The complicated and changeable political and economic environment is closely related to the birth of dystopian thought. The dystopian themes of the film mainly focus on the issues of political centralism, high autocracy, misuse and loss of control of science and technology, and human revolution and freedom. The core idea is to be vigilant and admonish through the expression of these themes. The protagonists in the utopian sci-fi movies in Europe and the United States have the characteristics of heroes, wise men and introspectors. They were lonely, confused, unable to see what the world really looked like; they were lowly little people in big cities, or clowns played by fate. But they finally wake up to become dystopian thinkers and end-world redemption in a chaotic, dark world. The dystopian color has its special presentation in the narrative and visual style of the film. In narration, post-modernism replication, collage and non-linear narrative means play an important role in expressing the dystopian theme of the film. Low-key photography techniques, color ideographic function is very good to create the film, "Black Science Fiction" image style. The dystopian color in American and European sci-fi films is full of philosophical speculation, which deeply analyzes why human beings exist loneliness, absurdity, alienation and so on. Full of introspection, the film tries to remind people of the need to remain vigilant by expressing widespread concerns about the future world.


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