[Abstract]:Since the 1990s, many films have appeared in China and South Korea, focusing on the social fringe and showing the bottom ecology. The modern cities and traditional towns in the films, as physical living space, based on different cultural backgrounds and geographical characteristics, show different styles of space gestures; and as spiritual significance space, in complex social ethical knots. The themes of life and death, loneliness and loss, ideal and reality, memory and eternity are implicitly hidden in the film narrative space created by the director. The types of narrative space at the bottom and the narrative functions of typical spatial images are discussed. On this basis, the construction strategies of the narrative space at the bottom are discussed, and the differences between the metaphors of the narrative space at the bottom and their inherent economic, political and social reasons are explained. Three sections respectively analyze the personalized characteristics of natural scenery and humanistic landscape in natural landscape space, the expression of life flow in individual solitude space and family interaction space in residential space, the symbolic meanings of public places of communication and dynamic means of transportation in social public space. Chapter two is the bottom narrative of Chinese and Korean movies. The realistic expression strategy of space construction is expounded from three aspects: firstly, choosing daily life fragments and realizing space switching through details to shape the rhythmic form of the underlying living space; secondly, realizing the active interaction between the characters and the underlying space through the dialectal space and body rhetoric of the underlying group characters; The third chapter explores the differences of metaphors in the underlying narrative space of Chinese and Korean films. The first section analyzes the underlying individual's self-memory space, presentation mode and expression reality due to the difference between the individual and the self-relationship. Chinese movies mostly externalize and strip away the abstract inner space of consciousness so that the invisible space of consciousness is separated from the individual as the subject of consciousness and transformed into a real visible and independent space image. The essence of the expression is the deviation and return of the individual to the tradition. In order to show the discipline and disobedience to power and power, the body space of individual trauma at the bottom is described. The essence of the expression is the restraint of modernity to the individual and the struggle against the individual. Section two reveals the relationship between the individual and others under different specific life fields, the bottom individuals and others in Chinese and Korean films. In Chinese movies, the humanistic principle of "absence" is the focus of contradictions, while the tradition of "presence" provides an effective way to solve contradictions. In Korean movies, the emphasis is on the expression of the "loss" of the lower-class minors in their seemingly daily lives. In the third section, from the angle of personal and social relations, the author analyzes the different expressions of life alienation in the bottom narrative space of Chinese and Korean films due to the differences of specific national conditions such as economic system, political changes and national trauma. Now it is a kind of imaginary realistic space, that is, reconstructing the modern living space with the attitude of "historicization"; Korean film is a kind of imagination of the real space, that is, writing the national introspective space with the style of "tragedy". The commonness of the mixed strata also truly records the director's appeal to the times and the expectations of the society, reflecting a positive force to promote national spirit, spread national culture, and write national destiny and national fables. Sex also confirms the possibility and necessity of cross regional communication and communication between Chinese and Korean films.
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