[Abstract]:Japanese film director Junji Ishii, born in the 1960s, has lived in a post-colonial social context since he was born. In this period, Japan stepped into a post-industrial society, which also enabled him to gain a post-modern view of women's lives. This vision has evolved into a post-modern landscape in his films, which is mainly discussed in terms of "mixed language" and "the presence of women in both sexes." The mixed language ", which was used by the Russian thinker Bakhtin to refer to the ideal landscape of community culture in which languages, cultures and classes intermingle with each other in an area where people live together, such landscapes are recognized as fragments by virtue of their resolution centers. In today's cultural context, such attributes as publicity of multiculturalism can be directly positioned as a typical post-modern landscape. " As an important content of postmodern culture, feminism pays special attention to the social phenomenon of androgyny, which involves the important issue of women's identity in future generations. The film directed by Junji Ishii cuts into feminist narration from these two aspects and artistically constructs the postmodern landscape in his film. Through this, Ishii expresses his concern and sympathy for the post-modern situation and fate of women in Japan or East Asia.
【作者单位】: 四川师范大学影视与传媒学院;
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3 张丽;岩井俊二小说与电影的互动性研究[D];湖南师范大学;2016年
4 刘可;女性主义视域下的岩井俊二电影[D];四川师范大学;2016年
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